June 15, 2011

Medication Acid Reflux Disease

Natural Heartburn RemediesHeartburn occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter does not completely close, allowing stomach acid to travel up and into the esophagus. If this occurs more than twice a week, you are considered to have acid reflux disease (ARD). Fortunately, there are many things you can do to alleviate or even prevent the symptoms of acid reflux that you can incorporate into your lifestyle.


Antacids such as popular over-the-counter drugs like Maalox, Tums, Mylanta and Rolaids have been known to ease the symptoms of acid reflux. These medications neutralize your stomach acids and provide fast-acting relief in instances when acid reflux is mild or an isolated incidence. Many antacids come in liquid form and coat the lining of the esophagus. This helps to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.


With a bit of trial and error, acid reflux sufferers can figure out their dietary triggers. Common foods that cause acid reflux are:

Keep a dietary journal for a couple of weeks. See if you can figure out what foods are causing your symptoms and comprise a list of foods you should avoid. Because large meals stay in the stomach for a longer period of time, eating smaller, more frequent meals can also be beneficial.


Many sufferers find that sleeping with their head higher than their torso can alleviate night time symptoms of ARD. You can do this by either elevating the head of your bed or sleeping with several pillows under your head, neck and shoulders. Other night time tips include wearing loose fitting pajamas, sleeping on your left side and eating your last meal no later than at least two hours before you lay down for the night.

General Tips

Many people with ARD have found that with just a bit of persistence and a few lifestyle changes, they can easily manage their symptoms.

For more information visit regarding medication for acid reflux disease visit refluxremedy.com today!

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