February 8, 2011
Heartburn Natural Cure
To find a heartburn natural cure, you really don’t have to look much further than your own home and pantry. Sometimes the easiest methods are right at your fingertips and are just waiting for you to try.
Reactive Cures
If you already have heartburn, you will want a more reactive solution to help get rid of your pain as soon as possible. Try one, or even a combination, of these techniques to help put out your heartburn fire.
- Try eating an apple after meals. People with frequent heartburn have found some success with this simple course of action.
- Similarly, a handful of almonds after meals can help ease heartburn.
- Fennel or chamomile tea is also good for calming an upset stomach due to heartburn.
- Ginger is excellent for settling stomachs and has been used for ages for just that purpose. You can try it in tea or as candied ginger with much the same effect.
- Often a tall glass of water is all it takes to get rid of unwanted heartburn. The liquid helps to wash acid, and the pain that goes along with it, away.
- Papaya can help to dissolve food in your stomach and keep acid production from getting out of hand. It contains enzymes that help break foods down, making the digestive process go that much more smoothly.
Proactive Cures
If you’re fairly prone to heartburn, you may want to take a more proactive course of action, and prevent heartburn before it has a chance to take hold.
- Stress can be blamed for all kinds of health related ailments, including heartburn. For the most natural cure of all for your heartburn, simply calm down. That can be easier said than done when there’s a deadline looming, bills to be paid, kids to discipline, and other problems waiting in the wings to rear their ugly faces. However, they will always be there, and how you deal with them can help you to live a longer, happier and healthier life. So, relax. Start treating yourself to regular massages. Add exercise to your daily routine. Make a habit of listening to soothing music at work. Do whatever it takes to keep your stress levels down and your heartburn will stay away.
- Food is a major cause of heartburn, so try these simple techniques when consuming food to keep it in check.
- Be careful of what you eat, and avoid foods that you know will upset your heartburn. Don’t have a clue what causes your heartburn? Think it happens randomly? It may not be as random as you think. Start keeping a log of your meals, and the next time you get heartburn you’ll be able to narrow down the cause. This method can help you to easily identify relationships between food and heartburn, so that you can alter your diet accordingly.
- Don’t over eat. Eating one large meal a day can be harmful to your digestive tract as it scrambles to break all that food down. Try eating smaller meals spread out over the course of the day instead of one or two large meals. That way your body won’t overproduce acid and you can eat without fear of impending heartburn doom.
- Don’t eat before bed. If you still have food in your stomach when you lie down, it makes it difficult for the body to keep that food where it is. This means acids and food escape and can irritate your esophagus. To keep that from happening, don’t eat less than two hours before you lie down, even if it’s just for a nap.
These are only a few of the ways you can approach a heartburn natural cure. For more tips and tricks, visit refluxremedy.com today and get on your way to being heartburn free holistically!
Filed under Natural Heartburn Cures by admin
Comments on Heartburn Natural Cure »
Great post! when fighting heartburn and acid reflux it is always wise to utilize natural remedies,It has been proven that in many cases natural remedies work better then their prescription counterparts.