About Us
The Reflux Remedy Report is a wonderful resource for natural cures of Acid Reflux Disease, GERD, Heartburn, and many other acid inducing conditions. It promises a remedy that is 100% doctor approved and natural. Join the thousands of people that have experience real, effective, and natural relief.
Bob Barton is the author of the Reflux Remedy Report and has experienced firsthand the painful side effects of having an acid reflux problem. After a failed surgery to correct bleeding ulcers in his stomach, bile kept creeping up his esophagus causing him to vomit and have painful acid reflux. After a self discovery of eating apples, he realized this simple fruit gave him complete relief. After making this natural remedy discovery, this was only the beginning in his quest for natural remedies in aiding all kinds of acid diseases that plague so many people worldwide.
Our website is a great source for finding everything you need to finally make the pain subside and help you live your life acid reflux free. Feel free to look at our helpful blog section and read up on natural cures, tips, and guides. Don?t forget to glimpse our testimonials of real customers that have used the Reflux Remedy Report to help them regain control over their acid reflux?naturally.
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I am 51 and have tried many natural remedies. I still have a sore throat and this is despite having only fruit in the morning and vegetables at lunch. I have cut out so much and have bought books on natural cures including, food combining, enzymes, herbs, I have tried so much. I drink cider vinegar, take manuka honey, dring lots of water, do not smoke, walk a lot, meditate and have not had alcohol for a while. Where am I going wrong. Can you please advise?
Just started trying the honey/acv cure to my diet and have particularly heard so much about the positive effects of ACV. Do you know, if I take ACV but in fact don’t have an underly acidic stomanch will it increase my problem? Also can you take to much ACV in a day or at a time? Finally, what is the optimal amount of ACV to consume in a day?
I purchased your program both as a download and as a printed copy. My computer froze so I wasn’t able to download my copy. What can I do to get the download? Thanks Mary
All this discussion about reflux is very important and learn a natural cure is better. But I didn’t see a reference about babies reflux, because this is also serious an there are a lot of new babies with this problem and the doctors didn’t know what to do, because babies only drink milk. So they are using antiacids and even omeprazol. Please is there something for babies? what to do to help them?
Thank you Eliza
I know several people who would love to buy this however they do not own computers. Do you sell this in book form and if so how much is it and how does one order it in book form?
I was happy to find this. I would like to eventually use’natural’ means to rid myself of all my ills.
thank you much,
sincerely, crystal
I have barretts and have never really taken PPI’s on a regular basis. They now say I have to take them the rest of my life or the Barretts can turn into cancer. Any suggestions.
sincerely, Laura