Acid Reflux Causes

September 9, 2011

Causes For Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn, is a painful and pesky problem that affects millions of Americans. Although it is not a serious disease, it is annoying and gets in the way of social activities, work and even sleep. There are several causes of acid reflux, which is most commonly caused by food. But there are other, more serious causes too and if you experience acid reflux very often, consult your physician.

1. Food- acid reflux is most commonly caused by eating spicy food, especially late at night without leaving ample time for the food to digest. When you sleep, remnants of this food can back up into the lower esophagus causing a painful burning sensation in the chest. To counter this, eat spicy foods earlier in the day and pair it with a dairy product, like milk or yogurt, which counteract the effects of the spices. Also, over-the-counter medications such as Maalox, TUMS or Pepto Bismol can give some relief. Other foods that commonly contribute to acid reflux include alcohol, any strong flavors like onion or garlic, soda, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits and tomato-based foods and fried foods.

2. Hiatal Hernia- this is a stomach abnormality in which the stomach and lower esophagus move around within the chest cavity. This can cause acid to back up into the sensitive esophagus and cause the characteristic burning sensation.

3. Pregnancy- increased pressure on the stomach and lower abdominal area can cause acid to back up into the esophagus. The higher levels of hormones can also add to the condition.

4. Smoking- inhaling smoke and other harsh chemicals can eat away at the protective mucous lining of the esophagus, increasing its sensitivity to acid and irritation.

5. Loose esophageal sphincter- there is a muscular gate that connects the esophagus to the stomach to allow the passage of food. In normal individuals, this gate only allows for one-way passage and then closes tightly so that food does not back up. In individuals who suffer from acid reflux, this sphincter is not as tight as it should be and allows food and acid to reverse direction and enter the esophagus. In some cases, corrective surgery is needed to reverse this problem and tighten the sphincter.

6. Laying down or going to sleep too soon after eating- you should allow at least thirty to forty-five minutes for digestion after eating before laying down or going to sleep if you are prone to experiencing acid reflux. Sit up straight and allow gravity to work to keep food and acid in the stomach.

7. Not drinking enough water after a meal- saliva is a natural digestive and is needed to begin and continue the process of digestion. If a person is dehydrated, however, this decreases the production of saliva and can slow the digestive process down, increasing the chances of acid reflux. Be sure to drink a glass of water after a meal, and maybe two if it was a spicy meal.

There are several acid reflux triggers. The trick is to find your triggers and avoid them at all cost. For more information on acid reflux triggers visit Reflux Remedy at today!

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August 26, 2011

Causes Of Acid Reflux Disease

When the part of the stomach that’s connected to the esophagus, which is called the cardia, fails to work properly acid reflux results. The angle between the cardia as it enters the stomach and the esophagus is a doorway, creating a valve to prevent stomach acid, duodenal bile and enzymes from going the wrong way up the esophagus. The angle of this connection between the esophagus and the stomach is called the angle of His, and when it is compromised an inflammation results causing mild to severe discomfort from acid reflux.

Acid reflux or GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, thus occurs when this doorway or barrier protecting the esophagus from the stomach acids has weakened and the lower esophageal sphincter becomes too relaxed. The stomach acids in the esophagus causes what is commonly termed heartburn, a burning sensation in the upper abdomen or the chest. The pain may even be felt in the neck, jaw and throat, and can be profoundly uncomfortable.

Acid reflux can also cause damage to the larynx and the respiratory system. This type of acid reflux is called EERD, extraesophageal reflux disease or LPR, laryngopharyngeal reflux. These forms of acid reflux are referred to as “silent reflux” as they rarely cause heartburn. Acid reflux can also cause dysphagia, difficulty swallowing, regurgitation, nausea and excessive salivation.

With pediatric reflux a child may cough, vomit frequently, have bad breath, frequent bowel movements or constipation, gag and have inadequate weight gain. Pediatric reflux can also cause pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma.

Several contributing factors can result in acid reflux. Some of these factors are:

  • Hypercalcemia, which is too much calcium in the blood
  • Scleroderma, a connective tissue disease that hardens the skin, blood vessels, muscles and internal organs
  • Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, which increases production of the hormone gastrin
  • Visceroptosis, where the abdominal organs sink below their proper position
  • Helicobacter pylori, bacteria that is the cause of most ulcers and chronic gastritis
  • Obesity

However, lifestyle is probably the single biggest contributor to acid reflux disease. The first negative influence on the list is smoking. Not only does smoking increase the risk of developing acid reflux, but it augments the symptoms for those who have acid reflux disease. Here is a sobering statistic for any smoker, anyone who has smoked steadily for 20 years is 70 percent more likely to have acid reflux disease than people who don’t smoke.

An interesting and fairly recent finding is that consuming a large amount of table salt increases the likelihood of developing acid reflux to a similar degree as smoking. In other words, people who habitually have additional salt on their food are 70 percent more likely to develop acid reflux than people who have average or minimal amounts of salt.

Alcohol consumption is another acid reflux factor as it relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter and also increases the production of stomach acid. The obvious solution is to moderate alcohol consumption.

Other lifestyle choices for not only preventing acid reflux but all disease process is a healthy diet. Be sure to eat all the different colored vegetables as each color has particular important nutrients. Get regular exercise ? cardio and yoga are great to keep the body in tune, and get adequate and restful sleep.

For more information on what causes acid reflux be sure to visit Reflux Remedy at today!

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Causes of the Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can be known by a lot of names. Heartburn, indigestion, and GERD (short for gastroesophagael reflux disease), are all commonly used terms used for what many people simply call acid reflux. But no matter what you call it, it is not much fun to live with. There are ways to control the symptoms of it, and reduce the uncomfortable flare ups that cause millions of individuals to seek out medical help. Here we’ll discuss the causes of acid reflux. Educating yourself with this knowledge will make living with acid reflux possible.

It may surprise you to learn that food is not the only cause of acid reflux, although it is certainly a contributing factor. Moreover, just because you are suffering with symptoms of acid reflux right now, does not mean that it will continue to affect you for the rest of your life. Acid reflux can be set on by certain medical conditions such as pregnancy, or by prescription or over the counter medications you may be taking. By simply improving your health or switching medications, you may be able to put a stop to your acid reflux symptoms.

Now let’s get down to it. What are some common causes of acid reflux? In all honesty, there are many.

Smoking – Smoking weakens the esophageal sphincter, which allows stomach acid to easily flow back up into the esophagus. Smoking also stimulates stomach acid and promotes movement of stomach contents, which makes it more difficult to keep them from refluxing out of control.

Overeating – Consuming too much food at one time can cause it to back up out of the stomach and up through the esophagus. This can be easily rectified by eating smaller portions or by eating less food more frequently.

Laying down after eating – Some people only experience symptoms of acid reflux at night, and it is commonly caused by laying down after eating. When you lie down, pressure is placed on the lower esophageal sphincter. When pressed, it can cause food to back up and reflux, which can cause the uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux.

Eating late in the evening – For the same reasons that it is bad to lay down after eating, one should not eat too late in the evening. Food needs time to digest in the stomach before a person rests and becomes inactive.

Alcohol intake – Drinking alcohol in excess causes an overproduction of stomach acids. As a result, the body finds it difficult to control and it frequently bubbles and moves back into the esophagus.

Obesity – The relationship between obesity and acid reflux is not clear, but overweight individuals are more likely to experience symptoms of acid reflux than those within a healthy weight.

Stress – Stress is a common culprit for many medical conditions, and acid reflux is one of them. Stress is arguably the biggest trigger for acid reflux as it causes an increase in stomach acid production and movement which often results in it backing back up into the esophagus.

For more information on acid reflux visit Reflux Remedy at today!

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June 17, 2011

Side Effects of Protonix

Protonix is a medication used to treat acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when acids from the stomach go into the esophagus. This can sometimes cause heartburn, which is the burning feeling in the chest that happens when acid arises from the stomach into the esophagus. Protonix treats acid reflux by reducing how much acid is created in the stomach. With any medication, however, there are risks, and Protonix has many side effects.

It is common for users to have different side effects and experiences when taking a medication. Some individuals will have very minor, if any, reactions to a medication, while another person might have a severe response. While drug companies list potential side effects of their drug, it is important to know that an individual may experience a side effect not listed. The most common minor side effects of Protonix are nausea, dizziness, gas, headache, diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting.

The following are more serious side effects that have been reported by users taking Protonix: swelling of the face, mouth, lips, eyes, hands, tongue, or throat; major allergic reactions like hives or difficulty breathing; chest pain; bone pain; irregular or fast heartbeat; dark-tinged urine; fever, chills, and sore throat; unexpected bleeding or bruising; yellowing of the skin or eyes; blistered, peeling, red, or swollen skin; abnormal fatigue; and visual changes.
In addition to the potential side effects, there are other unusual ways that Protonix can possibly affect the user. When given to animals in research trials, Protonix has produced stomach cancer. At this time, no one knows if this medication will create the same result in humans. Another problem with this medication is that with the long-term use of Protonix, the body can find it more difficult to absorb vitamin B12. This can lead to vitamin B12 deficiency.

The severity of many of the side effects will depend on the demographic of the person taking the drug. For example, fractures to hips, spine, and wrists will be more prevalent in Protonix users who are 50 years of age and older or who take the medication for more than a year. The risks associated with Protonix will increase the longer you take the medication. For instance, individuals who are on Protonix long-term can have the lining of their stomach weaken.

While Protonix was created to help treat acid reflux and its associated symptoms, the long list of potential side effects can be intimidating. Many of the side effects are serious and increase in severity the longer a person uses the medication. There are some potential side effects that are even life-threatening. If you have reservations about taking Protonix due to its side effects but want to ease troubling acid reflux symptoms, compare some therapeutic alternatives and download the Reflux Remedy Report at today!

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