neutralize acids

April 22, 2011

Acid Reflux Natural Cures

Acid reflux is a very common condition with thousands of sufferers. Acid reflux occurs when the barrier between the stomach and esophagus that is meant to protect the esophagus from stomach acids malfunctions causing the acids and enzymes of the stomach to escape into the esophagus causing a burning sensation. The barrier, also known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), normally holds the top of the stomach closed acting as a protective shield. A stomach abnormality, called hiatal hernia, is what occurs when the LES moves above the diaphragm which separates the stomach from the chest. The diaphragm is there to help keep the acid in the stomach if there isn’t any proper protection in place, the esophagus and the stomach eventually suffers.

A few symptoms that you may like to know for acid reflux include, but are not limited to:

  • Heartburn: This is the most common (and often the most uncomfortable) symptom of acid reflux. Heartburn generally manifest as a burning sensation in the chest cavity. The burn in the chest has, however, been known to travel down into the abdomen and even up into the esophagus area (the throat). If the heartburn is experienced as a stabbing or abrupt sensation as opposed to its usually gradual nature it can often be mistaken as a heart attack.
  • Regurgitation: This is the expulsion of food and drinks from the mouth by way of the esophagus. This is done involuntary when it is a symptom of acid reflux. This act of regurgitating is generally preceded by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth that is shortly followed by strong salivation then the expulsion ensues.
  • Dysphagia: Dysphagia is a narrowing of the esophagus. When the esophagus narrows it can create a feeling that the throat is closing. This can make is difficult to swallow foods and drinks. Difficulty swallowing food and drinks can cause other health related issues if it isn’t urgently tended to.

Sufferers of acid reflux may grow to know that there are many natural cures for the condition. The trick is to find the cure that works best for you. Don’t be afraid of a little trial and error to discover the curing method that suits you best. A few natural cures include:

  • Drinking lots of water: Be sure to drink water before, during and after meals. Water aids in diluting the acids in your stomach which in turn minimizes reflux symptoms.
  • Try eating smaller meals more often: Eating smaller meals allows for your stomach to breakdown and process each meal without being forced to overwork to break down large meal consumption.
  • Try drinking aloe vera juice: Amongst several other healing properties, aloe also has the ability to the acids in your stomach which will significantly reduce the risk of acids escaping the stomach making way into the esophagus.
  • Keep a food log and find the foods that are right for you: Trigger foods vary from person to person. Be sure to find the foods that cause less acid reflux irritation.

Follow these natural cures to see if you the results are satisfying. If you’d like more natural cures please feel free to visit

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February 10, 2011

Natural Remedies for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux aren’t hard to come by. They’re nearly as numerous as the thousands of people that suffer from heartburn and acid reflux on a daily basis.

Heartburn occurs when there’s an excess of acid produced in the stomach for one reason or another. When this happens, the acid escapes and irritates the esophagus. This causes pain, belching, hiccups, and acid reflux (or acid making it all the way up into your mouth).

Since the two conditions, heartburn and acid reflux, go hand in hand, it’s relatively easy to squelch both problems with one method. However, finding the right method for you can be a bit harder. There are a variety of holistic methods and lifestyle changes you can try to be heartburn free in no time.

Holistic Methods

For some more natural remedies, try a few of these options before, after or during an attack of acid reflux or heartburn.

  • Ginger can help to cool a particularly heated bout of heartburn in a flash. Try some candied ginger or ginger tea to put out the fire.
  • Drinking a glass of water can help wash acid reflux out of your system. It will also help to dilute any acids left behind, providing you with fast pain relief.
  • Additionally, adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to that glass of water can help neutralize acids in your stomach or esophagus quickly.
  • Some people have had good luck with apples, and just eating a single apple after each meal to help keep heartburn away.
  • Others find relief by eating a handful of almonds between meals. The oils may have some components that help neutralize acids and keep heartburn from flaring up.

Change Your Routines

By making a few simple routine changes in your life you can easily stop heartburn in its tracks.

  • Try to avoid foods that consistently set your heartburn or reflux off. Some common foods that start a heartburn fire are garlic, caffeine, alcohol, citrus or any particularly acidic fruits, and onions. However, your body may react differently to other foods. Things like whole milk could give you heartburn, or chili peppers. So, keep track of what you eat, so that during your next episode of acid reflux you and point directly to the culprit.
  • Avoid eating right before you go to bed or lie down. Although you may enjoy having a bowl of popcorn and lying on the couch for a movie, eating that close to lying down doesn’t give your body a chance to properly process the food, and allows acids to freely move about your digestive tract, which irritates your esophagus. Wait at least 2 hours after you eat to go to bed or lie down.
  • Eat smaller portions of your food over a longer period of time. This will help reduce stress on your stomach and allow it to calmly process the food therein. Too much food all at once sends the stomach into overdrive, and causes an influx of acid in the stomach, creating pressure and irritation.

The Reflux Remedy Report is full of natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux. Find it at, and get on your way to being heartburn free today!

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February 7, 2011

Acid Reflux Treatment Home Remedy

If you’re looking for an acid reflux treatment home remedy, try not to get frustrated by the sheer volume of potential things you can try. Thousands of people suffer from acid reflux on any given day, and there are almost as many ways to naturally get rid of the condition.

Acid reflux happens when there is a buildup of pressure and acid in your stomach that causes those acids to be allowed out of your stomach and up into your esophagus. The tissues there are sensitive and susceptible to damage, which causes pain. In some cases, the reflux can make it all the way to your mouth, leaving a bitter taste, generally accompanied by a hiccup or burp, which may not be the most attractive condition to be dealing with after a meal.

So what can you do about it, besides reaching for antacids or pills? Plenty of things.

If you suffer from this condition on a fairly regular basis, you may want to consider a few lifestyle changes in order to rid yourself of the problem without medications.

  • First, eat smaller meals over a longer period of time rather than a few large meals during the day. Eating more than your stomach can handle causes it to stress out, and respond by frantically producing acid to break down the excess amount of food rapidly. This causes pressure to build and inevitably results in reflux. So just eat less, more. Snack more often and eat smaller meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner so that you’re still getting the same amount of food, it’s just stretched over a longer period of time.
  • Second, remove any excessive stressors from your life. Stress is known to cause heartburn, and dealing with it more effectively can help you feel the burn a little less frequently. So, schedule regular massages, or start seeing a therapist who will teach you techniques for dealing with stress. You could also take up Yoga or meditation, start exercising regularly or any number of other things that help you to relax. Making relaxation a priority now will help you maintain a healthy digestive tract later.
  • Third, keep track of what you’re eating, and subsequently avoid foods that you identify as heartburn triggers. Things that are hard to digest like whole milk, spices like garlic, vegetables like onions, and stimulants like caffeine can all be potential heartburn triggers.

If you’re looking for more reactive holistic solutions, there are plenty of things to try.

  • Ginger, whether candied or tea, is very effective at soothing acid reflux.
  • A glass of water can help to wash acids through the digestive system, and keeps them from settling in, causing pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar helps to neutralize acids. Just a couple of tablespoons added to a glass of water can be an effective solution.
  • A quarter of a cup of aloe vera juice can also help to relieve acid reflux. Make sure to distinguish between aloe vera gel and juice though. Gel is not meant for consumption and can cause a host of other digestive problems. Only consume aloe vera juice.

For more information on acid reflux treatment home remedy, visit and read The Reflux Remedy Report.

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January 27, 2011

Natural Treatment for Pregnant Women With Heartburn

Pregnancy often brings a number of ailments, including heartburn, that has the soon to be mother reaching for natural solutions so that she can find relief without harming the baby. If you’re looking for a natural treatment for pregnant women with heartburn, you’ve come to the right place. There are a number of things you can do naturally to help relieve your heartburn without harming your baby. Here are just a few:

Heartburn tends to plague pregnant women, so in anticipation of that take simple steps to avoid heartburn before it starts.

  • First, try not to stress. Yes, pregnancy is a stressful time. Will the baby be healthy? Will we be able to financially handle this child? Will we be good parents? Will we be able to properly provide for this child? And on and on. However, stress can cause all kinds of problems, some more severe than heartburn, like early labor. So, relax. Get a massage, go for a walk, curl up with a good book, just take some time for yourself. It will help you reduce your heartburn and keep the baby safe.
  • Second, avoid foods that are known to cause heartburn. Your specific pregnancy may bring special triggers to you, but some common ones are garlic, onions and citrus fruits and juices. Caffeine and alcohol also cause heartburn, but hopefully you’re already modifying your intake of those chemicals due their potentially harmful effects on the baby.
  • Third, try not to eat too close to bed time. Although pregnancy cravings can be intense and demand food at strange hours, try to control what you eat and when you eat to avoid a bout of heartburn. Lying down too close to eating allows food and stomach acids to meander into your esophagus, which causes heartburn pain. Eating at least two hours before you lie down can help prevent this. If a craving is just too strong to resist, try propping yourself up with a pillow to help keep your digestive tract aligned and make it more difficult for acids to move upwards.

If you already have a bad case of heartburn, don’t despair! There are a number of things you can do that will naturally help neutralize the acid and relieve your pain.

  • First, try the simplest solution. Drink a glass of water. This will help flush your digestive tract and dilute excess acids in your stomach that might be irritating your esophagus.
  • Ginger has long been used to help settle upset stomachs. So, try a glass of ginger tea, or eat some candied ginger to help soothe your heartburn.
  • Apples have also been found recently to help some people get over their heartburn pain. Just one after a meal can help provide relief from acid indigestion pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar can also help to neutralize acids in your stomach. All it takes is a tablespoon diluted in a full glass of water to help alleviate heartburn pain.

The Reflux Remedy Report contains these and many other holistic tips for reliving your worst heartburn symptoms. Log on to to see additional natural treatments for pregnant women with heartburn.

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