stomach reflux

June 21, 2011

Inflammation of the Stomach

Inflammation of the stomach, sometimes known by the medical term of gastritis, is a medical condition with a variety of causes. Some surgeries, particularly weight loss surgeries, can cause inflammation, along with drinking too much alcohol, taking certain medications such as over the counter pain relievers, and bacterial infections. Even having too much stress in one’s life can increase the chance of developing an inflamed stomach, perhaps due to the reduction in immune defenses that which leaves the stomach open to infection.

Sometimes, inflammation of the stomach can occur without symptoms, but more likely severe abdominal pain is the first sign of this inflammation for many people. This pain usually occurs in the upper central abdomen, but can actually occur anywhere in the abdomen, and may take many different forms, from a burning pain, to a sharp, stabbing feeling. Many other symptoms can occur, including nausea and vomiting, to the point that vomit may even include blood, bloating, burping that does not make the pain go away, loss of appetite, feeling full quickly, and dangerous weight loss.

Acute inflammation is usually due to losing the mucous that normally protects the stomach from its own acid, and often occurs after drinking too much or taking certain medications, including Tylenol and Aspirin. Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is due to the destruction of the stomach lining, and can occur from bacterial infection, autoimmune diseases, and bile released into the stomach from other medical conditions. Over time, chronic gastritis can result in the death of cells needed to create the protective mucousal lining.

Expensive surgeries and prescription drugs used to treat inflammation of the stomach are not always the best options for treatment, since they can have unintended side effects, and medications may actually make the situation worse when they wear off, forcing a person to take them continuously for long periods of time. A variety of home remedies exist that can not only treat stomach inflammation symptoms, but actually cure the underlying problem as well.

Generally, a person with an inflamed stomach should avoid all dairy products such as milk, since these can make the problem worse. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will also help to flush out any toxins in the stomach and promote healing. Taking vitamin E can help to reduce inflammation, but also taking two chlorophyll capsules each day can help to treat anemia, which can sometimes be the underlying cause of inflammation. Licorice can help treat inflammation as well as the ulcers that result from it; for best results, 300 to 600 mg should be chewed one half hour before eating a meal. Ginger can help with most symptoms of inflammation when it is taken on a daily basis, reducing inflammation, nausea, and gas, and killing bacteria that might be causing the inflammation.

If you suffer from stomach inflammation, you can get more information here. Download the Reflux Remedy Report at to learn more about curing inflammation safely and quickly using healthy, natural remedies.

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November 5, 2008

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is to continue to delay having the results you deserve. Download our 100% guaranteed Reflux Remedy Report today. Live well, Martin Jacobse Medical Investigator


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