February 11, 2011
Natural Cure for Heartburn
The natural cure for heartburn is the same thing that prevents heartburn.
Which is the right diet married with a moderately active lifestyle.
I know you didn’t really want to hear that did you? Fact is it’s the same natural cure for almost every degenerative disease they make medicine for.
I realize most people these days are too busy and too stressed out to make the changes they should. It’s sad that in order to make a living, which usually means barely getting by, people think they have to give up their health and peace of mind.
In trade for what? Paying the water bill and being able to afford antacids for the lifetime of heartburn you’re in for?
This need not be.
The natural cure for heartburn is not about taking antacids or PPI’s (Proton Pump Inhibitors) nor is it surgery.
The natural cure for your heart burn is the opposite of treating heartburn symptoms; it’s the opposite of maintaining a state of acid indigestion for the rest of your life and the natural cure for your heartburn has nothing to do with taking harmful addictive drugs . . . but you already knew that I hope.
The natural cure for your heartburn is only going to be found from boycotting the Western Pattern Diet from your life, also called SAD for Standard American Diet.
The Standard American Diet (SAD) was designed to feed big corporations like Big Sugar, Big Agri and the USDA . . .
There is just no way Americans can naturally cure heartburn and the rest of those age-related diseases that are popping up like weeds without learning how to eat naturally.
It is NOT natural for people to be eating so much animal protein. Animal protein is way over rated by the agencies and lobbyists that support these industries.
Americans have been told to eat too much of everything . . . it’s no wonder why heartburn affects nearly a hundred million Americans each day. I’m sorry there is no magic pill to naturally cure heartburn either.
Heartburn is caused from over eating foods with lousy nutritional profiles and drinking beverages loaded with sugar or worse . . . high fructose corn syrup.
Look around, you’re not alone. Millions of people need to be naturally cured from the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is mostly to blame for your heartburn and the heartburn epidemic.
A natural cure for heartburn is what happens when you remove the cause of your heartburn . . . taking medicine encourages you to forget about naturally curing heartburn.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Treatment by admin
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You are on to something here. Big business benefits in so many ways. What’s the cure for gerd?