April 26, 2011
Acid Reflux Medication
Acid reflux is a condition that plagues thousands of people every day. This condition is a result of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) neglecting to close as soon as food passes through it or the LES opens too often. The LES can be best described as a ring of muscle that is at the entrance of the stomach. When there is a malfunction and the LES opens without merit it allows for the acids and enzymes of the stomach to escape the stomach and travel upward to the esophagus where it can cause a burning sensation. If this isn’t a rare occurrence but instead happens about two times a week you are likely suffering from acid reflux disease also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
A few common symptoms that may be associated with acid reflux disease include:
- Heartburn: This is the most common symptom of acid reflux. Heartburn is generally experienced in the chest but there have been cases where sufferers have reported burning in the abdomen and throat cavities. Heartburn is usually experienced as a pain that starts lightly and developments into a more pronounced sting. There are instances, however when the heartburn stabs often giving the affect that one is suffering from a heart attack.
- Trouble swallowing (dyshpagia): Dysphagia occurs when there is a narrowing of the esophagus. When this happens there can be great difficulty swallowing food and drinks. The difficulty associated with eating and drinking often causes sufferers to neglect eating and drinking which can cause an onset of several other illnesses.
- Regurgitation is another symptom of acid reflux: A sufferer is warned that regurgitation may commence when there is a sour or bitter taste in the mouth as a result of acid reflux. This bitter taste is often followed by the regurgitating of foods and liquids that were recently consumed.
These acid reflux symptoms drive most sufferers to seek out immediate reflux relief. There is no one medication or relief method that works for everybody. Sufferers are encouraged to find the medication that works best for them. Some forms of medication that can assist in treating acid reflux may be found below.
- Start by drinking more water. Water works wonders not only for acid reflux but also for overall health. Be sure to consume lots of water daily, especially before, during and after eating. Increasing water intake helps to dilute stomach acids which in-turn eliminates the risk of reflux.
- Look into taking reflux antacids. There are several different over the counter acid reflux antacids on the market. Try Maalox, Alka-Seltzer and Imodium to just name a few. Before considering trying the over the counter drugs you may want to exact all natural remedies beforehand.
- Try baking soda. Baking soda is a natural antacid that has been known to be just as effective as unnatural over the counter drugs. Drop a spoonful of baking soda into a glass of water and drink it down while it fizzles. Works wonders.
- Drink aloe vera juice. Aloe vea juice, much like water has several health benefits when consumed in healthy portions. Try this out as a means to stabilize your stomach acids while soothing your esophagus.
If you’re looking for more medications for acid reflux do not hesitate to visit refluxremedy.com.
Filed under Acid Medication by admin
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Comments on Acid Reflux Medication »
Tried using medications (prescription drugs) once and i suffered from side-effects even if the heartburns went away for a few hours. Prefers natural methods — safer, cheaper, and more effective without the uncomfortable side-effects.