June 21, 2011

Heartburn Natural Remedies

Millions of people worldwide have experienced heartburn at one time or another. It?s when you have persistent heartburn that lasts for two weeks or more that you are diagnosed with acid reflux disease. Happily, there are lifestyle changes you can make and home remedies that you can take to relieve the symptoms of acid reflux disease.

1. Change Your Diet

Foods that are high in acid content, like tomatoes and other tomato products, should be avoided if you suffer from acid reflux disease or chronic heartburn. Red meats and dairy products can also exacerbate symptoms as can products containing caffeine (including chocolate). Avoiding these foods, or only consuming them in small quantities, will help in preventing heartburn from starting. Introduce fruits and vegetables to your diet, try to drink more water and decaffeinated drinks and don?t eat right before bed if you want to find some relief to your symptoms.

2. Increase Your Exercise

Exercise promotes overall body health and can help to aid in digestion. Many people have found that a proper diet, coupled with a regular exercise program have reduced the occurrence of acid reflux.

3. Elevate Your Head

Your insides are ruled by gravity just like your outsides. Stomach acids find it much easier to creep up your esophagus when your head is even with or lower than your stomach. If you don?t have an adjustable bed, try putting some phone books under the legs of the head of your bed or prop yourself up on several pillows. If all else fails, try sleeping in a reclining chair rather than flat on your back. It?s because of the way our bodies are normally positioned that sufferers of heartburn find that their symptoms are often worse at night.

4. Almonds and Apples

A handful of almonds, eaten after meals and chewed completely, alleviate the symptoms for some sufferers. Apples have the same effect but try to choose organic so they aren?t coated with pesticides or wax.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

If you swallow a few tablespoons of undiluted vinegar during an attack, your symptoms will abate. If you feel an attack coming on, put the same amount in a glass of warm water and drink it; you can do the same to prevent an attack from occurring at all if you?ve eaten something you know you are sensitive to.

6. Aloe Juice

Not many people can take the consistency of aloe juice but, if you can, many sufferers tout this as the #1 home remedy.

7. Chew Gum

Chewing sugarless gum for 30 minutes after a meal will produce enough saliva to dilute the contents of your stomach. It will also help to wash any acid already in your esophagus back down.

8. Keep a Heartburn Journal

Often times, prevention is the best cure. Keeping a journal of what you eat and drink and when you eat, sleep and exercise may help you create a list of foods that you are sensitive to.

For more home remedies and to learn more about acid reflux, feel free to download your copy of the Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!

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June 24, 2011

The Best Home Heartburn Remedies @ 7:34 am

If you are suffering from heartburn then you might need to make sure that you know what the home heartburn remedies are. These aren?t hard to find and they are usually found around the house and the best part is that you don?t have to worry about any side effects or problems that you might with medication. So if you really want to know what they best home heartburn remedies are then you should try some of the following.

Make sure that you keep plenty of saliva in your mouth, this means that you should not smoke. Saliva helps to keep the acid in check, so it?s a good idea to make sure that you chew gum as this helps to increase saliva and help reduce heartburn. If you think that you might have gas in the stomach then it cause also cause heartburn, you short try to make sure that you make yourself burp, this is not something that most people think of as one of the best home heartburn remedies but it really is. Herbal tea is also a good way that you can help feel better if you have heartburn, there are a lot of people that have tea around their homes.

You can also try to eat certain things like ginger or almonds as they will help to prevent heartburn. The things that you should try and stay away from are things such as citrus as they cause the acid to build up and acid it was causes heartburn. For most people they might have certain foods that trigger heartburn once you figure this out then you can do your best to prevent it. It?s best to keep track of what you have eaten whenever you get heartburn, this will help you to see if there are things that are similar when you experience heartburn.

There are so many different home heartburn remedies that you can find that you won?t be at a lack of options. The key is just to make sure that if one method doesn?t work for you, then you need to simply try another one, as the results can vary depending on the person. This is something that you should make sure that research before you try. Home heartburn remedies are something that are gaining popularity as heartburn is a growing problem, and people are always looking for relief from it.

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