November 4, 2011
Acid Reflux Ulcer
Acid reflux occurs when acid from the stomach rises up through the esophagus. This can happen either because the stomach is too full, or because the sphincter, a part of the body that separates the stomach region from the esophagus, is not properly keeping the acid from the stomach from coming up. Some people believe that acid reflux is caused by too much acid in the stomach, but that factor is irrelevant to the problem of avid reflux. Persistent heartburn and acid regurgitation are some of the most common symptoms of acid reflux disease. Acid reflux can also cause pain in the chest and throat and make sufferers feel as if they have food caught in the throat. Medication may be able to help, as well as modifications in diet and exercise.
For sufferers of acid reflux, it is important to avoid overeating, and to avoid eating late at night so that food has a chance to digest. Avoiding spicy, fatty, or acidic foods can also help prevent episodes of acid reflux. Alcohol can also cause or exacerbate acid reflux disease. A long-term consequence of acid reflux can be painful esophageal sores. Many people use antacids or baking soda to treat acid reflux, but it is important not to rely on these treatments for a long-term solution. Finding a solution is extremely important to avoid long-term consequences of acid reflux, damage to the tissues or nerves in the esophagus and mouth, as well as erosion of the teeth. Therefore, treating the problem correctly is important before painful conditions develop.
Ulcers caused by acid reflux are not to be confused with the most commonly known types of ulcers, which occur in the stomach. Stomach ulcers are typically caused by a bacterium in the stomach. These types of ulcers are not the same ones that are caused by acid reflux, which most typically occur in the esophagus rather than the stomach. Medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen can cause ulcers, so it’s best to avoid these if you are prone to ulcers. The causes of ulcers differ from the causes of acid reflux, but similar measures of a healthy lifestyle can help prevent and treat them both. Eating sometimes may alleviate the pain caused by an ulcer. Whole grains and fruits or vegetables that are high in fiber but low in acid content are good foods to eat if you believe you may have an ulcer.
It is important to see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis, whether you suffer from acid reflux, or if you believe you may have an ulcer. Acid reflux affects the chest and throat areas, while an ulcer causes pain in the stomach, although acid reflux can also cause a certain type of ulcer in the mouth and throat when the acid wears away at tissue linings over time.
Getting help for acid reflux is extremely important, before further problems develop and before the condition becomes extremely painful. For relief in treating acid reflux, visit Reflux Remedy at today.
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin
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I have been diagnosed with ACID reflux/Gerd 7 months ago, I have been on 6 different medicines and still have symptoms everyday and some that make doctors say they think its not just acid reflux. The tissue of my mouths is often slimy and feel like its hanging down the back of my throut. Is this something you have heard of before? could it be from acid coming back up again at night. It is very unconfortable and stressful. I do smoke but only 3 a day. Its getting me sad and I really want to be feeling better.
So did he not eat apples for 10 years?