September 15, 2010
Can Acid Reflux Cause Palpitations
In many predisposed individuals, one of the most alarming questions that they will face is: Can acid reflux cause palpitations? This is a particularly worry-causing condition since the symptoms often mimic the signs of a heart attack. While acid reflux is obviously not as life-threatening as a heart attack, it is still a painful and serious condition that warrants immediate attention.
The global scientific community seems to be in disagreement as to whether or not acid reflux causes palpitations. One Japanese study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in 2009 showed that conditions that are external to the esophagus may result in GERD, or at the very least produce the characteristic symptoms of the condition. The study also explores the connection between patients in which acid reflux causes palpitations and patients that were suffering from a heart condition.
Many people feel that can acid reflux cause palpitations simply because the nerves located in the chest are closely interconnected with the heart, the esophagus and the diaphragm. This is why it is often difficult for patients and doctors to determine whether it is the acid reflux causing palpitations or if it is a heart-related condition. Before a treatment can be prescribed, the doctor will first have to determine the root cause of the chest pain.
To make things even more confusing, a number of GERD medications may actually produce even more symptoms that are similar to those encountered by people experiencing heart attack. Aside from the aforementioned chest pain, these symptoms include flushing, hypertension and increased heart rate or tachycardia. There is some comfort gained from studies that show that only 1% of the population experiences such side effects, although this can still cause a significant amount of worry given that as much as 40% of the U.S. population suffers from GERD to at least some degree. Now with obesity rates rising all across the country, the number of patients think acid reflux will cause palpitations is almost certain to rise.
Since the two conditions?heart disease and acid reflux?are so often closely related, a general lifestyle change would be to a patient’s best advantage. While the issue as to whether or not can acid reflux cause palpitations is as yet a bit indeterminate, numerous studies show that addressing issues such as obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and excessive caffeine, alcohol and tobacco intake will go a long way in preventing these and many other health related conditions.
One site offers a safe and effective solution for people with acid reflux cause palpitations. The site is, and it provides a totally natural alternative to prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, many of which can cause unwanted side effects. By relying on natural treatment methods, you may be able to avoid the unpleasant side effects of certain GERD drugs, and be assured of a lasting solution for your condition.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
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I am 52 years old and suffering from hyper acidity and gastrities as well as heart palpitations. kindly suggest me about good home remedies/ayurvedic medicines at the earliest possible. Thanking you sir,