Acid Reflux Remedy

February 22, 2011

Holistic Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition that can cause severe discomfort and harm to your body. When the corrosive acid in your stomach gets into your esophagus and goes up towards your mouth, this can have damaging effects. Stomach acid is designed to chemically deconstruct foods to expose useful nutrients for your body. When stomach acid makes contact with your esophagus and throat, it can essentially break down these parts of your anatomy. A problem with your lower esophageal sphincter could be the reason that you are suffering from acid reflux. If you continuously experience acid reflux, it is likely that you could develop gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Modifying Your Lifestyle

There are certain activities that can encourage or suppress acid reflux. You should use holistic remedies for acid reflux as a first resort.

  • Don’t eat right before bed. Eating before sleeping in a flat position makes it easier for food and acid to spill from the stomach. Each time you eat, your body naturally produces gastric acids to digest the foods. Lying down only allows the acid to escape.
  • Eating smaller meals that are low in fat will help to treat your acid reflux. Larger meals promote the production of more stomach acid that can end up in your esophagus.
  • Investigating your food choices is of utmost importance in remedying acid reflux. Everything that enters your body will have a positive or negative effect. Some foods may trigger your acid reflux more than others. Keep a daily food log to discover what foods may promote acid reflux and eliminate those foods from your diet.
  • Leave bad habits behind if you want to reduce your risk of acid reflux. Smoking is unhealthy for your respiratory and digestive systems. When you smoke, the lower esophageal sphincter loses strength and will permit gastric acids to escape from the stomach to the esophagus.

Natural Treatment

You should use holistic remedies for acid reflux as a first resort in combating this disease.

  • Aloe Juice can minimize the symptoms of acid reflux. Heartburn, a major symptom of acid reflux will decrease when aloe juice is incorporated in your diet. Aloe, in juice form only, acts as a neutralizer, and counteracts the effects of acid in the esophagus.
  • Ginger, candied or in your tea, is great for relieving acid reflux and other digestive problems. Ginger can have a calming and settling effect on your stomach. Although ginger has a very strong flavor, it will not leave your mouth with an awful odor.
  • Drinking water is one of the easiest and least expensive holistic remedies for acid reflux. When large amounts of water contact your stomach acid, it has a diluting effect that soothes the esophagus.
  • Papaya in your diet will aid daily digestion and discourage the body from producing as much stomach acid. Papaya consists of an enzyme that is well suited for breaking down foods, preventing the presence of unneeded gastric acid.

There are many other options for treating acid reflux. Seeking out holistic remedies for acid reflux is the safest way to bring this disease under control. For more information on acid reflux and other natural remedies, visit

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February 8, 2011

Home Remedy GERD

If you’re looking for a home remedy for GERD, you may find that there isn’t any one sure fire way to get rid of your specific GERD. There are a lot of different things, and different combinations of things that you can try. That means if one particular thing doesn’t work for you, there are plenty of other things to try.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD, happens when the muscles that control the flow of food down into the stomach weaken and allow acids to pass up into the stomach. This causes damage and irritation to the esophagus. People that have GERD suffer heartburn in a frequent and chronic way, often experiencing symptoms of heartburn more than twice a week.

Although this can be a debilitating problem that interferes with day to day activities, there are a number of home remedies and simple lifestyle changes that can be implemented to help relieve the symptoms of GERD.

Home Remedies for GERD

There are a few different kinds of tea that have been known to soothe symptoms of GERD. Chamomile and fennel teas can be very effective at calming the effects of GERD.

Additionally eating a handful of almonds a few times a day has been shown to neutralize stomach acids and reduce heartburn associated with GERD.

Ginger is also a very effective way to relieve all types of stomach problems, including heartburn that results from GERD. It can be consumed as tea, most effective as hot or warm tea, or eaten as candied ginger.

You can also try drinking a glass of water if you’re experiencing a particularly bad session of heartburn. Although it may sound too easy, the fluids help to flush your system and dilute any acids that remain behind, thus calming your digestive tract and soothing any irritation therein.

Papaya tablets have also been found to be effective at helping break food down and prevent heartburn as they make the digestion process easier for your body. They can be taken immediately following a meal and should be chewed thoroughly so that your saliva can react with the enzymes that will provide aid to your stomach and keep acids from becoming to prevalent.

Lifestyle Changes for GERD

There are also a number of things you can do to help keep GERD at bay as far as making simple routine changes in your lifestyle.

One of the easiest and most low impact things you can do is to alter your eating habits. Cut back on how much you eat at any one time, and increase the number of times you eat in a day. That way you’re still consuming the same amounts of food, just not all at once. That helps reduce stress on your stomach and digestive system, so that it doesn’t produce too much acid and aggravate your GERD.

Another thing you can do is change when you eat. If you’re in the habit of eating late at night or right before you lie down for a nap, simply stop doing that. Eating right before you go horizontal makes it difficult for your body to keep food and acids in your stomach. If you lie down on an empty stomach, there aren?t any excess acids available to move freely into your esophagus and cause irritation.

For more information on finding the right home remedy for GERD, visit today!

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February 7, 2011

Gastric Reflux Natural Remedies

Gastric reflux happens when acid is allowed up into the esophagus, resulting in heartburn pain, belching, hiccups and sometimes acid in the mouth, which leaves a bitter our sour taste behind.


If you understand what causes gastric reflux, you can be better prepared to deal with the problem naturally.

One cause is certain types of food. Things that are hard to digest like whole milk and ground beef, acidic foods like lemons and oranges, and some vegetables like onions are very common causes of reflux and heartburn. You may react differently to these common foods, and might even have some not so common triggers of your own. It can be helpful to keep track of what you eat, so that the next time you have a flare up of gastric reflux you can identify its cause, and then avoid that food, eliminating your reflux at its root.

Another cause of gastric reflux is certain types of vitamins. Things like iron and calcium are particularly difficult to digest, so the body creates additional acid in an attempt to break them down, which causes pain and reflux. If you need these supplements, try to find more easily digestible ones, or simply add additional dairy or red meat to your diet to get them naturally.

Stress is another culprit for gastric reflux. Reducing your stress levels can greatly reduce the occurrences of gastric reflux in your life. Stress causes the body to overproduce acids, which again causes pressure to build and pain to result.

Additionally how much you eat can result in gastric reflux. Would it be Thanksgiving without heartburn after the meal? Yes, it would. Thanksgiving and special occasions aside, eating large meals on a regular basis can make digestion difficult for your body. So it deals with it the best way it knows how, by producing more and more acid to help break the extra food down. Of course, this extra acid comes with a side of reflux and pain for you.


Aside from handling the aforementioned causes, there are a number of things you can do to naturally address gastric reflux, especially if it’s already in full swing.

One of the easiest ways to literally wash your gastric reflux away is by drinking a glass of water. This helps to flush excess acid out of your digestive tract.

Another method you can try is drinking a quarter of a cup of aloe vera juice. You can even do this before a meal if you suspect the meal might stir up trouble for you later in the evening. Use caution when applying this method though. Make sure you drink aloe vera juice and not gel. There is a difference! Gel is not meant for consumption and can have some adverse effects on your digestion. Only drink aloe vera juice that is labeled for consumption.

Things like apples and almonds have also helped dissolve the acids in some people’s stomachs.

Even papaya can prove very helpful when combating gastric reflux. It contains a digestive enzyme that helps the body break down the food you consume, and keeps acids from building up, which keeps gastric reflux pain at bay.

For more gastric reflux natural remedies, visit

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January 28, 2011

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis (HGE) is a terrible disease that strikes dogs, usually younger and small bred dogs.

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis can be deadly, but it is not contagious.

Medically speaking they don’t know what causes Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. It seems to be related to a reaction to toxins produced by bacteria. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis creates an increase in the permeability of the intestinal lining and a leakage of blood and proteins into the bowel.

The bacteria Clostridium perfringens is normally found in decaying plants, marine wastes and soils. In the United Kingdom and United States, C. perfringens bacteria are the third-most-common cause of food poisoning from processed meats, especially those found in dog food.

Generally Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis can be prevented by heating food at or above 165.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis takes hold within 6 to 24 hours of ingesting contaminated food.

The symptoms of HGE and parvovirus (CPV) are similar, except with HE there is no fever or low white blood cell count. It seems chronic dehydration is the most dangerous part of having Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis, that’s why replacing fluids and potassium intravenously and oral hydration is important.

If your dog has bloody vomit or diarrhea, even if it’s a tiny amount, get your pet to the vet ASAP.

It’s interesting to note that if the internal terrain of the dog is balance, recovery from eating fainted food will be fast. Bacteria can’t thrive in an environment or terrain that is well hydrated and maintains an alkaline pH because bacteria need an acid pH to live.

If you get treatment fast mortality rates drop to fewer than 20%, otherwise death is almost certain and about 15% of dogs will experience a relapse.

Whether the cause is bacteria or viral or even parasitic doesn’t change the fact that none of these harmful organisms that may be the cause of Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis can thrive in an alkaline pH environment . . . I use Japanese coral tea bags or Ionyte drops to treat my dog’s water. Alkaline water is higher in oxygen and minerals where as acidic water is the opposite.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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