September 29, 2010
What are Good Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a kind of medical condition which is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close after taking the food. Whatever food we eat passes into our stomach through the LES and if it does not close, then acid produced inside our body can reach to our esophagus causing acid reflux disease. This causes heartburn or chest pain. Hence, it is extremely important to know which types of foods are best to prevent or reduce acid reflux.
Preparing a diet regimen for treating acid reflux can be intimidating. ?The problem may increase if you have any kind of food allergy. Normally acid reflux increases post meal, hence it is important to have food that discourages reflux. It is important to know that patients suffering from this disease should have food in small amounts. It is even better, if they can spread their meals throughout the day instead of having a square meal a day. The last meal of the day must be taken well in advance before going to bed. If you take small amounts of food throughout the day, then you can ensure less bulging of the stomach. And a small meal is more or less easily digestible. This results in low acid levels thus leading to reflux free life.
An acid reflux reducing diet consists of all the essential food groups- fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. However, some of the items under these groups are not prescribed. You must note and remember them. People suffering from acid reflux disease, are asked to avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and peppermint. One should also avoid high fat containing food.
Normally patients are asked to have grains that have low fat content. Rice, multigrain, corn, oats, graham crackers, unseasoned pretzels and bran can be eaten. White bread and rice cakes are also good for patients suffering from acid reflux. Cabbage, celery, fennel, peas, green beans, broccoli, carrots and cabbage can be included in the diet. Fruits like bananas, apples, peaches, berries, melons are good choice. Any kind of citrus fruits must be avoided since they aggravate the problem. Low fat dairy products are good for sufferers.
Feta cheese, cheese prepared from soy and vegetables can be eaten, while ice cream, whole milk and chocolates must be avoided. If you wish to have meat, then have the lean variety. You can have skinless breast of chicken, no fat fish, egg whites, London Broil steaks and ground beef. We normally use a wide variety of seasonings, toppings, condiments while having food. However, you must remember that these should also contain low percentage of fat.
Avoiding chocolate based desserts is mandatory. Jelly beans, pudding, baked chips, cookies, fat free snacks, sweets, sorbet and yogurt containing low fat are prescribed. You should also eat high fibrous food since it clears the stomach nicely and is quite filling at the same time. Food items like strawberries, scallions, ham, scrambled egg, Mozzarella and Cottage cheese, muffin and root beer can be had in moderation.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy, Stomach Acid by admin
Bile acid in the stomach plays a key role in the digestion of food in the small intestine. Two chief bile acids produced in the body include chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid. These acids assist in the creation of micelles, which aids in breaking down dietary fat, and is integral for the digestion of fat in the small intestine. Bile acid is a fluid secreted by the hepatocytes that flows into the canaliculi. From the canaliculi, it reaches the bile ducts, and is then transferred to the gall bladder where it is concentrated with time and the addition of other bodily fluids.
Bile acids are derived from the cholesterol inside of the hepatocytem, and are made up of hydrophilic or polar faces and lipid or hydrophobic faces. Cholesterol gets converted into chenodeoxycholic and cholic acids, which are two forms of bile acid. These are combined with amino acids and released into the canaliculi. This combined nature of bile acids enables them to perform two of the most important functions in the digestive system. The first one is the breaking down of fat globules into tiny microscopic droplets. This helps in fat digestion because the breaking down process creates more surface area for fats, which makes it accessible to the lipases for the purpose of digestion because the lipases cannot enter the droplets.
Bile acid in the stomach carries lipids, and is capable of transforming them into micelles, which are a combination of cholesterol, monoglycerides and fatty acids that can remain afloat in water. Fat soluble vitamins are transported and absorbed by bile acids as well.
Excess cholesterol in the body is also converted into bile acids and gets removed through bile each day. The concentration of bile acids is regulated in our bodies since these are potentially poisonous, and they are also present in the liver. These activate a hormone receptor of nuclear nature known as FXR. This activation resists the amalgamation of bile acid inside the liver when the level of bile acid is very high. Hence, these are also known as a ?signaling molecule?.
Bile acids are produced in large amounts inside the body. However, only a small amount is expelled from the body daily. Almost 95% of bile acids released are taken in by the blood inside the Ileum. Bile salt molecules are used and reused inside the body for at least 20 cycles. This occurs when bile acids are extracted carefully from sinusoidal blood by the hepatocytes. Some amount of it escapes from liver to systemic circulation. These acids again reach the canaliculi via the hepatocytes, reusing them for the process of digestion. Any kind of alteration in this process is an indication of hepatic diseases.
Just like acid reflux, bile reflux can also be caused inside the body which makes one?s digestive system weak. Overall, conducting a bile acid level test can help in the diagnosis of hepatic microvascular dysplasia, portosystemic shunt and cholestasis. Overactive bile acid in the stomach can cause extreme bodily conditions, and must be treated immediately.
Filed under Stomach Acid by admin
September 28, 2010
Best Diet for Acid Stomach
You?re reading this report most likely because you have recurring acid reflux, heartburn or some stomach acid problem and you?ve tried everything the drug store manager or doctor recommended . . . and now you?re ready for a better way.
You know it just has to get better than this and it does . . . read on!
Of course there?s a better way, in fact there?s a proven way to reverse stomach acid problems and improve your health all at the same time. It?s really ?SAD? how the Standard American Diet has everyone feeling like they have to depend on Over-The-Counter (OTC) antacids and stomach acid blocking prescriptions, isn?t it?
Especially when common sense tells you that your health shouldn?t suffer just because you like to eat.
Let me share with you some helpful information to help you return to your natural healing pathway. Because that?s what eating is meant to be, an occasion to revitalize, rejuvenate and repair yourself from the cellular level up . . . the best diet should be an abundant feast celebrating the miracle of health.
Stomach acid has been faithfully breaking down food into nutritional molecules since the dawn of time, so why all the stomach acid anxiety these days?
Part of the problem is doctors generally don?t receive more than 3 hours of nutritional studies in most leading universities and medical institutions, because the schools are funded by ?special interest? groups.
These special interests do not have your best health interest at heart.
There?s no denying that antacids and other stomach acid drugs fail for millions of heartburn, acid reflux and upset stomach acid sufferers every day after indigestive day.
The Greek ?Father of medicine,? Hippocrates, proclaimed from the rooftops of the ancient world the ?Food is medicine!?
So what is the best diet to balance healthy stomach acid levels?
Today Americans suffer from stomach acid imbalances because they are not taught to believe in their body?s own ?built-in intelligence.?
You can call it the immune system, or know it as the vast matrix of 60 TRILLION cell membranes singing in perfect harmony you call your body, or you could accept the proven science of Intelligent Design.
Whatever you want to call it, it?s real and it all depends on the best whole food diet.
There?s only one little catch-as you already know, there?s always a catch. You simply need to support your built-in intelligence by thinking and behaving the right way . . . that means with ?your? best interest at heart.
Yes, it is that simple, yet great truths always are. You need to embrace a ?fearless approach? to wellness and longevity, which starts by how you decide to live, and what is living without knowing the best whole food diet?
The Standard American Diet (SAD) has failed us as much as Big Pharma has, because bad diet and poor lifestyle go hand and hand with drugs, surgery and other barbaric, out-dated medical practices that fail us all.
Here?s a list of foods that treat stomach acid imbalances by supporting a healthy stomach acid pH level:
? Apples (with skin on)
? Bananas ( skin off)
? Lemon water
? Baked potatoes
? Broccoli
? Cabbage
? Carrots
? Green beans
? Peas
? Grass fed meats
? Egg whites
? Wild caught fish
? Raw goat cheese
? Fermented soy products
? Sprouted grain breads
? Mineral water
? Vinaigrette salad (no iceberg lettuce)
Keep in mind steamed vegetables or raw whole food is the best diet. Providing more living minerals, vitamins and enzymes are critical for healthy stomach acid balance.
Add to this diverse diet of healthy foods a mild activity level, like walking and learn to eat your best food groups separately and those stomach acid problems will haunt you no more.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Stomach Acid by admin
September 23, 2010
Adderall and Stomach Acid
I remember a time when it was normal for a 9 year old boy to day dream out the window and squirm in his chair during English class. Today the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, by definition, describe every 9 year old boy in the world. What?s with that?
That?s why more than 10,000,000 Adderal type prescriptions for ADD/ADHD are filled each year just in the US alone. In the 1990s, sales of these Adderal like drugs grew by over 500% and today it?s far worse.
Alerted health experts see the dangerous connection between all the ADD and ADHD prescriptions and a new trend of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion is children these days.
This report will discuss some of the adverse effects of Adderal, such as causing a weakened immune system, disrupting stomach acid production and even damage to the brain and central nervous sytem.
When I was a kid, no one I knew ever had stomach acid issues, maybe an occasional stomach ache from too much junk food, but heartburn was a word for adults not kids. So what?s different these days?
Well for one, there?s more junk food available today than 40 years ago, it?s one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet . . . and so is selling Adderal, Ritalin and all the other Schedule II drugs.
Adderal is a powerful stimulant drug that chemically alters the ?reward pathway? of the brain and central nervous system. Adderal and these other mind altering drugs are experimental ?controlled substances? that have a significant abuse and addiction potential.
Your stomach acid production is dependent on a complex network of cells and nerve endings. In fact the gastrointestinal system, or gut, is now considered by leading gastroenterologists as the
?second brain.?
Technically the gut has more nerve endings than the brain. Stomach acid is only one product of your gut; it also produces the same neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, as the brain does. This is all part of your total ?reward pathway? that loops through the brain, gut and ultimately the central nervous system.
The following structures are part of your ?reward pathway? affected by Adderal like drugs.
? Ventral Tegmental: Consists of dopamine GABE and glutamate neurons.
? Nucleus Accumbens: Made of medium spiny neurons representing 90% of all neurons
? Amygdala: There are one in each temporal lobe, associated with fight and flight emotions.
? Hippocampus: Connected to memory, known as the third brain.
? Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Regulates Hypothalmic, Pituitary and adrenal activity
? The Gut: A.K.A. the second brain consisting of 100,000,000 neurons.
It?s irresponsible for drug companies to make experimental drugs that manipulate the nervous system, and gut especially when ADD and ADHD are ?contrived, non-existent conditions.? The scientists that are paid to invent these powerful chemicals do not know all of the adverse side effects.
Why else would Adderal trigger serious stomach acid problems? All Big Pharma cares about is controlling your brain and tricking millions of people to believe drugs like Adderal serve any benefit at all, when in fact all they do is harm.
There is a new field called neurogastroenterology, which recognizes that your stomach?s (enteric) nervous system mirrors your central nervous system. Toxic drugs like Adderal interfere with not only the brain and central nervous system, but also mess up stomach acid production by manipulating neurotransmitters in your gut.
The drug companies and their select drug ?dealers? are only told drugs like Adderal interfere with the ?mesolimbic? (brain) reward pathway, and completely disregard an accurate holistic viewpoint.
Bottom line is the good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norephinephrine, enkophalin endorphins and nitric oxide, along with the 24 brain proteins found in your gastrointestinal system called neuropeptides, are all shut down or interrupted by Adderal type drugs.
Taking Adderal not only interferes with the neuropeptides that are major cells in your immune system, but Adderal and similar Class II substances disrupt the balance of stomach acid, which can lead to many different health problems like heartburn, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.
Using natural remedies you can learn how to help your body?s second brain and reward pathways like an electrical switchboard. By simply discovering the healing, calming and strengthening benefits of whole food sourced nutrients you can nurture superior mental and physical health without taking Adderal or other experimental drugs.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
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