June 21, 2011

Heartburn Cures

Heartburn is caused when acid pours into the esophagus and irritates the exposed lining of the esophagus, causing a burning feeling in the stomach or chest. Heartburn can strike without warning and be very uncomfortable. If it is not treated, you may feel miserable. Therefore, there are several things that you can do to cure heartburn.

You should not lie down after eating. Your body needs the opportunity to digest your food before you go to sleep. When you do go to sleep, it is recommended that the upper extremity of your body is higher than the lower part of your body. This will avoid having heartburn during the middle of the night. You should also wear loose and comfortable clothing after eating.

You also need to watch what you eat. Try to elude foods that are spicy and acidic. If you
do eat them; do not eat too much at one time. To cure heartburn, you could lessen the amount that you eat. Smoking and drinking also do not help with heartburn, they only make it worse.

Many people try using natural herbs to cure heartburn. Herbs come in a natural form, or you can add them to tea or coffee. Some popular herbs to use for heartburn include baking soda, Aloe Vera juice and bananas. Drinking a glass of milk has also been known to help.

There are also several other things that you can ingest that have been known to cure heartburn, such as ginger ale, mustard, apple cider vinegar, converted rice and spearmint gum.

  • Ginger ale can settle a sour stomach and mustard can prevent an imbalance of acids in the stomach.
  • Vinegar will assist in soothing the acid in your stomach, and eating rice has carbohydrates to help the heartburn.
  • Chewing spearmint gum produces saliva, which aids in the flow of digestion.

If you are experiencing heartburn, weight loss might help. Too much weight can put lots of pressure on your abdomen, thus putting pressure on your stomach. Because of the additional pressure, the stomach acids will begin to go into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Therefore, if you are overweight, losing the excess weight will help alleviate heartburn.

Exercise can also trigger heartburn, so you should exercise wisely. Before working out, eat foods that are higher in carbohydrates, and wait at least 2 hours after eating to exercise.

In addition, probably the most popular cure for heartburn is antacids. They are easy to get and work fast. Tums, Rolaids, Maalox or Pepto Bismol can temporarily help relieve heartburn, but they are not a permanent solution.

The Reflux Remedy Report details how to keep heartburn under control. For more information on how to cure heartburn, you should download a copy of the Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!

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Acid Reflux: What to Eat

Those suffering from acid reflux know that it can be a very painful condition. It is important to remember that it is possible to minimize some of the negative symptoms of this condition. Certain foods can aggravate acid reflux, increasing the pain and heartburn-like feeling of this disease. A brief summary of dietary suggestions to improve acid reflux symptoms is included below.

Eat More Frequently

Most doctors suggest that patients suffering from acid reflux avoid eating in the traditional style of three large meals a day. Instead, those with acid reflux should consume many small meals throughout the day, allowing the stomach time to digest these meals completely before eating again. Patients should also ensure that the final evening meal is consumed two to three hours before bed. Eating smaller meals reduces the amount of acid that builds up in the stomach at one time. This decreases the likelihood that the acid will back-up the esophagus, resulting in pain. Further, consuming an evening meal well before bed allows for complete digestion before sleeping, a time when many people claim that acid reflux pains are at their worst.

What to Avoid

There are foods in each food group that can cause acid reflux symptoms. Conversely, some foods actually serve to reduce gastrointestinal pressure, improving the condition. Some foods that should always be avoided include those that are high in fat or contain caffeine, chocolate, mint, or alcohol, as these ingredients may contribute to heartburn and other problems.

Grains and Produce

When choosing grains, whole grains prepared without additional fats are the best option. Multi-grain, or whole grain corn, oat, and wheat products are all good foods for those with acid reflux. Refined grain products, such as white bread or white rice, are not good choices. Most fresh vegetables are safe to eat for those with acid reflux. However, acidic vegetables, such as tomatoes, should be avoided. Additionally, deep-frying is not a safe method of preparation. Steamed or sauteed cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower, are all great choices. Carrots, celery, green beans, and peas are other great choices to minimize acid production. With fruits, it is again advisable to avoid those that are high in acid, such as citrus fruits and pineapple. Bananas, apples, and fresh berries are some of the best fruits to eat.

Dairy and Meat

People with acid reflux should avoid high-fat dairy products. Instead, skim milk and skim milk products are a better choice. The same is true for meat. High fat meats, such as ground beef or bacon, should be avoided. Healthier choices include fish, turkey, and skinless chicken.

While it can be difficult to live with a condition such as acid reflux, there are a number of lifestyle changes that help reduce the painful symptoms of such a disorder. Simple dietary changes, such as those listed above, can go a long way to improve quality of life. For other natural solutions to mend acid reflex symptoms, be sure to download the Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!

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Burning Sensation in Throat

Heartburn and Acid Reflux

People who suffer from acid reflux or heartburn experience a painful burning sensation in the throat and a sore taste in their mouth. Acid reflux is the result of stomach acid moving up through the gastrointestinal system into the esophagus, disturbing soft tissues. While most people will experience mild and temporary heartburn at some point, the persistent heartburn that accompanies acid reflux can be hard to live with. Fortunately, there are a number of natural ways to deal with this painful condition.

Natural Supplements

One home-remedy for heartburn that many people have success with is apple cider vinegar. While it may seem crazy to combat too much stomach acid with another acid, apple cider vinegar contains enzymes that stimulate digestion. Consuming a spoonful of apple cider vinegar before meals can help encourage proper digestion, reducing heartburn. If it?s too late to avoid heartburn, aloe vera juice can help soothe the gastrointestinal tract. Aloe vera juice twenty minutes before a meal can also help prevent against future problems.

Other common supplements to help reduce painful heartburn and acid reflux symptoms include ginger, mint, and licorice. Ginger can be grated into foods or steeped into tea. In addition to relaxing the stomach and intestines, ginger may help reduce feelings of nausea. Mint has similar properties. Again, mint may be added to food or steeped into tea. This powerful herb helps calm the stomach and has analgesic effects that may soothe a sore gastrointestinal system. Finally, licorice can also help to reduce heartburn. It is believe that licorice reduces inflammation and the development of bacteria. These food items are all available at the grocery, ensuring their safety for those who choose to utilize them as part of their treatment plan.

Nutrition and Fiber

Nutrition and eating play a major role in heartburn and acid reflux. Certain foods, such as caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits and vegetables, and foods high in fat, are known to exacerbate problems with excess acid production. As such, these foods should be avoided. Instead, a diet of whole foods, with plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins, should be consumed. It is also important to consume plenty of fiber. Fiber is a neutral substance that does not cause the stomach to form acid. Additionally, fiber is known to regulate the digestive system, improving overall health.

While what is eaten is very important, is also important to consider how it is eaten. Most people eat three large meals a day. However, this can lead to stomach distension and increased acid production, causing more heartburn. Most doctors recommend that people who suffer from heartburn or acid reflux consume many small meals a day. This prevents the stomach from getting too full and allows it completely empty before adding more food.

While heartburn and acid reflux can be hard to live with, there are many natural ways to avoid that burning sensation in the throat. For more natural acid reflux remedies, download The Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!

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Acid Reflux Disease Home Remedies

Acid reflux can cause frequent and painful heartburn symptoms in people who suffer from this debilitating condition. Nearly 20% of Americans suffer from this persistent condition that affects sleep, mood, nutrition, and overall quality of life. Doctors prescribe expensive drugs or offer invasive surgeries to help solve these problems, but these costly options frequently fail to solve the problem. Fortunately there are a number of acid reflux home remedies that can help ease these problems. A summary of some of these safe and inexpensive home remedies is included below.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Those with acid reflux may strongly object to the idea of consuming vinegar. Indeed, it does seem that vinegar would be more likely to exacerbate heartburn problems. However, apple cider vinegar has unique properties that make it valuable in the treatment of acid reflux and heartburn. It contains certain enzymes that stimulate the digestive process, reducing the production of stomach acids. When purchasing apple cider vinegar to use for acid reflux treatment, it is important to purchase raw, organic vinegar, as more processed varieties may no longer contain the necessary enzymes. To use this remedy, simply add a tablespoon of vinegar to a glass of water and sip throughout any meal.

Ginger Root

Ginger root has many valuable medicinal qualities. In addition to absorbing stomach acid and decreasing nausea, ginger root may also help to relieve stress. Ginger root can be purchased fresh or dried in any grocery store. Simply adding it to foods may help relieve problems. For more potent application, ginger tea or dried ginger capsules can be purchased at a health food store. Taking the capsules or sipping a cup of this tea after dinner can help relieve heartburn symptoms.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are another home remedy that can be found in any grocery store. This lovely smelling herb is frequently consumed after meals in India. This tradition may stem from the fact that fennel seeds soothe the stomach and reduce gastrointestinal muscle spasms. Chewing a handful of these seeds after meals is a tasty way to reduce acid production and stomach pains.

Anise and Lavender Tea

Consuming a soothing combination of anise and lavender tea may help reduce stomach acid production. To prepare this hot drink, simply mix equal parts of aniseed and dried lavender. Add a teaspoon of this mixture to two cups of boiling water and steep for three to five minutes. Use a piece of cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer to filter the herbs from the water. Natural sweetener, such as honey or agave, may be added to the drink. Consuming eight ounces of this tea in the morning and evening may help to relieve negative acid reflux symptoms.

While acid reflux can be a painful and aggravating condition, there is no reason to stress about its treatment. Safe and easy to implement home remedies may be used alone or in combination to produce an effective treatment. To read about more natural acid reflux solutions, download the Reflux Remedy Report at refluxremedy.com today!

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