acid reflux symptom

March 24, 2011

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

Millions of acid reflux sufferers are finding lasting relief by using home remedies. Unfortunately many of them didn’t make that a priority and after discovering that medical treatment of symptoms isn’t a cure.

Known as the Father of western medicine, Hippocrates said, “First Do No Harm.”

Since your acid reflux isn’t a drug deficiency, there’s no sense treating your acid reflux symptom with drugs then is it? If you follow the Hippocratic axiom then you would be looking for a home remedy first.

Nothing on the market is as time-tested as a home remedy. There’s a possibility of someone modifying an ancient home remedy, but generally nothing is new under the sun. Everything that we need cured, including your acid reflux, has been cured by a simple evidence-based, time tested ancient home remedy somewhere . . . including your acid reflux.

According to anthropologists home remedies for acid reflux have been around as long as homes and maybe even before that. Nomads and wandering tribesman learned about how to cure their acid reflux by chewing on select grasses, eating certain fruits and drinking special teas or even healing beers.

There is evidence that herbs and grains were fermented and carried in gourds, long before primitive civilizations were formed as a result of agriculture.

Today there is a sinking sense of feeling separated from natural things. It’s as if everything we have is denatured, from our food to our medicine . . . there was a time when food was medicine, and those were the days when home remedies were simple common sense.

Nowadays the first thing someone with acid reflux does is run to the drugstore to get a magic pill that was originally based on a home remedy. I guess you could say pharmaceuticals are ‘denatured’  home remedies, accept they don’t even deserve to be associated with home remedies because they are the opposite.

Fact is more than 106,000 people die from properly prescribe medicine every year in the US, no one dies from home remedies. That tells me that the best remedy is to avoid using any drugs unless you have to use them in an emergency and then only use them for a short time.

Acid reflux can be cured using home remedies; however there are other factors involved that only lifestyle changes can cure . . . so if you need to you can keep using a home remedy for your acid reflux as often as you need.

It’s always in your best interest to cure your acid reflux at the source . . . because otherwise you could be ignoring important signs of some other impending health issue. As always prevention of acid reflux is the best home remedy or cure.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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March 21, 2011

Reflux Symptoms

Your acid reflux symptoms are the result of an elaborate communication-response system that involves more than 60,000,000,000 cells.

What you might not know is if you suffer from acid reflux symptoms that you may actually be suffering from a lack of stomach acid rather than an over production.

I know the symptoms of reflux definitely feel like you’re making too much stomach acid, but in reality it may be your system trying too hard to digest all the food-stuff in your gut.

Acid reflux is generally a dis-ease caused from undernutrition. It shouldn’t surprise you that most the food available to you isn’t exactly chocked full of living nutrition. Most food-stuff available for consumption would be more accurately described as being nothing more than tasty chemicals.

The processed food industry has to make up for the lack of proper nutrients by jacking up flavor with refined salt, sugar and flavor enhancers.

The truth will shock you.

Reflux symptoms are simply the fire alarm going off inside your cells telling you everything is out of balance.

Like your car, most people know enough not to wait for the warning signals on the dash to come on before they change their oil. However, many people do that with their body and instead of addressing the real reason for the warning signal, or acid reflux symptom . . . they just add some antacid formula as if it was motor honey.

Well motor honey might get you to the next service station but running your car on low oil and only treating the symptoms will reduce the life of your car’s engine.

Warning: treating symptoms of acid reflux doesn’t cure the original underlying issue and more often than not will make the reflux symptoms worse.

Acid rebound is a dis-ease caused from taking too many antacids to cover symptoms of reflux, rather than eliminating the problem in the first place.

If you had a leak in your roof would you just keep placing buckets under the leak while it rains? That may work the first time, but you’ll end up needing a bigger bucket every time it rains . . . that’s what treating reflux symptoms does, puts off the inevitable.

Each time you have reflux symptoms you need a little more and a little more and pretty soon you’ve got a serious dependency problem that will take more effort, time and money to fix.

Why not simply stop the cause of your acid reflux symptom at the source?

Bottom line treating reflux symptoms won’t change anything . . . except make things worse.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms by

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