September 9, 2011
Causes For Acid Reflux
Acid reflux, more commonly known as heartburn, is a painful and pesky problem that affects millions of Americans. Although it is not a serious disease, it is annoying and gets in the way of social activities, work and even sleep. There are several causes of acid reflux, which is most commonly caused by food. But there are other, more serious causes too and if you experience acid reflux very often, consult your physician.
1. Food- acid reflux is most commonly caused by eating spicy food, especially late at night without leaving ample time for the food to digest. When you sleep, remnants of this food can back up into the lower esophagus causing a painful burning sensation in the chest. To counter this, eat spicy foods earlier in the day and pair it with a dairy product, like milk or yogurt, which counteract the effects of the spices. Also, over-the-counter medications such as Maalox, TUMS or Pepto Bismol can give some relief. Other foods that commonly contribute to acid reflux include alcohol, any strong flavors like onion or garlic, soda, coffee and other caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits and tomato-based foods and fried foods.
2. Hiatal Hernia- this is a stomach abnormality in which the stomach and lower esophagus move around within the chest cavity. This can cause acid to back up into the sensitive esophagus and cause the characteristic burning sensation.
3. Pregnancy- increased pressure on the stomach and lower abdominal area can cause acid to back up into the esophagus. The higher levels of hormones can also add to the condition.
4. Smoking- inhaling smoke and other harsh chemicals can eat away at the protective mucous lining of the esophagus, increasing its sensitivity to acid and irritation.
5. Loose esophageal sphincter- there is a muscular gate that connects the esophagus to the stomach to allow the passage of food. In normal individuals, this gate only allows for one-way passage and then closes tightly so that food does not back up. In individuals who suffer from acid reflux, this sphincter is not as tight as it should be and allows food and acid to reverse direction and enter the esophagus. In some cases, corrective surgery is needed to reverse this problem and tighten the sphincter.
6. Laying down or going to sleep too soon after eating- you should allow at least thirty to forty-five minutes for digestion after eating before laying down or going to sleep if you are prone to experiencing acid reflux. Sit up straight and allow gravity to work to keep food and acid in the stomach.
7. Not drinking enough water after a meal- saliva is a natural digestive and is needed to begin and continue the process of digestion. If a person is dehydrated, however, this decreases the production of saliva and can slow the digestive process down, increasing the chances of acid reflux. Be sure to drink a glass of water after a meal, and maybe two if it was a spicy meal.
There are several acid reflux triggers. The trick is to find your triggers and avoid them at all cost. For more information on acid reflux triggers visit Reflux Remedy at today!
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August 30, 2011
Controlling Acid Reflux
Acid reflux disease, or gastroesophageal reflux disease, affects no fewer than 20% of the American populace on a regular basis. When the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, does not close completely, or if it opens too frequently, the acids that are produced by the stomach creep up into the esophagus, resulting in the uncomfortable chest pain known as heartburn. Other symptoms can include wheezing, dysphagia, dry cough, or problems affecting the ears and the vocal cords. But how does the acid reflux sufferer get relief? Read on for tips about controlling acid reflux and making life more comfortable.
Several lifestyle choices can trigger acid reflux, such as obesity and smoking, but it can also occur if you consume a large meal or lay down immediately after eating. Pregnant women are susceptible to acid reflux as are people who take ibuprofen, aspirin, or blood pressure or muscle relaxing medications, and foods such as garlic, tomatoes, citrus, chocolate, or fatty or spicy foods can also trigger an attack. People suffering from hiatal hernias are prone to acid reflux due to the dislocation of the upper stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter; this can force acid into the esophagus, causing the acid reflux symptoms to rear their heads.
There are a number of different therapies that can treat acid reflux disease, ranging from prescription or non-prescription drugs to herbal therapies. These various treatments effectively treat the symptoms of acid reflux as well as heal any sort of abrasions that result from the excessive acid, and they can also prevent any further complications related to the disease. People who suffer from relatively mild acid reflux disease can keep it at bay with a few simple actions: avoid eating two to three hours prior to lying down for the night, consume snacks throughout the day in lieu of heavy meals, elevate the head of the bed, stop smoking, and lose weight through diet and exercise. Antacids are also helpful to neutralize the stomach acids, but they can have some side effects if they are used with frequency.
For people who suffer from very severe acid reflux, their physician might prescribe stronger medication. An H2 blocker, such as Pepcid or Zantac, can help to reduce the acid formation in the esophagus; however, if these drugs are unsuccessful in treating the issue, the next step might be a proton pump inhibitor, such as Nexium, Prevacid, or Prilosec. These drugs will reduce the stomach acid, and most of them are available over the counter, eliminating the need to obtain a prescription. Another option is a prokinetic agent, such as Reglan or Urecholine, which can give the patient immediate relief by emptying the contents of the stomach more quickly and strengthening the lower esophageal sphincter, but this drug carries along with it more potential side effects. People suffering from the effects of acid reflux should consult their physician; this disease is easily treatable, and it should be treated sooner rather than later to prevent any damage to the esophagus.
For more ways to control your acid reflux visit Reflux Remedy at today!
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Acid reflux, or the occurrence where stomach acid rises from the stomach into the esophagus, occurs in most adults throughout their lifetime. While most adults will occasionally develop heartburn as the result of eating something spicy or that does not agree with their stomach, some individuals who have chronic acid reflux might develop GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. The question of what causes GERD to develop often seems to point toward coffee and other caffeinated beverages as a potential culprit.
The Myth
For many years, the idea that coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages cause the development of acid reflux disease or GERD was common. Part of the myth stems from the idea that coffee is highly acidic. Since coffee has a high acid content, it causes more acid production in the stomach which results in acid reflux.
The other part of the myth comes from the idea that the caffeine in coffee relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, so the acid in the stomach comes up into the esophagus and causes heartburn.
The Truth
The truth about coffee as it relates to acid reflux is that it will aggravate acid reflux disease or GERD in patients who already suffer from the conditions. However, coffee is not the reason acid reflux originally develops. According to the British Medical Journal, heavy coffee drinkers who drank an average of around seven cups of coffee per day were actually 40 percent less likely to develop GERD and acid reflux when compared to those who did not drink coffee.
Though coffee actually helps protect against GERD before it develops, patients who already have problems with heartburn will find that coffee further aggravates the problem. Coffee is highly acidic, so those who have damage to the esophagus from acid reflux will feel uncomfortable drinking the coffee and might even feel pain. It will also relax the lower esophageal sphincter, so if acid reflux is a problem already it might cause further reflux problems.
A healthy adult who does not have problems with GERD or acid reflux will not need to worry that drinking a cup of coffee each day increases their risk of later developing GERD.
Stopping Acid Reflux
Before acid reflux becomes a serious problem, it is possible to fix the problem and coffee is actually part of the solution.
The website points out that acid reflux actually stems from an unhealthy lifestyle. The only way to stop acid reflux from developing is by improving your lifestyle habits. Part of the improvement begins with drinking more coffee.
Coffee is beneficial for your heart, lowers the risk of developing GERD or acid reflux and helps improve your cognitive abilities. While it helps, coffee alone will not prevent GERD.
Combine coffee with eating smaller meals and getting regular exercise to prevent the development of GERD. Around 30 minutes of exercise a day along with small and healthy meals will lower body weight and improve your overall health. Eventually, healthy habits will also eliminate acid reflux.
Coffee is surprisingly helpful in preventing acid reflux disease or GERD. Drink up and enjoy your cup of java.
To learn more on the truth about coffee and acid reflux visit Reflux Remedy at today!
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July 21, 2011
Acid Reflux Complications
Acid reflux occurs when the acids in the stomach come up into the esophagus. Occasional acid reflux is normal and does not cause complications, but when heartburn occurs regularly it causes health problems.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is also called GERD or acid reflux disease, occurs when heartburn becomes a regular problem. Doctors diagnose GERD based on how often heartburn occurs, the symptoms described and whether the problem reacts to heartburn medications.
If GERD is not treated, complications occur as the acid eats away at the esophagus.
Erosive Esophagus:
Erosive esophagus is perhaps the most common complication that occurs as a result of consistent acid reflux. The stomach acids come up into the esophagus and gradually start damaging the lining. After awhile, inflammation occurs, resulting in painful swallowing and potential infections in the throat.
Fortunately, erosive esophagus can heal if the acid reflux is diminished.
Barrett’s Esophagus:
Barrett’s esophagus is a specific disorder that occurs as a complication to continual acid reflux. In this situation, the lining in the esophagus changes from the original lining to the material found in the body’s intestine. Anyone who develops Barrett’s esophagus is monitored for complications like bronchitis and pneumonia, which sometimes occur as a result of the disorder. Individuals who develop Barrett’s esophagus are more likely to develop esophageal cancer.
Esophageal Cancer:
Like all cancers, esophageal cancer occurs when the cells in the esophagus turn malignant and start multiplying too quickly. These cells attack the esophagus and are harmful to the body. While esophageal cancer is not caused only by acid reflux, individuals who have GERD have a higher likelihood of developing the cancer.
Esophagitis is a common complication of long term acid reflux. It is a type of inflammatory problem that occurs as a result of stomach acid wearing away the lining in the esophagus. In some instances, it causes esophageal bleeding. The lining in the esophagus wears down to the point that it starts bleeding, causing painful swallowing, discomfort and the obvious blood. Another problem that comes with esophagitis is ulcers in the esophagus. Difficulty swallowing occurs when the esophagus narrows or partially closes as a result of the disorder.
Voice Box Complications:
Sometimes acid reflux results in problems to the voice box, otherwise called the larynx. Long term acid reflux can damage the voice box, changing the way an individual sounds when talking. In the worst case, cancer of the larynx occurs. Individuals with GERD are more likely than those without the disease to develop laryngeal cancer.
Acid reflux is controlled and managed in a wide range of ways. It is possible to manage heartburn and acid reflux without taking a prescription medication that has potential side effects. Natural methods of managing GERD include changing diet, adjusting habits after eating and lying on an incline while sleeping.
For further information about methods of managing acid reflux without medication, download the Reflux Remedy Report at It provides information about ways to minimize acid reflux and stop these complications from occurring.
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