causes of gastritis

June 7, 2011

Hypertrophic Gastritis

Hypertrophic gastritis is a pre-malignant condition. As a pre-malignant condition, a person may find a way to overcome the possibility of a more serious condition developing if he follows a proper course of action. Whether or not the condition develops into something more serious does not always depend on the patient’s genetics and how close a more serious condition is to developing.

The disease starts with increased folds in the stomach and increased mucus secreted from the stomach lining. A few physical symptoms may include constipation or diarrhea, depending on the internal chemistry of the individual. If the diseases progresses further, acid reflux may occur with all of the other possible symptoms.

When a medical professional diagnoses a patient with this condition in the early stages, the patient can easily take steps to avoid the condition from becoming a more serious problem. The first thing a person can do, if he has not done so already, is to cut down on foods he eats that irritate the stomach lining. This includes sodas, coffees, milks and any other foods to which his particular body chemistry does not respond well. Because the condition occurs before something goes wrong, changing a person’s habits in time can prevent a person from needed more stringent medical services.

A brief cleansing diet, as long as it is performed under the supervision of a doctor, may help the stomach folds to return to their normal consistency. If the condition is not caught soon enough, there is little the patient of the doctor can do but wait to see what it develops into. Because the condition occurs in the internal organs, there is little a person can do about it. The stomach, unlike the heart, is not a muscle, exercise does not help gastritis directly. If the condition is an immune response, exercise may help.

For more information on the hypertrophic gastritis visit today!

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January 25, 2011

Causes of Gastritis

It’s not a big mystery what causes gastritis, for one thing, gastritis isn’t a drug deficiency . . . you can rule that out.

Gastritis like any disorder or degenerative health issue, it’s a matter of nurturing proper nutrition and having healthy lifestyle habits.

When you ask what causes gastritis you are really asking what causes the stomachs protective layer of specialized cells to become weakened?

Normally you have a protective mucus lining that shields your naked stomach cells from corrosive stomach acid.

Your digestive system isn’t designed to digest itself.

Once you identify the underlying root cause of your gastritis and remove the cause, your body heals relatively fast.

Here’s a list of gastritis triggers and possible causes:

  • Helicobacter pylori is the name of a bacteria found in ulcerations of people with gastritis. The interesting thing is millions of people have these bacteria and they don’t have any gastritis symptoms. The reason is bacteria, like viruses are opportunistic organisms, which means if the conditions are right they will flourish and thrive . . . so the condition is a cause of gastritis, not the bacterium.
  • Pain drugs like Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) often irritate the stomach environment, changing the conditions. Taking aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen can upset the delicate digestive system leaving it vulnerable to infection and inflammation causing gastritis.
  • Alcohol is literally more addictive than crack cocaine and because of this fact it’s considered a socially acceptable drug because getting everyone to stop taking alcohol is impossible . . . prohibition never works. Alcohol, like NSAIDs changes the conditions of your digestive system’s environment, making it subject to bacterial infection and causing gastritis.
  • Stress will also change your internal conditions making your stomach more vulnerable to the cause of gastritis.
  • When your cells lose inner-net communication they can end up causing an immune reaction and attacks itself without realizing it. This is called an auto-immune dysfunction, which is rare but it does happens more often in people with other auto-immune disorders like diabetes type 1, Hashimoto’s disease or Addison’s disease. The cause of autoimmune gastritis can be a simple communication breakdown triggered by a nutritional deficiency and lifestyle factors.
  • Gastritis can be triggered from eating too much animal proteins and fats in which case bile reflux disease can develop often causing gastritis. Bile helps you digest animal fats. Bile is made in your liver and stored in your gallbladder and prevented from contaminating your small intestine by a valve . . . if bile leaks by it will inflame and turn into acute gastritis.
  • Other problems that can cause gastritis or are associated with it are AIDS, Crohn’s disease, parasites, liver failure, kidney dysfunction and some connective tissue disorders.

Bottom line is if you learn to keep your internal conditions properly balanced though right diet and lifestyle you can prevent or even reverse the cause of gastritis.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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