deep breathing exercises

October 20, 2010

Exercise and Hiatal Hernia

Do you have questions about your hiatal hernia and exercise? If you don’t, you should have. The whole problem with hiatal hernia is the physical stress placed upon your entire torso. A hiatal hernia, as you may well know, creates so much discomfort that it’s almost impossible to even bend over or lie down.

So thinking about exercise isn’t going get you anywhere, chances are that’s the last thing you feel like doing. The catch is . . . ?exercise really is of the utmost importance to reversing and curing your hiatal hernia pain.

So let’s find an exercise you can practice.

As you may already know exercising while lying down isn’t an option. In fact exercising on your back, side or stomach will only force more acid reflux up past your esophagus flap. This flap or Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is really the main problem you’re dealing with.

It’s a mistake to think all hiatal hernias are caused from an acid reflux disease. In fact it’s usually the opposite case. Because there’s so much pressure in your stomach from eating too much of the wrong foods, it piles up and pushes against your esophagus flap.

Lack of exercise makes a hiatal hernia worse and may be one of the root causes in the first place.

Nothing beats going for a walk in the park after eating a meal. If you suffer from hiatal hernia, you really would benefit from exercising more after eating any amount.

So forget about lifting dumbbells, doing sit-ups and somersault, those types of exercise will make your hiatal hernia symptoms even worse than before.

Whatever you do while exercising, avoid putting any pressure on your hiatal hernia area.

Drugs for acid reflux should only be used by a small minority of hiatal hernia cases, and if used, use them only for a short time.

Covering up symptoms is counter-productive for most people, especially if you are capable of doing some simple exercises.

I suggest getting one of those big yoga exercise balls. I personally found this helps stretch the stomach area. You can exercise your abdomen by using the giant ball to arch your back, head over heels.

Another exercise which helps relieve hiatal hernia pressure is jumping up and down. In fact I would suggest a few tools, or toys. Pick up a small trampoline. This works great for people who can’t walk outside for one reason or another.

Living in the Snow Belt makes it hard to get out and having a little trampoline to walk and jump upon is a great way to invigorate digestion.

If you suffer from hiatal hernia, you’ve got to focus on whatever it takes to increase proper digestion.

If you’re really determined to exercise, buy a jump rope. I can’t think of a better exercise for a hiatal hernia.

Probably the easiest exercise for hiatal hernia is walking and there are many other benefits to walking, such as increasing circulation, moving food away from your esophagus, promoting movement of lymph fluid and it also encourages deep breathing. . . plus it keeps you away from raiding the refrigerator-which is the worst exercise you can be caught doing. I know it’s hard to even breathe with hiatal hernia, but when you can, use deep breathing exercises to.

Anything that stretches, creates downward movement and invigorates digestion is highly encouraged.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologis

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