esophagal sphincter

September 16, 2011

Gerd Food To Avoid

For the millions of people that suffer from Gastroesophegeal Reflux Disease, or GERD, eating can be a very painful experience. Heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux are often unfortunate consequences that occur after these people have had a meal. Anything that produces excess stomach acid will bring on a painful attack. While there are medicines that can help neutralize stomach acid, this may be a short term solution. Therefore, it is highly recommended that people with GERD make changes in their diet which can often prevent problems before they begin.

GERD sufferers should avoid certain foods that have been known to trigger acid flair-ups. For example, citrus fruits such as grapefruit, lemons and oranges are all highly acidic, and therefore, will increase the amount of acid in the stomach. The same goes for orange juice, grapefruit juice and even lemonade. Other fruits that can cause problems are strawberries, pineapples, cranberries and peaches. Tomatoes, including tomato sauce, salsa and ketchup need to be avoided as well. Also, spicy food, especially anything that contains a lot of pepper, such as certain Mexican and Asian dishes, can irritate the stomach lining.

When choosing a beverage, anything with caffeine, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks should be consumed in small amounts, if at all, since caffeine tends to irritate the stomachs of heartburn sufferers.

There are certain foods that need to be avoided because they can relax the lower esophagal sphincter, which is the muscle between the stomach and esophagus, thus triggering acid reflux.

These foods include: peppermint (which ironically was once prescribed to soothe upset stomachs) spearmint, chocolate and any type of alcoholic beverage. Red wine is especially bad to drink because it not only relaxes the sphincter, but is also highly acidic. Carbonated drinks, such as soda pop also fall into this category, as does beer, which is fermented.

Foods with a high fat content, such as steak, cheese, butter, ice cream, and even peanuts, are not necessarily irritating to the stomach, but can actually slow down the digestive process. This causes food to stay in the stomach longer and triggers bloating which can then push stomach acid back up into the esophagus. Also, foods that are high in sugar, as well as some sugar substitutes, are suspect. Any kind of greasy, fried foods, especially those which fall into the “fast food” category will tend to have the same effect. Consuming garlic and onions tends to cause a build up of gas and bloating in some people and therefore will trigger reflux as well. Other well-known gas producers include: beans, cabbage, peas, cauliflower and broccoli.

In addition to avoiding certain types of foods, GERD sufferers need to pay attention to the quantity of the food they take in as well. It helps to have smaller portions more frequently and avoid over-eating at all costs. Also, food should be eaten at least three to four hours before bedtime to allow the stomach to empty completely and stomach acids to become neutralized as well. To find out more about GERD foods to avoid be sure to visit Reflux Remedy at today!

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