May 4, 2011
Hiatal Hernia Diagnosis
Hiatal hernias happen when a section of the stomach abnormally shifts to another area. The new location could be in the chest area or adjacent to the esophagus. There are also two kinds of hiatal hernias: sliding and rolling. The difference between the two is determined based on the new location of the stomach. Hiatal hernias occur because of a weak diaphragm? When your diaphragm isn’t as strong as it should be, it may open wider than normal and allow the stomach to move up, beyond the diaphragm. It is important for you to become knowledgeable about the warning signs and symptoms of a hiatal hernia. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with this condition so that you can’t try to detect whether or not you are suffering from it. Early detection will enable you and your doctor to get you back to good health.
Hiatal hernia is not something that can be totally diagnosed based on how you feel. Self diagnosis is very hard to do because the symptoms of hiatal hernia may reflect another disease or condition. Often times, signs of a hiatal hernia are very similar to the symptoms of GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of GERD may include a burning pain in the throat, chest, regurgitation, hoarseness, and a sore throat. Common physical issues that are associated with a hiatal hernia are pain in the stomach and chest.
Heartburn and chest pain are two of the major signs of hiatal hernia. When stomach acid goes up into the esophagus, this causes irritation. Stomach acid is meant to be used to break down and digest food particles within the stomach. If stomach acid goes outside of the stomach, it essentially will have the same properties and effects. Stomach acid in the esophagus is harmful and corrosive because of the level of acidity. Heartburn doesn’t actually affect your heart. When the stomach acid enters your esophagus and travels upward, you can feel pain in your entire chest and heart area. That is why it is called heart burn.
There are a number of things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing a hiatal hernia.
Lifestyle changes are probably the best way to combat the symptoms of hiatal hernia.
- You can eliminate eating meals a few hours before going to bed.
- You can also eat smaller meals, which causes your stomach to produce lower quantities of stomach acid.
- The type of meals that you eat is also very important when it comes to relieving symptoms.
- Cut back on spicy and high fat foods.
- Reducing your alcohol consumption and cutting out smoking can lower the chances of having a hiatal hernia.
- You should also practice lifting objects with the proper technique and avoid lifting heavy objects in general.
If you think that you may be suffering from a hiatal hernia due to your persistent heartburn, you need to consult with a medical professional. To find out more about hiatal hernia symptoms and what you can do about them, visit today for more information.
Filed under Hiatal Hernia by admin
April 8, 2011
Cure For Heartburn
If you want a cure for heartburn then you must wise up to the fact that drugs are NOT the solution. The entire Western medical theory of blocking symptoms of heartburn is responsible for millions of heartburn suffers worsening their health conditions.
Do you really want a cure for heartburn? If your answer is yes then you will find it in a natural remedy not in a chemical drug.
Why do millions of people who once had heartburn end up with gastro-esophageal acid reflux disease, hiatal hernias and throat cancer? The answer is because they all played the Big Pharma game and lost.
Think about it, with all the billions of dollars spent on advertising to get you to take their products, if they actually worked then they’d be out of business because no one would ever have chronic heartburn.
The truth of the matter is quite the opposite. Because millions of people are sold on “treating symptoms” of heartburn with this OTC gimmick or that, their heartburn issues never quite go away.
It’s your responsibility to find your own cure for heartburn; you simply need to be sincere about really wanting a heartburn cure.
What if curing your heartburn meant you couldn’t eat meals for 3 hours before bedtime or that you couldn’t take a nap after your meals?
What if the cure for your heartburn meant learning to enjoy taking short walks or stretching after eating big meals?
What if curing your heartburn meant only eating certain foods in between meals?
What if curing your heartburn meant not drinking anything with your meals?
Are you ready and willing to cure your heartburn no matter what it takes?
Drugs do not cure your heartburn; they block stomach acid production which is a double problem IF your heartburn isn?t caused from too much stomach acid.
The more you look into the business of selling drugs, whether it be for heartburn, gastro-esophageal reflux disease or acid rebound, the more you understand that those gimmicks can never cure your heartburn.
The cure for heartburn is already within you, you simply need to tap into it. Your own natural heartburn cure simply needs you to nurture it.
Learn how you can naturally support your own heartburn cure by nurturing cellular health simply by using your attitude, environment and food as your medicine . . . only you can cure your heartburn.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Heartburn Treatment by admin
February 4, 2011
Acid Reflux and Stress
Acid reflux has several medical names such as heart burn, acid indigestion and gastro-esophageal reflux disease, regardless they’re all associated with STRESS.
Everyone loves stress don’t they? NOT.
Stress is stressful. Just the thought of being stressed out stresses me out . . . at least it used to. I’ve learned how to not sweat the little stuff in life in order to better enjoy the bigger, more important things . . . like my health.
Acid reflux is unnatural; it’s what happens when you do unnatural things, but in a way I guess you could argue that it’s a natural response to an unnatural act.
Acid reflux is your inner intelligence getting back at you for not going with the flow. Seriously, we humans really do take everything for granted. Your mind/body is the most intelligent representation of Mama Nature’s handy craft in the entire world, and look what we do to ourselves.
We stress ourselves out in so many ways it’s not funny one bit.
We have dumped industrial pollutants into our oceans, lakes and streams. We’ve spewed noxious gases into the air . . . we stress out the world.
Then we take living soil, rich with more than 72 trace minerals and burn it up with chemical fertilizers until our foods have nothing but nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium . . . we stress out our food.
The result is biological stress caused from under-nutrition. It takes a bushel of tomatoes to equal the nutritional value of an heirloom tomato from 100 years ago.
Then we stress ourselves out . . . with radiation from the thinning sky, cell phone transmissions and nuclear fallout to boot. Add to that our desperately paced lifestyles, racing us around 24/7 just to pay the bills . . . it’s no wonder millions of people have acid reflux and acid reflux associated diseases.
Up to 44% of the United States adult population experience acid reflux, heartburn or acid indigestion at least once per month, 14% weekly and 7% daily. Acid reflux is one of the most common disorders today and it’s all from a dysfunction between the throat from the stomach.
When people are stressed in America, they eat more, or they eat the wrong food and often eat it at the wrong times. All this triggers acid reflux because the food isn’t being digested so it places stress on the barrier between the throat and the stomach called the diaphragm. Once the stomach is stressed from all the undigested garbage food in it and the diaphragm is stressed from the pressure forcing it up toward the throat . . . acid reflux happens.
You have a flap-like valve called a Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), which normally keeps acid reflux separate from the throat. However, once the food pressure becomes great enough it warps this flap-like seal allowing stomach acid to reflux upward into your throat, lungs, sinus cavity and mouth . . . which stresses you out even more.
Bottom line acid reflux patients who are stressed report chronic acid reflux symptoms. Psychological factors may play a critical role, especially for patients without inflamed throats. There are further studies on understanding the brain/gut relationship and how a person’s perception of stress helps trigger acid reflux.
Considering all forms of stress and its relationship to acid reflux clearly shows that less stress equals less acid reflux.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux by admin
January 27, 2011
Chest Pain Indigestion
They call it heart burn because acid indigestion causes pain in your chest right behind your heart.
Your heart is actually located in the center of your chest, right behind your sternum, it’s just that the upper part of your heart is turned a little to the left, even though we’ve been told it’s on the left side.
It’s not unusual for people experiencing chest pain from indigestion to panic, thinking it’s a heart attack.
When your stomach has difficulty digesting large amounts of food, it tends to stretch like a balloon forcing pressure on the large muscle surrounding it.
The chest pain from indigestion is sometimes from this larger muscle, called the diaphragm being forced outward. The chest pain can also be from your stomach being pushed upward toward the opening in the diaphragm where your throat is.
Sometimes the pushing is so strong the stomach literally escapes the surrounding diaphragm, near that opening causing a hiatal hernia . . .
Another cause of chest pain from indigestion is acid reflux, which is when the flap that seal the bottom of your throat, to protect stomach acid from passing upward, get’s over come with pressure.
This produces that burning pain you can feel right behind the heart in the middle of your chest, called heart burn.
All this indigestion and chest pain is from your inability to release pressure and digest food fast enough to empty your stomach.
You can either eat less over all or break your meals down into smaller meals throughout the day, or both.
Some people have chest pain from lack of digestive juices causing undigested food to pile up; others just eat too much through the day, or at the last minute before bed.
Your chest pain may not be a heart attack, but indigestion that triggers chest pain has been known to trigger heart attacks . . .
Also eating a large meal before exerting yourself can cause chest pain too.
So learn to relax, breathe deeply, eat small meals of diverse foods and try to go for a casual walk after eating. Chest pain is a serious issue whether it’s indigestion, poor circulation or a heart attack . . . always see your doctor if it recurs or won’t go away.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Indigestion by admin