immediate heartburn relief

February 10, 2011

Immediate Heartburn Relief

If you or someone you love suffers from acid reflux (also called heartburn or GERD), your immediate reaction may be to go to your family doctor for a prescription drug, which you could end up taking for the rest of your life.

Sadly, most of these heartburn drugs also have the potential for harmful effects including abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, headache, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, taste alterations and more.

Antacids simply do not cure your heartburn, they only offer immediate relief from the heartburn symptoms and as long as the underlying cause of your heartburn is still there . . . it can never heal itself.

Plus antacids interfere with the normal digestion process, depleting your body of vital nutrients you need to heal. Worse, they often cause symptoms of other health problems such as heavy metal poisoning and even kidney disease.

You are not alone!

More than 60 million Americans suffer needlessly from heartburn daily and globally the statistics are staggering. If the real cause of your heartburn is left unchecked, it can lead to many other potential health problems.

Did you know more than 12,000 Americans die each year from esophageal cancer, and its first immediate warning sign is heartburn. Heartburn not only leads to GERD, but bleeding ulcers or heart problems can develop as well.

So reaching for immediate relief of heartburn is okay once in a blue moon, yet as you know leaving the cause unchecked is only asking for chronic acid reflux and serious heartburn issues.

The good news is there is a safe and clinically proven effective solution to eliminating your heartburn once and for all . . .

It’s the same thing that also prevents heartburn before it happens and it’s the same thing that reverses heartburn even in the later stages. It’s called making dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

By tuning up your metabolism and turning down unhealthy snacks, beverages and foods, immediate relief of heartburn is easy, plus eating properly will increase your overall health as well.

For immediate relief of heartburn try a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda in a 10 ounce glass of carbon filtered water . . . for long lasting relief from heartburn get off the Standard American Diet (SAD) and get some mild level exercise on a regular basis . . . you’ll be glad you did.


You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Natural Heartburn Relief





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