
November 12, 2010

Acid Reflux Hair Loss

I know you?ve heard all there is to say about stress and hair loss and it?s no laughing matter, but there?s more going on than just emotional stress when you?re losing your hair and at the same time are suffering from acid reflux.

First, you?re most likely NOT having heartburn or indigestion over the loss of your hair or vice versa.

Worrying about one is not triggering the other and worrying won?t help them go away either.

There is still the question of whether, ?acid reflux cause hair loss, or can hair loss cause acid reflux??

It?s almost like the old chicken and the egg paradox, which one came first?

There are many variables including toxic exposure, dietary habits and genetic predisposition.

Actually we can rule out genetic predisposition because scientists have discovered that you can affect your genetic switch board by changing how and what you eat. If you have been exposed to toxins (Like pharmaceuticals) that are causing your acid indigestion, your hair loss may be the least of your health concerns.

As you may already know, everything to do with your health is somehow interconnected with your environment, both internally and externally.

By peaking at the ?big picture? we have a better opportunity of grasping a more holistic or dare I say holographic, perspective.

The closer you look the more important it is to try and see things from your cell?s point of view.? The truth is your cells literally have perceptive capabilities. Each cell has organelles that represent tiny functional copies of every organ you have in your body.

You are created from the constant communication efforts of more than 50,000,000 cells and when communication breaks down the signs of imbalance can be detected.

Heartburn and hair loss can definitely be considered signs of an imbalance. Are they connected? Technically yes, as I?ve pointed out, everything ultimately is.

Let?s talk heartburn for a moment.

Most people couldn?t be more misinformed about heartburn and acid reflux. The myth that everyone who suffers from heartburn symptoms has too much stomach acid is simply untrue.

When you look at the root cause of heartburn you?ll see that a stomach acid deficiency creates nearly the same heartburn symptoms as an over production of stomach acid will.

It only ?feels? like an over production of stomach acid because of the body is making sudden spurts of gastric acid, instead of making a steady supply.

Now imagine IF you suffer from lack of stomach acid that this deficiency has been going on for some time now and therefore may have caused some other issues as a result; such as not digesting food or absorbing nutrients and oxygen into your cells.

Now looking closer at hair loss we will also discover that these same minerals, oxygen and nutrients are vital for normal hair follicle health.

In fact a chronic mineral deficiency will prevent any key nutrients from entering your cells eventually stopping your cells from growing, reproducing and healing their selves properly.

So keep in mind that your thyroid, your follicles, your stomach acid and every metabolic system you have is dependent upon electrons that are released from water when special minerals are present.

Simply put, your impressive communication ?Inner-Net? between all your cells is failing because there are not enough electrons flowing around. Electrons created by trace minerals and water.

So that?s why hair follicles are not functioning properly, because without these minerals, there is less oxygen. The same goes for your heartburn issues, without the oxygen and nutritional energy supplied by trace minerals your cells cannot make gastric acid, enzymes or proteins needed to maintain a healthy digestive environment.

Try RAW sea minerals from unprocessed salt or coral mineral sachets- simply add water and drink between meals. They will hydrate and alkalize your cells to bring up oxygen levels. Stable oxygen allows the detoxification process to take place, which you hair follicles and other cells desperately need.

Imagine having an aquarium and never changing the water- that?s what your stomach acid and hair cells are going through without having access to charged minerals and water.

So address the root cause of your heartburn and you?ll stop seeing so much hair loss.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 23, 2010

Adderall and Stomach Acid

I remember a time when it was normal for a 9 year old boy to day dream out the window and squirm in his chair during English class. Today the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, by definition, describe every 9 year old boy in the world. What?s with that?

That?s why more than 10,000,000 Adderal type prescriptions for ADD/ADHD are filled each year just in the US alone. In the 1990s, sales of these Adderal like drugs grew by over 500% and today it?s far worse.

Alerted health experts see the dangerous connection between all the ADD and ADHD prescriptions and a new trend of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion is children these days.

This report will discuss some of the adverse effects of Adderal, such as causing a weakened immune system, disrupting stomach acid production and even damage to the brain and central nervous sytem.

When I was a kid, no one I knew ever had stomach acid issues, maybe an occasional stomach ache from too much junk food, but heartburn was a word for adults not kids. So what?s different these days?

Well for one, there?s more junk food available today than 40 years ago, it?s one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet . . . and so is selling Adderal, Ritalin and all the other Schedule II drugs.

Adderal is a powerful stimulant drug that chemically alters the ?reward pathway? of the brain and central nervous system. Adderal and these other mind altering drugs are experimental ?controlled substances? that have a significant abuse and addiction potential.

Your stomach acid production is dependent on a complex network of cells and nerve endings. In fact the gastrointestinal system, or gut, is now considered by leading gastroenterologists as the
?second brain.?

Technically the gut has more nerve endings than the brain. Stomach acid is only one product of your gut; it also produces the same neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, as the brain does. This is all part of your total ?reward pathway? that loops through the brain, gut and ultimately the central nervous system.

The following structures are part of your ?reward pathway? affected by Adderal like drugs.

? Ventral Tegmental: Consists of dopamine GABE and glutamate neurons.

? Nucleus Accumbens: Made of medium spiny neurons representing 90% of all neurons

? Amygdala: There are one in each temporal lobe, associated with fight and flight emotions.

? Hippocampus: Connected to memory, known as the third brain.

? Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Regulates Hypothalmic, Pituitary and adrenal activity

? The Gut: A.K.A. the second brain consisting of 100,000,000 neurons.

It?s irresponsible for drug companies to make experimental drugs that manipulate the nervous system, and gut especially when ADD and ADHD are ?contrived, non-existent conditions.? The scientists that are paid to invent these powerful chemicals do not know all of the adverse side effects.

Why else would Adderal trigger serious stomach acid problems? All Big Pharma cares about is controlling your brain and tricking millions of people to believe drugs like Adderal serve any benefit at all, when in fact all they do is harm.

There is a new field called neurogastroenterology, which recognizes that your stomach?s (enteric) nervous system mirrors your central nervous system. Toxic drugs like Adderal interfere with not only the brain and central nervous system, but also mess up stomach acid production by manipulating neurotransmitters in your gut.

The drug companies and their select drug ?dealers? are only told drugs like Adderal interfere with the ?mesolimbic? (brain) reward pathway, and completely disregard an accurate holistic viewpoint.

Bottom line is the good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norephinephrine, enkophalin endorphins and nitric oxide, along with the 24 brain proteins found in your gastrointestinal system called neuropeptides, are all shut down or interrupted by Adderal type drugs.

Taking Adderal not only interferes with the neuropeptides that are major cells in your immune system, but Adderal and similar Class II substances disrupt the balance of stomach acid, which can lead to many different health problems like heartburn, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.

Using natural remedies you can learn how to help your body?s second brain and reward pathways like an electrical switchboard. By simply discovering the healing, calming and strengthening benefits of whole food sourced nutrients you can nurture superior mental and physical health without taking Adderal or other experimental drugs.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 15, 2010

Heartburn That Will Not Go Away

Attention all spicy food lovers! If you are like many people you love Mexican food, Chinese, and basically all if any, spicy and greasy foods because after all, ?they are simply delish ?. Even diet fanatics will dip into their secret cravings every now and then for some good old fashion burger and fries. So, what do you do when you when get that heartburn that won’t go away? Reach for your antacids, milk of magnesia, Tums, Maalox, Amphojel, Alternagel, Mylanta, Rolaids or Pepto- Bismol? These are just a few antacids that are intended to temporarily relieve heartburn, neutralize stomach acid, acid indigestion and upset stomach.

They are also recommended to relieve the pain of ulcers and some contain an ingredient called Simethicone that helps eliminate excess gas. These are some ?up sides? to antacids but take into caution the ?down sides?. Most of these antacids contain ingredients such as magnesium that causes diarrhea or aluminum for that feeling of constipation.

If Antacids work for you, great! But keep in mind that they are made for temporary relief and are not intended for long term use. On a serious note, if you are using antacids for heart burn you should take as directed by your doctor, according to the manufacturer’s directions. If you are using the tablets, chew them before swallowing for faster relief against heartburn that won’t go away.

Serious side effects can occur with an overdose or overuse of antacids which usually occurs because of long term use and a build up of tolerance to the medication. Side effects include constipation, diarrhea, changes in the color of bowl movements, and stomach cramps.

Where do you turn when antacids no longer do the trick and you are taking more than the recommended amount? You can always go to your good old doctor and tell him/her that you are taking too many antacids and suffering from constipation that is killing you more quickly than the acid reflux.

He will then do either two things depending on how severe your symptoms have become at this point, Prescription drugs, or H2 antagonists ?over the counter strength. More than likely he will try you take OTC antagonists first which is nothing but acid blockers for heart burn. These drugs relieve heartburn, acid indigestion, and sour stomach, with many different options that are available over the counter as well as prescription strength. Examples of H2 antagonists that are available over the counter include:

? Axid AR

? Pepcid AC

? Tagamet HB

? Zantac 75

The FDA has approved the proton pump inhibitors prevacid, Prilosec, and Zegerid for over-the-counter use to treat heartburn that won’t go away or occurs in more than two episodes per week, for 14 days. This drug also come in prescription strength and is intended to be taken in accordance to the directions provided by your doctor. You should consult with your doctor if your symptoms persists or get worst over a two week period.

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