April 6, 2011
Severe Acid Reflux Symptoms
Acid reflux disease is a disease that plagues thousands and thousands of people. The tricky thing about this disease is that it doesn’t simply manifest in one way for everybody, the symptoms of this disease, much like the cause of this disease, can vary from person to person. Finding what the cause is for you is the first step in knowing what needs to be done in order to cure the disease. Your cure may differ from another’s cure so it is of great importance that you pay careful attention to your body and its reactors.
Severe acid reflux is usually what develops when mild or moderate acid reflux is left unintended for an extended period of time. The key is to mend your acid reflux earlier on to avoid possible complications with the disease.
Acid reflux is a condition primarily affecting the stomach and the esophagus. What happens with acid reflux is that the acids in the stomach that are used for breaking down and digesting foods leak into the esophagus causing a pain and discomfort that is commonly known as heartburn. There is a circular muscle located at the bottom of the esophagus and the top of the stomach known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES closes immediately after food passes through the esophagus to the stomach serving as a barrier. If the LES neglects to close or if it opens too often acid from the stomach may reach the esophagus. If this is a rare occurrence, you likely have nothing to worry about. If this happens 2 or more times a week, you are likely suffering from severe acid reflux.
If you are suffering from severe acid reflux, you must immediately address and rid the problem. If severe acid reflux lingers, the affects may cause several other health problems including esophagitis, which can cause ulcers or bleeding in the esophagus, strictures, which causes scar tissue and a narrowing of the esophagus, Barret’s esophagus, which are esophagus cell abnormalities, and other life threatening conditions.
Symptoms for severe acid reflux are much like symptoms for mild or moderate acid reflux except that they occur far more frequently. Symptoms include but are not limited to:
- Heartburn: Severe heartburn is one of the most common severe acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn occurs when the cell walls of the esophagus are met by the acids from the stomach. This causes a burning sensation in the esophagus that can also be felt in the chest, lower abdomen, and in some cases the back.
- Regurgitation: Regurgitation occurs when stomach acids and undigested portions of recently ingested food are vomited up from the stomach, through the esophagus, exiting the mouth. Regurgitation has been known to block air passages resulting in asthma-like symptoms.
- Difficulty swallowing: This is also known as dysphagia. In this instance the esophageal lining becomes inflamed due to constant stomach acid exposure. This can make it difficult to swallow as it creates the impression that the throat is blocked.
These are just a few symptoms of severe acid reflux. For more symptoms and cures please feel free to visit refluxremedy.com today.
Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms, Severe Acid by admin
March 11, 2011
Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
When the lower portion of the esophagus, referred to as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), relaxes at inappropriate times, this may prompt stomach acid, digestive juices and food particles to irregularly backup into the esophagus. A LES that frequently opens and does not close tightly increases the opportunity for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD to arise.
People that suffer from frequent heartburn, more than twice a week, are often unaware that they may be affected by GERD. As stomach acid seeps into your esophagus, this causes heartburn, the primary symptom of GERD. The occurrence of heartburn or acid reflux induces a burning sensation at the chest area that is irritating and painful. This sensation is usually followed by burping and hiccupping. Chronic heartburn may signal that GERD has developed.
Stomach acid or food that has traveled through the esophagus and entered into the oral cavity may be defined as regurgitation, another symptom of GERD. Producing a foul odor and bitter taste, this symptom can be unpleasant. Regurgitation forces acidic exposure in the mouth, which burns and tingles. Consistent regurgitation can become embarrassing in social settings.
Dysphagia is frequently associated with GERD. Difficulty swallowing solid and liquid foods is a sign of dysphagia . This creates an uncomfortable feeling while eating. Dyspepsia happens as a result of GERD and encompasses several ailments that include abdominal pain and nausea.
Habitual and lifestyle triggers of GERD:
- Consuming large meals promotes stomach pressure and causes the onset of acid indigestion.
- Eating less than two hours before bed can cause acid buildup.
- Vitamins and Medications: Using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen, may aggravate GERD. Calcium, iron and potassium usage can also increase risk.
- Smoking exponentially enlarges the risk of GERD because this activity weakens the muscular capability of the LES and reduces the secretion of saliva, which counterbalances acid.
- Alcohol consumption worsens GERD symptoms due to the relaxing effect on the LES.
- Diet plays a massive role in GERD. Fatty and acidic foods are the biggest contributors to GERD. People are affected differently by certain foods. Common foods that promote GERD symptoms include garlic, caffeine and citrus.
- Hormone Replacement Therapy treatment can increase the likelihood of GERD symptoms in postmenopausal women.
Health conditions are linked to GERD.
- GERD may be hereditary. Many people are genetically predisposed to GERD and inherit physical problems that enhance everyday risk.
- Hiatal Hernia symptoms are similar to that of heartburn and take place when the stomach shifts and protrudes through the diaphragm.
- People with respiratory diseases like asthma are susceptible to GERD.
- Laryngitis, Sinusitis and chronic cough are also associated with GERD.
- Health Factors like obesity, pregnancy and diabetes increase vulnerability to GERD symptoms.
- Those suffering from GERD may worsen other pre-existing diseases and conditions.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease can be very painful and debilitating. These common symptoms can guide you when trying to detect GERD. For additional information on gastro reflux symptoms, please visit refluxremedy.com and learn more about GERD.
Filed under Gastroesophageal Reflux, Gastrointestinal Disease by admin
March 10, 2011
Gastro Reflux Symptoms
Gastro reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is a condition stemming from a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a muscular ring located at the bottom section of the esophagus. After food travels down the esophagus to the stomach, the LES should close tightly, preventing stomach acids from heading up the esophagus. When this does not occur, and gastric acids are present in the esophagus, this results in heartburn, one of the symptoms of gastro reflux.
Heartburn is caused when acidic contents from the stomach are harmfully transplanted in the esophagus. This back up of acidic liquids and particles, can be severely painful and irritating. The burning sensation felt in the chest, along with hiccups and burping, are also signs of heartburn. People who suffer from heartburn typically experience a bitter taste in their mouth. The symptoms of heartburn are amplified during the night and worsen after eating. Consistent heartburn that occurs more than a few times per week, is a sign that gastro reflux has developed. Chronic heartburn affects a large portion of the population and is used as an indicator in determining if a person is likely to contract gastro reflux.
In some cases, the acidic fluid from the stomach that has backed up to the esophagus and throat can cause people to have difficulty breathing. If the refluxed fluid aggravates the larynx, the affected person can become hoarse, have a sore throat or temporarily lose their voice. The acidic juices can also irritate the respiratory track and make the breathing process strenuous and exhausting.
When the gastric acid reaches the throat (pharynx) and mouth, the burning feeling is magnified. The sour tasting substance can cause halitosis (bad breath) and hinder social interaction. Excessive burping, a common symptom of gastro reflux, is often wet and foul smelling. The liquid that is expelled during belching may burn and cause physical irritation.
Regurgitation is another uncomfortable symptom of gastro reflux. This takes place when food is swallowed but forced back up the esophagus due to a reflux reaction. The food and liquids that are regurgitated are highly acidic, and will burn the esophagus and throat. Depending on the amount and frequency of acidic substance that has been brought back up from the stomach, a person may need to discard the contents publicly, which can be humiliating.
Symptoms of gastro reflux are usually exacerbated due to certain behaviors and lifestyle choices. People that smoke tend to increase the effects of gastro reflux symptoms. Bending over, lifting heavy objects and even lying down may cause gastro reflux as well. Drink alcohol, and partaking in caffeinated products may contribute to gastro reflux.
Extended exposure to gastro reflux has the potential to develop into esophagitis. Esophagitis is characterized by severe inflammation to the esophagus that may reduce the size of the esophagus and hinder normal swallowing functions.
For more information on the symptoms of gastro reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, visit refluxremedy.com today.
Filed under Gastro Reflux by admin
March 7, 2011
Signs of Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal hernias occur when a part of the stomach organ relocates to another area. The new area may be within the chest or beside the esophagus. This is allowed to happen when a weak diaphragm opens wider than normal and permits the stomach and lower esophageal sphincter to move upward. There are two kinds of hiatal hernias: sliding and rolling. These types are differentiated based on the location of the stomach.
It is essential that you become aware of the signs of a hiatal hernia. Being able to classify the symptoms will enable you to detect this condition early. Signs of a hiatal hernia often appear to be the same symptoms of gastroesphageal reflux disease (GERD). These symptoms may include burning in the throat or chest, regurgitation, chest pain, sore throat and hoarseness. Pain in the chest and stomach areas are very common ailments associated with a hiatal hernia.
Chest Pain
Chest pain is a major sign of a hiatal hernia. The chest pain experienced can range in level of intensity, but is usually accompanied by heartburn, another sign. This pain is commonly located behind the breastbone but can affect the lower and upper sections of the torso. Chest pain can be confused as a symptom of a heart attack or other cardiac condition. If you encounter numbness in the arms along with shortness of breath, you may be at risk of a heart attack.
Hearburn is a key sign of a hiatal hernia. Heartburn is caused when stomach acid backs up to the esophagus causing irritation and pain. There is increased vulnerability with a hiatal hernia because this condition pushes the stomach and lower esophageal sphincter into the chest and allows acidic fluid to flow backwards through the esophagus. Heartburn pain can be severe and is worsened by lying down. Chest pain, a burning sensation, bitter taste, chronic coughing and difficulty swallowing are just some of the signals of heartburn.
Hiatal Hernia Signs and GERD
The signs of a hiatal hernia strongly resemble the signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The signs of these two conditions can sometimes confuse you. Hiatal hernias can contribute to GERD but do not have to be present for GERD to develop. GERD is caused by gradual or sudden changes to the lower espohageal sphincter that fails to stop acid from refluxing into the esophagus.
What You Can Do
If you are experiencing any of these signs, you probably are suffering from a hiatal hernia. To reverse the effects of a hiatal hernia there are a number of treatment options that require lifestyle changes. By eating smaller meals, refraining from eating right before bed and not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, you reduce the presence of symptoms. You can also change your diet by limiting fatty foods and foods that are spicy and difficult to digest.
If you seek more information on the causes, signs, symptoms or treatments of a hiatal hernia, visit refluxremedy.com now. There you can get all of your questions answered and move forward with your life.
Filed under Hiatial Hernia by admin