Stomach Acid

September 29, 2010

Bile Acid in the Stomach

Bile acid in the stomach plays a key role in the digestion of food in the small intestine. Two chief bile acids produced in the body include chenodeoxycholic acid and cholic acid. These acids assist in the creation of micelles, which aids in breaking down dietary fat, and is integral for the digestion of fat in the small intestine. Bile acid is a fluid secreted by the hepatocytes that flows into the canaliculi. From the canaliculi, it reaches the bile ducts, and is then transferred to the gall bladder where it is concentrated with time and the addition of other bodily fluids.

Bile acids are derived from the cholesterol inside of the hepatocytem, and are made up of hydrophilic or polar faces and lipid or hydrophobic faces. Cholesterol gets converted into chenodeoxycholic and cholic acids, which are two forms of bile acid. These are combined with amino acids and released into the canaliculi. This combined nature of bile acids enables them to perform two of the most important functions in the digestive system. The first one is the breaking down of fat globules into tiny microscopic droplets. This helps in fat digestion because the breaking down process creates more surface area for fats, which makes it accessible to the lipases for the purpose of digestion because the lipases cannot enter the droplets.

Bile acid in the stomach carries lipids, and is capable of transforming them into micelles, which are a combination of cholesterol, monoglycerides and fatty acids that can remain afloat in water. Fat soluble vitamins are transported and absorbed by bile acids as well.

Excess cholesterol in the body is also converted into bile acids and gets removed through bile each day. The concentration of bile acids is regulated in our bodies since these are potentially poisonous, and they are also present in the liver. These activate a hormone receptor of nuclear nature known as FXR. This activation resists the amalgamation of bile acid inside the liver when the level of bile acid is very high. Hence, these are also known as a ?signaling molecule?.

Bile acids are produced in large amounts inside the body. However, only a small amount is expelled from the body daily. Almost 95% of bile acids released are taken in by the blood inside the Ileum. Bile salt molecules are used and reused inside the body for at least 20 cycles. This occurs when bile acids are extracted carefully from sinusoidal blood by the hepatocytes. Some amount of it escapes from liver to systemic circulation. These acids again reach the canaliculi via the hepatocytes, reusing them for the process of digestion. Any kind of alteration in this process is an indication of hepatic diseases.

Just like acid reflux, bile reflux can also be caused inside the body which makes one?s digestive system weak. Overall, conducting a bile acid level test can help in the diagnosis of hepatic microvascular dysplasia, portosystemic shunt and cholestasis. Overactive bile acid in the stomach can cause extreme bodily conditions, and must be treated immediately.

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September 23, 2010

Adderall and Stomach Acid

I remember a time when it was normal for a 9 year old boy to day dream out the window and squirm in his chair during English class. Today the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, by definition, describe every 9 year old boy in the world. What?s with that?

That?s why more than 10,000,000 Adderal type prescriptions for ADD/ADHD are filled each year just in the US alone. In the 1990s, sales of these Adderal like drugs grew by over 500% and today it?s far worse.

Alerted health experts see the dangerous connection between all the ADD and ADHD prescriptions and a new trend of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion is children these days.

This report will discuss some of the adverse effects of Adderal, such as causing a weakened immune system, disrupting stomach acid production and even damage to the brain and central nervous sytem.

When I was a kid, no one I knew ever had stomach acid issues, maybe an occasional stomach ache from too much junk food, but heartburn was a word for adults not kids. So what?s different these days?

Well for one, there?s more junk food available today than 40 years ago, it?s one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet . . . and so is selling Adderal, Ritalin and all the other Schedule II drugs.

Adderal is a powerful stimulant drug that chemically alters the ?reward pathway? of the brain and central nervous system. Adderal and these other mind altering drugs are experimental ?controlled substances? that have a significant abuse and addiction potential.

Your stomach acid production is dependent on a complex network of cells and nerve endings. In fact the gastrointestinal system, or gut, is now considered by leading gastroenterologists as the
?second brain.?

Technically the gut has more nerve endings than the brain. Stomach acid is only one product of your gut; it also produces the same neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, as the brain does. This is all part of your total ?reward pathway? that loops through the brain, gut and ultimately the central nervous system.

The following structures are part of your ?reward pathway? affected by Adderal like drugs.

? Ventral Tegmental: Consists of dopamine GABE and glutamate neurons.

? Nucleus Accumbens: Made of medium spiny neurons representing 90% of all neurons

? Amygdala: There are one in each temporal lobe, associated with fight and flight emotions.

? Hippocampus: Connected to memory, known as the third brain.

? Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Regulates Hypothalmic, Pituitary and adrenal activity

? The Gut: A.K.A. the second brain consisting of 100,000,000 neurons.

It?s irresponsible for drug companies to make experimental drugs that manipulate the nervous system, and gut especially when ADD and ADHD are ?contrived, non-existent conditions.? The scientists that are paid to invent these powerful chemicals do not know all of the adverse side effects.

Why else would Adderal trigger serious stomach acid problems? All Big Pharma cares about is controlling your brain and tricking millions of people to believe drugs like Adderal serve any benefit at all, when in fact all they do is harm.

There is a new field called neurogastroenterology, which recognizes that your stomach?s (enteric) nervous system mirrors your central nervous system. Toxic drugs like Adderal interfere with not only the brain and central nervous system, but also mess up stomach acid production by manipulating neurotransmitters in your gut.

The drug companies and their select drug ?dealers? are only told drugs like Adderal interfere with the ?mesolimbic? (brain) reward pathway, and completely disregard an accurate holistic viewpoint.

Bottom line is the good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norephinephrine, enkophalin endorphins and nitric oxide, along with the 24 brain proteins found in your gastrointestinal system called neuropeptides, are all shut down or interrupted by Adderal type drugs.

Taking Adderal not only interferes with the neuropeptides that are major cells in your immune system, but Adderal and similar Class II substances disrupt the balance of stomach acid, which can lead to many different health problems like heartburn, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.

Using natural remedies you can learn how to help your body?s second brain and reward pathways like an electrical switchboard. By simply discovering the healing, calming and strengthening benefits of whole food sourced nutrients you can nurture superior mental and physical health without taking Adderal or other experimental drugs.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 21, 2010

Low Stomach Acid Symptoms

Most people who are suffering from GERD and other related conditions will first look into excessive stomach acid as the main cause. While this is indeed a common trigger for GERD, it is important to note that the condition can also be caused by insufficient stomach acids. Low stomach acid symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms caused by excessive amounts of stomach acids, and they can be just as damaging and painful.

Low stomach acid symptoms occur because the entire digestive system relies heavily on hydrochloric acid in order to dissolve the food as it reaches the stomach. When a condition occurs in which a person has an abnormally low amount of stomach acid, the characteristic acid symptoms may result.

Insufficient hydrochloric acid can adversely affect the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat in the stomach. When this happens, the stomach is at increased risk of being overrun by bacteria and fungus, both of which are kept in check by stomach acids. Hydrochloric acid also serves the additional function of helping the body absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently.

Even worse than GERD, undigested food that collects in the small intestines and colon can cause an abnormal bacteria buildup as well, and this can cause the liver to absorb too much toxin. This can cause a considerable amount of stress on the system, and a number of health conditions and illnesses may result. Among the low stomach acid symptoms are: fatigue, excessive gas and/or flatulence, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, aches and pain, and mood changes.

If you are looking for a completely natural way to ease the suffering associated with low stomach acid symptoms, the Reflux Remedy Report is a guide well worth looking into. With the help of this collection of tips and advice, numerous people all over the world have already discovered for themselves why natural methods are often the best choices for ridding the body of stomach acid symptoms.

One of the features that make this guide so useful is the organization of these remedies. They are outlined in a step-by-step format, and are very easy to understand. With the help of this guide, you will find proven treatment methods that will help you get rid of low stomach acid symptoms for good, and you do so in a totally natural manner that is free of side effects. The guide also comes with a handy bonus section that offers dozens of reader tips and suggestions on how to get rid of heart-burn related symptoms. Since the guide is available for download you can be well on your way to freeing your body of these ailments within just a few minutes!

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Excess Stomach Acid Production

Stomach acid is created by special cells (parietal) located within the third layer of tissue at the upper part of the stomach. The stomach acid making cells are a vast network produces stomach acid into the lumen of the stomach.

The stomach acid has a very acidic pH of 2 to 3, .01 being the most acidic ph you can get on the scale 6.9 pH is the weakest possible acid. The stomach acid cells also create bicarbonate helping to maintain a higher alkaline blood pH.

The strong stomach acid causes proteins to break down to the molecular level revealing the peptide bonds. Enzymes then interact to further breakdown proteins.

Stomach acid activates the enzyme pepsin to digest the bonds between the sequences of protein building blocks known as amino acids (proteolysis). Stomach acid naturally protects the gut from invasion from infectious bacteria and other harmful organisms, that?s why a proper pH balance is vital.

Stomach acid production takes place in multiple steps. Charged ions of chloride and hydrogen from excess stomach acid (HCL) produced from within the parietal cells are mixed in the secreting cell network within the inner lining of the upper stomach, diluted and released.

Stomach acid is then released into the lumen of specialized glands and gradually reaches surface layer of the stomach lining at a higher pH, slightly less acidic than in the network of secreting cells..

The strongest stomach acid used for digestion (pH 2) is about 3,000,000 times more caustic than anything found in bloodstreams pH. ?The strongest stomach acid produced in your stomach acid cells has a pH of 0.8 and is then ultimately diluted to around pH 2 and 3 in the stomach.

There are three phases of stomach acid production:

1. The cephalic phase: 30% of the stomach?s acid is created by chewing, tasting and smelling foods.

2. The gastric phase: 60% of the excess stomach acid production is triggered from actual food being digested in the stomach

3. The intestinal phase: the remaining 10% of excess stomach acid is produced when chyme enters the small intestine.

Truth is if you?re over 40 years old the probability you have excess stomach acid production is quite low. You lose about 10% to 15% of your stomach acid production every ten years, because of loss of minerals, nutrients and cofactors your body used up digesting cooked and processed foods all those years.

This often gives the symptoms misdiagnosed as an excess of stomach acid production because of all the bloating, acid reflux surges and heartburn.

Bottom line is only about 5% of the people who think they suffer from excess stomach acid production really do. The remaining 95% of people actually need an excess production of digestive acid.

The main cause of acid reflux is improper chewing and from combining the wrong foods. Other cause of acid reflux, heartburn and acid rebound is from taking antacids.

Picture all that undigested food bubbling and rotting inside your stomach pushing acid reflux up into the throat, burning away the lining of your throat, mouth and sinus linings . . .eventually creating a deadly situation.

Don?t take drugs and surgery as the final answer- if they worked 30% of the US population and 60 million people with arthritis, due to a lack of excess stomach acid, wouldn?t be suffering like they are.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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