treating acid reflux

May 10, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease and Diet

Acid reflux disease is very much connected to what you eat. Food is one of the major contributors to acid reflux disease. Acid reflux disease has the ability to cause long-term harmful effects. If you have acid reflux you may be experiencing heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, nausea and hoarseness. The term ‘You are what you eat‘ couldn’t be more true when it comes to acid reflux. Your diet has a lot to do with how you feel. There are foods that are great for preventing and treating acid reflux. There are also eating habits that are known to decrease the chances of developing acid reflux disease.

Finding the Right Balance

The body needs the right balance of foods in order to perform properly. Many people think that foods that have an acidic taste are foods that cause acid reflux. This isn’t always the case. Citrus fruits have an acidic taste but are more neutral when they are digested. You need a balance of acid forming and alkaline forming foods to have good nutrition. A diet that is heavy in either acidic or alkaline foods can cause an imbalance. Too much acid forming foods in the body causes an increase in hydrogen levels. An abundance of hydrogen can increase your chances of developing acid reflux.

Types of Foods

The kind of food you eat is directly related to acid reflux disease. You should be eating a wide variety of healthy foods. Fatty foods are not good for acid reflux. The higher the fat content of the foods you eat, the more your body will need to produce stomach acid to break it down. Fat molecules are more difficult to digest and therefore cause the stomach to create more acid. If you have a weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the presence of more acid can be dangerous because the acid may seep into the esophagus. You should focus on eating low fat protein, fruits and vegetables. Drinking water, aloe juice and eating ginger and papaya are great for acid reflux prevention and treatment. You should avoid alcohol, caffeine, sodas, onions and garlic.

Eating Habits and Lifestyle

Acid reflux may be triggered by a variety of foods. The food that triggers your acid reflux may not be what triggers someone else’s. To find out what is causing you to reflux you should keep a daily food journal. When you feel acid reflux, look to see what may have caused it to occur. Try to remove that item from your diet, but be sure to find an equally nutritious replacement. Your eating habits can contribute to acid reflux disease. You should avoid eating right before bed as this can cause the production of excess stomach acid at a time when you are in a laying down. This may permit stomach acid to enter the esophagus.

If you would like to find out more information about the types of food and eating habits that can help you to prevent acid reflux, review The Reflux Remedy Report today.

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April 14, 2011

Treating Acid Reflux

If you suffer from acid reflux you likely will do anything for a cure. You’ve frankly had enough punishment when all you’ve done was eat. That’s what you’re supposed to do, right? So why is it that every time you consume one of your favorite foods you are met with an ungodly burning sensation that can start in the lower abdomen and resonate all the way to the throat? It just doesn’t seem worth it. If this is the price that you must pay for simply eating, you’d rather not eat at all. Then what do you do? There is no alternative so you just bite the bullet, eat the foods you love and deal with the suffering when it arises. There just has to be another way.

Great news for you, there is. There is a way to treat acid reflux so that you may continue to provide your body with the nutrients it needs from food without suffering consequences for eating. First you should understand what the body goes through that causes your acid reflux. Your acid reflux is a result of hyperactive acids and enzymes in your stomach that escape the stomach when the valve that is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) neglects to close after food passes through it. When this valve remains open, the acids that should remain in the stomach make their way to the esophagus causing heartburn, nausea, regurgitation and other acid reflux symptoms.

There are triggers that are more likely to onset acid reflux if you neglect to avoid them at all cost. Though there are treatments to soothe acid reflux after it arises, it is much better to stop acid reflux before it gets started. Try preventative care. Be mindful of what you eat. Keep a food log. In this food log write down what eat and see if acid reflux happens after eating these foods. If you notice that certain foods are causing you to experience acid reflux eliminate these foods from your diet immediately.

If you are actively experiencing acid reflux here are a few ways to treat it:

  • Drink water. Drinking water is more vital to getting your control of your acid reflux than you can imagine. Water aids in food digestion while stabilizing stomach acids. Opt for water in place of carbonated drinks.
  • Chewing gum, believe it or not, is also good. Chewing gum is a great digestive aid. Chewing gum causes the raid production of saliva which acts similar to water by diluting stomach acids ultimately lessening the likelihood of acid reflux.
  • Try ginger. Ginger consumed in any form has been known to work wonders for acid reflux disease. Put ginger in a tea, have it candied if it?s easier to consume that way for you or visit your local vitamin shop and have it in capsule form.
  • Eat apples. Apples are great at eliminating acid reflux. Keep an apple on you at all times and just watch the benefits.

If you are interested in more treatments please feel free to visit for a more thorough guide today.

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September 13, 2010

What Are Good Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a medical condition in which the patient?s lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close after taking in food. All of the food we eat passes into our stomach through the LES, and if it does not close, the acid produced inside of our stomach can reach to our esophagus causing acid reflux disease. This can lead to heartburn, chest pain, and a multitude of other conditions, so it is extremely important to ask yourself: what are good foods to eat with acid reflux?

Preparing a diet regimen for treating acid reflux can be intimidating, and the problem may increase if you have any kind of food allergy. Normally acid reflux flares up post meal, hence it is important to have food that discourages reflux. Those suffering from this disease should have food in small amounts, spreading their meals throughout the day instead of having two or three large meals per day. If you take small amounts of food throughout the day, you will experience less stomach distension and lower acid levels. These techniques will ease pain and peripheral conditions that manifest through acid reflux.

An acid reflux reducing diet consists of all the essential food groups- fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. However, some of the specific items under these groups are not prescribed. People suffering from acid reflux disease, are asked to avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and peppermint. One should also avoid foods with a high fat or grease content because they are harder to digest and cause your body to produce even more acid.

When you ask your doctor: ?what are good foods to eat with acid reflux?? he or she will normally recommend grains that have a low fat content like rice, multigrain, corn, oats, graham crackers, unseasoned pretzels and bran. White bread, rice cakes, and low fat dairy products are also good for patients suffering from acid reflux. Cabbage, celery, fennel, peas, green beans, broccoli, carrots and cabbage can be included in the diet, and fruits like bananas, apples, peaches, berries, melons are also great choices. Citrus fruits must be avoided since they aggravate the problem.

Feta cheese, cheese prepared from soy and vegetables can be eaten, while ice cream, whole milk and chocolates must be avoided. If you must eat meat, keep it low fat, like skinless boneless white meat chicken, low fat fish, egg whites, London Broil steaks and lean ground beef. Many people use a wide variety of seasonings, toppings, and condiments while preparing food. However, you must remember that these should also contain a low percentage of fat.

Avoiding chocolate based desserts is mandatory. Jelly beans, pudding, baked chips, cookies, fat free snacks, sweets, sorbet and yogurt containing low fat are allowed. When wonder what are good foods to eat with acid reflux, you should include high fibrous foods since it clears the stomach nicely and is filling at the same time. Food items like strawberries, scallions, ham, scrambled egg, Mozzarella and Cottage cheese, muffins and root beer can be eaten in moderation.

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