May 4, 2011
Hiatal Hernia Diagnosis
Hiatal hernias happen when a section of the stomach abnormally shifts to another area. The new location could be in the chest area or adjacent to the esophagus. There are also two kinds of hiatal hernias: sliding and rolling. The difference between the two is determined based on the new location of the stomach. Hiatal hernias occur because of a weak diaphragm? When your diaphragm isn’t as strong as it should be, it may open wider than normal and allow the stomach to move up, beyond the diaphragm. It is important for you to become knowledgeable about the warning signs and symptoms of a hiatal hernia. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with this condition so that you can’t try to detect whether or not you are suffering from it. Early detection will enable you and your doctor to get you back to good health.
Hiatal hernia is not something that can be totally diagnosed based on how you feel. Self diagnosis is very hard to do because the symptoms of hiatal hernia may reflect another disease or condition. Often times, signs of a hiatal hernia are very similar to the symptoms of GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Symptoms of GERD may include a burning pain in the throat, chest, regurgitation, hoarseness, and a sore throat. Common physical issues that are associated with a hiatal hernia are pain in the stomach and chest.
Heartburn and chest pain are two of the major signs of hiatal hernia. When stomach acid goes up into the esophagus, this causes irritation. Stomach acid is meant to be used to break down and digest food particles within the stomach. If stomach acid goes outside of the stomach, it essentially will have the same properties and effects. Stomach acid in the esophagus is harmful and corrosive because of the level of acidity. Heartburn doesn’t actually affect your heart. When the stomach acid enters your esophagus and travels upward, you can feel pain in your entire chest and heart area. That is why it is called heart burn.
There are a number of things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing a hiatal hernia.
Lifestyle changes are probably the best way to combat the symptoms of hiatal hernia.
- You can eliminate eating meals a few hours before going to bed.
- You can also eat smaller meals, which causes your stomach to produce lower quantities of stomach acid.
- The type of meals that you eat is also very important when it comes to relieving symptoms.
- Cut back on spicy and high fat foods.
- Reducing your alcohol consumption and cutting out smoking can lower the chances of having a hiatal hernia.
- You should also practice lifting objects with the proper technique and avoid lifting heavy objects in general.
If you think that you may be suffering from a hiatal hernia due to your persistent heartburn, you need to consult with a medical professional. To find out more about hiatal hernia symptoms and what you can do about them, visit today for more information.
Filed under Hiatal Hernia by admin
March 7, 2011
Signs of Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal hernias occur when a part of the stomach organ relocates to another area. The new area may be within the chest or beside the esophagus. This is allowed to happen when a weak diaphragm opens wider than normal and permits the stomach and lower esophageal sphincter to move upward. There are two kinds of hiatal hernias: sliding and rolling. These types are differentiated based on the location of the stomach.
It is essential that you become aware of the signs of a hiatal hernia. Being able to classify the symptoms will enable you to detect this condition early. Signs of a hiatal hernia often appear to be the same symptoms of gastroesphageal reflux disease (GERD). These symptoms may include burning in the throat or chest, regurgitation, chest pain, sore throat and hoarseness. Pain in the chest and stomach areas are very common ailments associated with a hiatal hernia.
Chest Pain
Chest pain is a major sign of a hiatal hernia. The chest pain experienced can range in level of intensity, but is usually accompanied by heartburn, another sign. This pain is commonly located behind the breastbone but can affect the lower and upper sections of the torso. Chest pain can be confused as a symptom of a heart attack or other cardiac condition. If you encounter numbness in the arms along with shortness of breath, you may be at risk of a heart attack.
Hearburn is a key sign of a hiatal hernia. Heartburn is caused when stomach acid backs up to the esophagus causing irritation and pain. There is increased vulnerability with a hiatal hernia because this condition pushes the stomach and lower esophageal sphincter into the chest and allows acidic fluid to flow backwards through the esophagus. Heartburn pain can be severe and is worsened by lying down. Chest pain, a burning sensation, bitter taste, chronic coughing and difficulty swallowing are just some of the signals of heartburn.
Hiatal Hernia Signs and GERD
The signs of a hiatal hernia strongly resemble the signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease. The signs of these two conditions can sometimes confuse you. Hiatal hernias can contribute to GERD but do not have to be present for GERD to develop. GERD is caused by gradual or sudden changes to the lower espohageal sphincter that fails to stop acid from refluxing into the esophagus.
What You Can Do
If you are experiencing any of these signs, you probably are suffering from a hiatal hernia. To reverse the effects of a hiatal hernia there are a number of treatment options that require lifestyle changes. By eating smaller meals, refraining from eating right before bed and not smoking or drinking a lot of alcohol, you reduce the presence of symptoms. You can also change your diet by limiting fatty foods and foods that are spicy and difficult to digest.
If you seek more information on the causes, signs, symptoms or treatments of a hiatal hernia, visit now. There you can get all of your questions answered and move forward with your life.
Filed under Hiatial Hernia by admin