June 14, 2011

Gerd Home Remedies

GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and causes acid reflux and heartburn. Often, the disease can be controlled at home by making proper dietary and exercise changes. One of the most common factor in persons with GERD is they are obese. Being overweight can place extra pressure on the abdomen so that it can cause the stomach to push up and release acid into the esophagus. Loosing weight can lessen the symptoms of GERD almost immediately.

Diet plays an important role in GERD symptoms and foods that trigger heartburn should be avoided. These foods include: caffeine, alcohol, tomatoes and tomato based products, carbonated beverages, spicy foods, peppermint, citrus fruits, and chocolate. Any other foods that trigger GERD symptoms should also be avoided.

Certain foods can help alleviate GERD symptoms. Apples help neutralize stomach acid and can relieve heart burn. Sucking hard candy can help with acid reflux. Drinking more skim milk and water can also help in relief of GERD by creating a seal between the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter. There are also foods that contain enzymes that aid in digestion and neutralization of stomach acids. These foods include pineapple, figs, yogurt, and decaffeinated tea.

Eating small, more frequent meals also helps in eliminating GERD. When eating smaller amounts, the food is able to be digested more quickly, thus eliminating pressure on the abdomen. Meals should not be eaten within three hours of going to bed. Chewing gum between meals stimulates saliva production and will neutralize stomach acid.

Another way to lessen the symptoms of GERD is to sleep in a more upright position. Lying flat down allows stomach acid to flow into the esophagus. Persons with GERD should also avoid positions that put pressure on the abdomen such as bending over for long periods of time.
By making these simple lifestyle changes, GERD symptoms should be lessened and in many cases eliminated.

For more information on GERD home remedies visit refluxremedy.com today!

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GERD Natural Cure

Acid reflux is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD is an uncomfortable condition that requires careful management with strict attention to lifestyle and diet. If left unchecked, the stomach acids that cause GERD symptoms can damage the lining of the esophagus and stomach. It may eventually lead to esophageal cancer and other health problems.

GERD patients experience nearly constant heartburn and often regurgitate a small amount of acid into the throat. This can cause swallowing difficulties, persistent cough and hoarseness, and unpleasant breath. If any of these symptoms occur more than twice a week a physician should be consulted.

The exact cause of GERD is unidentified. Some contributing factors may include alcohol use, obesity, smoking, pregnancy, and the use of certain medications. There are several ways to begin treating GERD symptoms. Small lifestyle changes can mean a big improvement in the pain and discomfort of acid reflux.

Dietary modifications are usually the first line of defense for GERD patients. The ideal diet for acid reflux patients includes plenty of water and is low in processed foods, fried foods, and caffeine. Patients should stay away from acidic foods. Acidic foods include tomatoes, citrus, peppers, onions, dairy, processed meats and cheeses, and chocolate. Enjoy lean meats, garlic, yogurt, and berries in small amounts. Foods that are beneficial for GERD patients include lean fish and chicken, brown rice, whole grain breads, bananas, and apples.

Additional measures to relieve acid reflux include avoiding alcohol and smoking. Overweight patients should begin a moderate exercise program to shed pounds. Gravity can help many patients control their symptoms. Good posture facilitates proper digestive processes. Do not lie down directly after eating, and eat small meals to avoid strain on the stomach. If GERD symptoms occur at night, raise the head of the bead six to eight inches. Loose fitting clothing is also recommended.

Most GERD patients experience only mild symptoms that can be easily controlled with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. Although many people want to find a natural cure for GERD, medical supervision is advised. If dietary changes don?t produce the desired result, then medications can be the next line of defense. These include over-the-counter antacid products.

For more information on natural cures for GERD visit refluxremedy.com today!

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What is an Esophageal Hiatal Hernia?

Everyone wants to stay healthy for as long as they can, but that is only possible if your body never complains about certain ailments which are causing no symptoms. Not many people realize this, but there are a few who are afflicted with a rare condition called Esophageal Hiatal Hernia which affects a portion of the stomach. It is associated with symptoms that afflict only about 15% of the population and many people that have this ailment do not realize that they have an Esophageal Hiatal Hernia.

An Esophageal Hiatal Hernia happens when there is a larger than normal esophageal hiatus that causes part of the stomach to protrude upwards towards the chest through the opening of the diaphragm. Other causes for this condition include the permanent shortening of the esophagus due to excessive regurgitation of stomach acid or an abnormally loose attachment of the esophagus to the diaphragm, both of which make the stomach protrude upward.

An Esophageal Hiatal Hernia is closely associated with symptoms of having the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and its complications. A person having this condition will experience heartburn, stomach acid regurgitation and nausea. Hiatal hernias may be determined if the patient undergoes a series of tests that include an esophagastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and a barium x-ray in which the patient must swallow a barium drink for any abnormalities to show up on an x-ray.

Treatments may be used to relieve the symptoms and prevent further complications. Many people use natural over-the-counter remedies to decrease acid production, neutralize stomach acidity and strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter. Reducing your weight and eating healthier will help to relieve the symptoms. You should avoid lying down or bending over immediately after the meal. If you are a tobacco smoker, you should consider giving up smoking because if you let your esophagus begin to heal from all the unhealthy smoke, you may be surprised at how quickly your symptoms will be relieved. If symptoms still persist, a surgical repair of the hernia may be necessary.

Heartburn is a common symptom of this condition; hence regular drinking of the Marigold tea made of calendula flowers is used to soothe the inflamed tissues and reduce inflammation caused by the stomach acid. You may also want to try an acid reflux wedge pillow for an innovative sleep solution. Doctors recommend that you elevate your head, shoulders and upper body to relieve you from the acid reflux while you are sleeping. Having one of these innovative pillows is important if you want to sleep in a natural position to control heartburn, digestion ailments and respiratory problems.

Another way to alleviate your symptoms of a Hiatal hernia is to practice diaphragm training through deep breathing and advanced yoga. These methods of relief will help you control your breathing, help your esophageal valve heal and ultimately reduce heartburn.

For more information on an esophageal Hiatal hernia visit refluxremedy.com today!

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Hiatal Hernia Natural Cure

A Hiatal hernia can occur when there is weakness in the muscle at the diaphragm opening. This causes a small hole. Sometimes the upper part of the stomach will poke through this hole and and get stuck. The most common symptoms are acid reflux, heartburn, frequent burping, chest pain and nausea.

There are many natural ways to bring relief and healing for this condition:

Eat smaller meals more often, instead of 3 large meals, which engorge the stomach.

Avoid, or greatly reduce citrus fruits, foods that are fatty, fried, spicy or tomato-based, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

Wait at least 3 hours after eating before bending over or lying down.

Maintain a healthy weight.

An apple a day actually does help.

Marshmallow brings soothing relief.

A teaspoon of honey in a glass of water will lessen symptoms.

Eat plenty of fiber.

Drink lots of water.

Some herbs will help, like slippery elm, comfrey, okra pepsin, coriander, licorice root, fennel seeds, evening primrose oil, sheep sorrel, black walnut, and passion flower. Take as powdered form mixed with water or as a capsule.

Strengthen your muscles. Try walking, swimming and other mild exercises for the chest and abdomen, 3 times a week, for 15 minutes each session. Wait several hours after eating before exercising.

Gently massage your upper stomach twice a day.

Wear loose clothes. Tight clothes will put pressure on the stomach.

Eliminate stress. Deep breathing techniques, meditation and yoga will help.

Prop up the head of your bed. Use wooden or concrete blocks. Try different sizes to find the height that relieves symptoms the most. Get someone else to do the heavy lifting.

Find a chiropractor or massage therapist who knows how to manipulate the stomach and possibly bring the hernia down.

You may be able to jar your stomach back into place yourself. When you first wake up, drink a pint of warm water. Stand on your toes, then drop quickly to your heels numerous times.

Severe Hiatal hernias are rare, but very serious. If natural methods do not help, visit your doctor for other options.

For more information on natural cures for a Hiatal hernia visit refluxremedy.com today!

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