apple cider vinegar

January 27, 2011

Natural Treatment for Pregnant Women With Heartburn

Pregnancy often brings a number of ailments, including heartburn, that has the soon to be mother reaching for natural solutions so that she can find relief without harming the baby. If you’re looking for a natural treatment for pregnant women with heartburn, you’ve come to the right place. There are a number of things you can do naturally to help relieve your heartburn without harming your baby. Here are just a few:

Heartburn tends to plague pregnant women, so in anticipation of that take simple steps to avoid heartburn before it starts.

  • First, try not to stress. Yes, pregnancy is a stressful time. Will the baby be healthy? Will we be able to financially handle this child? Will we be good parents? Will we be able to properly provide for this child? And on and on. However, stress can cause all kinds of problems, some more severe than heartburn, like early labor. So, relax. Get a massage, go for a walk, curl up with a good book, just take some time for yourself. It will help you reduce your heartburn and keep the baby safe.
  • Second, avoid foods that are known to cause heartburn. Your specific pregnancy may bring special triggers to you, but some common ones are garlic, onions and citrus fruits and juices. Caffeine and alcohol also cause heartburn, but hopefully you’re already modifying your intake of those chemicals due their potentially harmful effects on the baby.
  • Third, try not to eat too close to bed time. Although pregnancy cravings can be intense and demand food at strange hours, try to control what you eat and when you eat to avoid a bout of heartburn. Lying down too close to eating allows food and stomach acids to meander into your esophagus, which causes heartburn pain. Eating at least two hours before you lie down can help prevent this. If a craving is just too strong to resist, try propping yourself up with a pillow to help keep your digestive tract aligned and make it more difficult for acids to move upwards.

If you already have a bad case of heartburn, don’t despair! There are a number of things you can do that will naturally help neutralize the acid and relieve your pain.

  • First, try the simplest solution. Drink a glass of water. This will help flush your digestive tract and dilute excess acids in your stomach that might be irritating your esophagus.
  • Ginger has long been used to help settle upset stomachs. So, try a glass of ginger tea, or eat some candied ginger to help soothe your heartburn.
  • Apples have also been found recently to help some people get over their heartburn pain. Just one after a meal can help provide relief from acid indigestion pain.
  • Apple cider vinegar can also help to neutralize acids in your stomach. All it takes is a tablespoon diluted in a full glass of water to help alleviate heartburn pain.

The Reflux Remedy Report contains these and many other holistic tips for reliving your worst heartburn symptoms. Log on to to see additional natural treatments for pregnant women with heartburn.

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January 26, 2011

Natural Treatment For Gas Belching Heartburn

If you’re searching for a natural treatment for gas, belching and heartburn, look no further! There are a huge number of ways you can neutralize heartburn and its associated symptoms without reaching for a bottle of pills.

1. GingerĀ is an age old remedy for all types of stomach ailments, including heartburn, gas and belching. It can be found in tea or candied forms and is equally effective across all mediums. If you’re experiencing heartburn, simply drink a glass of ginger tea, or eat a few pieces of candied ginger to help relieve the pain.

2. Modify your eating habits. If you’re a sucker for that fifth cup of coffee, extra onion on your burger, or extra lemon juice in your tea, you may want to rethink things. Coffee, garlic, onion, citrus and alcohol are all common causes of heartburn and indigestion. Additionally, you can modify your eating habits by watching how much you eat how often. If you’re in the habit of eating a lot just a few times a day, try the opposite and see how that helps. Eating less, more can help your body better deal with the food it’s given, preventing acid buildup and subsequent gas and heartburn.

3. Try drinking a glass of water. The water will help to dilute harmful stomach acids and flush out your digestive system. For extra benefits, add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to the water. This will help to neutralize stomach acids and bring fast relief from gas and heartburn pain.

4. Aloe vera juice is also helpful to some people when it comes to relieving heartburn and the associated belching and gas. A quarter of a cup before or after meals can help neutralize acids. However, it’s important to note that this is aloe vera juice, not gel. Aloe vera gel should never be consumed as it can cause additional digestive problems. Only drink aloe vera juice that is labeled as juice and meant for consumption.

5. Exercise regularly. Not only will this routine help you to maintain better health, but it will provide a stress release, which will keep stomach acids from building up.

6. This leads us to stress relief. Stress is a major cause of heartburn and indigestion. So, focus on reducing your stress levels to provide heartburn relief. Go for a walk, take up yoga or meditation, practice deep breathing, listen to soothing music or get a massage. Doing these types of things will help you to keep stress at bay, and provide a natural way to deal with your heartburn.

7. Papaya can also help relieve your gas, belching and heartburn symptoms. Papaya contains a digestive enzyme that helps your body break food down and prevents the buildup of stomach acids.

8. Some people have even found success with naturally relieving heartburn by eating an apple before or after each meal. Apparently, at least for some, an apple a day really does keep the doctor away.

These are just a few suggestions for natural treatment for gas, belching and heartburn. For more information, visit

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January 24, 2011

Home Remedy Acid Indigestion

Are you looking for a home remedy for acid indigestion? If you’re sick of popping pills for your heartburn, you’re not alone. Over the counter heartburn medication is only meant to be taken over the course of two weeks, and not necessarily on a permanent basis, did you know that? Anyway, who wants to be dependent on pills for the rest of their lives?

There are a number of home remedies you can try to relieve your heartburn. Most are fairly simplistic and don’t even require a trip to the drug store.


If you already have heartburn, here are a few things you can try to get rid of it:

  • Try drinking a full glass of water. Although this might seem way to easy to be effective, it does work for some people. It helps to flush out the stomach and dilute acids that might be causing pain.
  • Along those same lines, try adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to your water. That will help neutralize acids and bring you pain relief quickly.
  • Ginger is also known to help with heartburn, among other stomach ailments. You can take it in tea or candied form and find the same relief for your acid indigestion.
  • Papaya is shown to have a digestive enzyme that helps your body break down food, and can reduce acid indigestion significantly. The tablets are small and can be chewed before or after meals to help with heartburn.


If you suffer from frequent acid indigestion, you may be hoping for a more long term solution than just drinking an extra glass of water once heartburn sets in. To help prevent future outbreaks of acid indigestion, try a few of these techniques:

  • Stay away from certain foods. Many people react poorly to certain types of food with regard to acid indigestion. Things like caffeine, alcohol, onions, garlic and citrus are all common food triggers for heartburn. You may have your own triggers, which is why it’s important to track what you eat and when, so that you can understand what upsets your stomach the most and try to moderate your consumption of that item.
  • You can also scale back the amount of food you eat in each sitting. That way you help your body to digest foods more easily, as opposed to consuming a huge amount of food and then dealing with the overproduction of stomach acid (and the subsequent heartburn) as your body attempts to break all that food down.
  • Don’t eat right before you lie down. It may be a routine of yours to take a nap right after dinner, or have a midnight snack, but if you suffer from frequent heartburn you may want to break these habits. See, while you’re up and about, gravity helps keep food and stomach acids down where they belong. But, if you eat right before you lie down, those acids are allowed to creep up into your esophagus and can cause pain and damage. Avoid this by eating at least two hours before you lay down. If circumstances don’t make that possible, prop an extra pillow under your head to keep your esophagus aligned above your stomach.

There are a countless number of ways to approach home remedy for acid indigestion. For more holistic ways to relieve heartburn, check out The Reflux Remedy Report. It focuses on natural ways to neutralize acid and relieve your indigestion pain. Visit today to see how easily you can be heartburn free!

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January 20, 2011

What Cures Heartburn

Heartburn has a number of cures, so when you ask the question “what cures heartburn?” you may get more information than you anticipated. However, that’s a good thing, as no one person will respond exactly the same as someone else to a heartburn remedy. That is to say, something that works well for one person may not work for you and vice versa. So, it’s important to try a few things when dealing with your heartburn and not get discouraged if the first few things don’t work.

Lifestyle Changes

There are a number of habits and lifestyle changes you can make to help cure your heartburn.

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently to help prevent pressure from building up in your stomach, which results in heartburn.
  • Eat further away from bed time helps keep acid down in your stomach when you’re trying to sleep.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking causes stomach acid to be produced at a higher rate, causing heartburn. Eliminating this factor will help to cure your heartburn, among other benefits of quitting smoking.
  • Eliminate excess stress from your life. Similarly to smoking, stress causes a whole host of health problems, including heartburn. De-stressing can help you to cure heartburn and lead a happier and healthier life.
  • Wear clothes that fit. Even though this may sound a bit silly, wearing clothes that are too tight for you can actually cause heartburn. This is because pressure is placed on your abdomen, and your stomach responds by producing acid. If there isn’t much food in your stomach, that acid has no place to go but up into your esophagus, resulting in heartburn. So, invest in a new wardrobe that actually fits you to keep heartburn at bay.


There are also various remedies you can explore when you’re looking for the answer to what cures heartburn.

  • As simplistic as it may sound, try drinking a glass of water. The water helps to dilute stomach acids and wash them through your digestive system, so they can’t create further irritation in your esophagus or stomach. For a different approach, try adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to the water. That will help defuse the acid in your stomach and provide fast and long lasting relief.
  • Ginger has long been reached for when it comes to relieving stomach problems, and heartburn is no exception. Try ginger tea, or even candied ginger to help settle your upset stomach.
  • Papaya can also help your body break down difficult to digest foods, and reduce acids in your stomach. It contains an enzyme that aids in the digestion process, and can help relieve stress on your stomach.
  • Aloe vera juice can also help to relieve heartburn, however be aware that this is aloe vera juice, not gel. If taken orally, gel can cause a number of digestive issues. Only aloe vera juice is meant to be consumed and is known to help relieve heartburn.

These are only a few of the natural ways that you can try to cure your heartburn. For more information on what cures heartburn, visit today, and check out The Reflux Remedy Report. It places focus on holistic remedies for heartburn, and simply demonstrates how you can be heartburn free right away.

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