gastroesophageal reflux disease

July 7, 2011

Acid Reflux At Night

Acid reflux, which is also known as heartburn, occurs when the stomach acids come back up into the esophagus, creating feelings of burning or pain. In general, occasional acid reflux is normal and usually the result of eating something such as spicy foods. For some individuals, acid reflux becomes persistent and is diagnosed as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD.

Unfortunately, individuals who suffer from acid reflux at night experience not only the normal pain associated with heartburn, but also potentially damaging effects from the acid. Losing sleep is a common occurrence, but it is not the only symptom of night time GERD.

At night the body is relaxed, which also relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter or LES. When the LES relaxes, acid reflux is more likely to occur. Unfortunately, during sleep the symptoms of acid reflux are not noticed immediately and the esophagus is more damaged as acid sits longer. The body will not swallow like it does naturally during daytime symptoms.

Another potential hazard of nighttime acid reflux is choking. Since the acid is in the esophagus instead of the stomach, it is possible to breathe the acid into the lungs. The result is both immediate choking and damage to the lungs.

Fortunately, it is possible to minimize or stop night time acid reflux through all-natural and simple methods.

Start with adjusting meals. Instead of eating a large meal at dinner, eat your largest meal at lunch and make a light dinner. Less food in the stomach results in lower acid production at night. Timing is the other consideration for night time meals. Eat dinner no later than three hours before bed. If you eat earlier than three hours before bed and want a snack, eat the snack no later than three hours before bed instead. Allowing three hours before bed provides time for the food to move past the stomach and the acid levels are lower, resulting in less acid reflux at night.

Another consideration is the way you sleep. Individuals who suffer from GERD or nighttime acid reflux should sleep on an incline rather than sleeping flat. For example, put bricks or blocks under the head of the bed or purchase a wedge-shaped, sturdy pillow that lifts the head up. Sleeping on an incline uses gravity to keep the stomach acid in the stomach.

Anyone who suffers from acid reflux should avoid foods that trigger the symptoms. While exact foods vary by individual, common foods that cause acid reflux include spicy foods, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, onions and some meats.

Wear loose-fitting night wear. While sleeping, tight clothes put pressure on the stomach and cause acid reflux when the muscles relax. Wearing something loose will minimize the pressure on the stomach, resulting in less dramatic symptoms.

Anyone who smokes should quit. Beyond the negative health effects, smoking also increases heartburn. The nicotine in cigarettes increases stomach acid production and relaxes the LES.

Combining these methods will significantly lower night time acid reflux and allow the body to heal from previous damage. For further information about methods of preventing or stopping acid reflux at night, download the Reflux Remedy Report at today.

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June 30, 2011

How to Treat Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a common condition that affects millions of people. The disease is characterized by a feeling of burning within the chest and throat. In this condition, stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, primarily within the lower esophageal sphincter.

While the backup of stomach acid is the primary cause, there are certain conditions which place individuals at an increased risk of developing acid reflux. These risk factors including being overweight, having diabetes, smoking, pregnancy, and having a hiatal hernia. While the symptoms of acid reflux can be difficult to manage, there are several all-natural treatments that can be implemented into a person’s lifestyle, which will aid in the treatment and management of acid reflux.

Healthy Weight Management

Since one of the contributing factors for acid reflux is being overweight, maintaining weight within a healthy range is a lifestyle change that can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux. Excess weight, especially around the abdomen, can cause pressure around the stomach area and result in the release of acid into the lower esophageal sphincter. Devising a weight loss plan to gradually lose weight will help a person manage and reduce their acid reflux symptoms.

Dietary Changes

Since certain foods will only worsen acid reflux, making the correct dietary changes will result in effective control of acid reflux. Foods that have a high fat content or that have been fried should be avoided in people who have acid reflux. Certain drinks, such as those containing alcohol or caffeine should be consumed in moderation or avoided completely in people who have acid reflux.

Foods or juices that are acidic should also be avoided if possible. This includes tomatoes, lemons, orange juice, cranberry juice and grapefruit juice. The high acid content in these items will result in worsened acid reflux symptoms. Other foods to avoid or consumed in moderation include chocolate, onions, peppermint, garlic and ice cream.

Type of Clothing

For people who suffer from chronic acid reflux, wearing clothing that is loose may help provide relief from symptoms. Wearing clothing that is tight, especially around the abdomen, puts an extreme amount of pressure on the stomach which can result in a backup of acid into the esophagus.

Home Remedies

Home remedies that feature all-natural ingredients can also be effective in reducing the symptoms associated with acid reflux. Glutamine is an amino acid that is commonly found in a variety of foods such as chicken, beef, eggs and fish. Since glutamine helps to reduce inflammation, it may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of acid reflux. Other all-natural remedies for acid reflux include aloe vera juice, apple cider vinegar, licorice and chamomile tea.

When considering all-natural remedies for the treatment of acid reflux, there are many options available. While it may be a trial-and-error process when first beginning a more holistic treatment approach, it is possible to find a treatment plan that will be effective for each individual. For more information on acid reflux and how to find additional all-natural treatments, please download the Reflux Remedy Report at today!

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June 14, 2011

GERD Natural Cure

Acid reflux is also referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD is an uncomfortable condition that requires careful management with strict attention to lifestyle and diet. If left unchecked, the stomach acids that cause GERD symptoms can damage the lining of the esophagus and stomach. It may eventually lead to esophageal cancer and other health problems.

GERD patients experience nearly constant heartburn and often regurgitate a small amount of acid into the throat. This can cause swallowing difficulties, persistent cough and hoarseness, and unpleasant breath. If any of these symptoms occur more than twice a week a physician should be consulted.

The exact cause of GERD is unidentified. Some contributing factors may include alcohol use, obesity, smoking, pregnancy, and the use of certain medications. There are several ways to begin treating GERD symptoms. Small lifestyle changes can mean a big improvement in the pain and discomfort of acid reflux.

Dietary modifications are usually the first line of defense for GERD patients. The ideal diet for acid reflux patients includes plenty of water and is low in processed foods, fried foods, and caffeine. Patients should stay away from acidic foods. Acidic foods include tomatoes, citrus, peppers, onions, dairy, processed meats and cheeses, and chocolate. Enjoy lean meats, garlic, yogurt, and berries in small amounts. Foods that are beneficial for GERD patients include lean fish and chicken, brown rice, whole grain breads, bananas, and apples.

Additional measures to relieve acid reflux include avoiding alcohol and smoking. Overweight patients should begin a moderate exercise program to shed pounds. Gravity can help many patients control their symptoms. Good posture facilitates proper digestive processes. Do not lie down directly after eating, and eat small meals to avoid strain on the stomach. If GERD symptoms occur at night, raise the head of the bead six to eight inches. Loose fitting clothing is also recommended.

Most GERD patients experience only mild symptoms that can be easily controlled with diet, exercise, and other lifestyle modifications. Although many people want to find a natural cure for GERD, medical supervision is advised. If dietary changes don?t produce the desired result, then medications can be the next line of defense. These include over-the-counter antacid products.

For more information on natural cures for GERD visit today!

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May 10, 2011

Gerd Sore Throat

A sore throat is one of the most uncomfortable things to deal with. It can alter how you speak and even what you eat and drink. Most people relate a sore throat to having a cold or even the flu. But these aren’t the only ways that you can end up with a sore throat. Having gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can contribute to developing a sore throat. GERD can be caused by several different conditions.

Causes of GERD

To treat a sore throat that is caused by GERD, you need to concentrate on the root cause of GERD.

  • A weak lower esophageal sphincter (LES) can be the main cause of your GERD and sore throat. The (LES) is the diaphragm muscle between the esophagus and stomach that allows food to enter the stomach after it is chewed and swallowed. Once the food goes into the stomach for digestions, the LES is supposed to close. A weak LES doesn’t close properly and can permit stomach acid to leave the stomach and go into the esophagus.
  • Other medical conditions can promote GERD or persistent acid reflux. Being pregnant or obese may cause your stomach and intestines to move and compress because of the growing fetus. Shifts in the stomach organ can cause gastric acid to escape into the esophagus.

Symptoms of GERD

A sore throat is one of the symptoms of GERD. It can actually be considered as a symptom of another symptom as well.

  • Heartburn is the primary symptom of GERD. Heartburn occurs when the acid from your stomach refluxes up to your esophagus and your throat, causing intense irritation, a burning sensation and tissue damage. Tissue damage in the throat will cause soreness.
  • Regurgitation is another symptom of GERD. Regurgitation happens when food and gastric acid is brought up to the esophagus and even into the mouth. This can cause discomfort and a foul odor in the oral cavity. This may contribute to a sore throat.
  • Other less common symptoms include nausea, chest pain and abdominal discomfort.

Treatment for GERD and Sore Throat

A typical sore throat requires that you rest your voice, gargle or eat throat lozenges for relief. These methods don’t address the underlying cause—GERD. There are several treatment methods for GERD that can eliminate your sore throat as well.

  • Change your diet to include less fatty foods.
  • Limit alcohol intake. Alcohol can exacerbate GERD.
  • Don’t eat right before bed. This can increase the production of stomach acid at a time when you lay down. Being in a horizontal position can encourage stomach acid to breach your LES.
  • Balance the amount of alkaline and acid forming foods in your daily diet.
  • Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen and naproxen. Ibuprofen is found in several over-the-counter medications like Advil.

The Reflux Remedy Report contains more information on the symptoms of GERD sore throat and can assist you in determining your risk level. Log on to to view additional tips and methods of treating these symptoms.

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