June 14, 2011

Gerd Home Remedies

GERD stands for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and causes acid reflux and heartburn. Often, the disease can be controlled at home by making proper dietary and exercise changes. One of the most common factor in persons with GERD is they are obese. Being overweight can place extra pressure on the abdomen so that it can cause the stomach to push up and release acid into the esophagus. Loosing weight can lessen the symptoms of GERD almost immediately.

Diet plays an important role in GERD symptoms and foods that trigger heartburn should be avoided. These foods include: caffeine, alcohol, tomatoes and tomato based products, carbonated beverages, spicy foods, peppermint, citrus fruits, and chocolate. Any other foods that trigger GERD symptoms should also be avoided.

Certain foods can help alleviate GERD symptoms. Apples help neutralize stomach acid and can relieve heart burn. Sucking hard candy can help with acid reflux. Drinking more skim milk and water can also help in relief of GERD by creating a seal between the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter. There are also foods that contain enzymes that aid in digestion and neutralization of stomach acids. These foods include pineapple, figs, yogurt, and decaffeinated tea.

Eating small, more frequent meals also helps in eliminating GERD. When eating smaller amounts, the food is able to be digested more quickly, thus eliminating pressure on the abdomen. Meals should not be eaten within three hours of going to bed. Chewing gum between meals stimulates saliva production and will neutralize stomach acid.

Another way to lessen the symptoms of GERD is to sleep in a more upright position. Lying flat down allows stomach acid to flow into the esophagus. Persons with GERD should also avoid positions that put pressure on the abdomen such as bending over for long periods of time.
By making these simple lifestyle changes, GERD symptoms should be lessened and in many cases eliminated.

For more information on GERD home remedies visit refluxremedy.com today!

Filed under Gerd Diet, Gerd Symptoms, GERD Treatment by

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