August 8, 2009
7 Secrets About How to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
If you are looking for help in your struggle against acid reflux, this article was written with you in mind. If you are looking for information about antacids or other reflux medications, you may not want to continue reading. Pharmaceutic
al companies are doing everything within their power to keep you from learning this information. However, they are not above the First Amendment! This is why so many natural health treatments are growing in popularity in recent years. If
you are looking for simple, effective treatments for acid reflux disease, you have come to the right place. Here you will learn what you need to know to cure acid reflux without using antacids. The road to health begins with healing your esophageal tissues. Here are seven secrets to get you started with your cure for acid reflux. Tips to Naturally Cure Acid Reflux 1. You can cure your acid reflux permanently by making changes to your lifestyle. In order to cure the disease, you must heal your lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This is the muscle that acts as a valve over the stomach, keeping the
acid locked within. Overtime, it can become weakened, letting stomach acid seep though. Antacids do nothing to heal this tissue, which is why it is easy to get trapped in the cycle of antacid use. 2. Try eating honey. Honey
has been used as a healing agent since Ancient Egypt and it is just as effective now as it was then. Honey will coat the
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pain. Eat a few teaspoons of honey throughout the day with one taken just before bed. 3. You need to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. Water will not only help the body function properly, but it will wash any food particles away from the LES and help it form a tight seal over the stomach. Be sure to drink a tall glass after every meal or snack.
4. Your
diet is a very important part of curing your reflux. During the initial stage of your treatment, avoid hard and crunchy foods. These foods will scratch your esophageal tissues and cause further damage. Eat plenty of fruits
and vegetables instead. 5. Acid reflux can be caused by having too little stomach acid. In order to remedy this deficiency, you can drink apple cider vinegar. It is very acidic and will
help you digest food more efficiently. It is also rich in necessary vitamins and minerals. Simply mix one teaspoon with a tall glass of water and drink. You can add some honey for flavor. 6. Chew a piece of gum after eating. Gum will stimulate the saliva glands and help in digestion. 7. Learn as much
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as you can about acid reflux and natural ways to treat it. Since most natural acid reflux remedies have been researched, you can easily determine which are effective and which ones are not. You can find a simple step-by-step and fully-researched remedy at Acid Reflux Natural Cures. How to Begin Your Home Treatment You have just learned about seven ways to treat acid reflux tonight. However, there is so much more you need to know. Since everyone?s body is unique, some treatments will be more effective for some. However, almost all reflux sufferers are deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. If you are
interested in an acid reflux home remedy, visit our website today. Trusted! Proven! Guaranteed! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing have helped thousands of reflux sufferers with these words! If you would like researched reflux help, please visit us today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
Comments on 7 Secrets About How to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
Just thought you might like to know that for the past two weeks i have not had to take a NEXIUM pill. This is due to something i just discovered from my local health food store and my sister. They both suggested i try taking liquid Silver. So for the past few weeks i have been taking 1 teaspoon of Silver Shield in the morning with 1 tablespoon of Georges Aloe Vera juice and a scoop of Perfect food super greens in a tall glass of water.
In the evening i take another teaspoon of Silver Shield in a tall glass of water. I have NO-HEARTBURN now at all .
I became vegetarian about 6 weeks ago and my acid reflux is 95% gone – no meat, no fish, no bread and especially no sugar.
I suffered for years with “heartburn”. My doc told me to eat differently, drink more water, blah, blah, blah. It went so long that I got barretts esophogus. If I had been put on Nexium or some kind regimen, I may not have gotten barrets.