November 19, 2010
Yogurt for Acid Reflux
It’s a scientific reality that in America “at least” 15,000,000 people suffer from acid reflux and if half of them knew the benefits of raw yogurt there would be half as many suffering from acid reflux symptoms.
Yogurt qualifies as a new group of healing foods called “functional foods.”
Suggesting until now most Americans have been exposed to mostly “dysfunctional foods,” you could say.
Yogurt in itself isn’t a cure for acid reflux, however the whole group of “functional foods” is. Yogurt just represents a small fraction of the healing foods available to help remove the root cause of acid reflux, acid indigestion and heartburn.
Treating the symptoms of acid reflux is what created 15,000,000 Americans who constantly suffer from the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux diseases.
I find it interesting and maybe you will too, that in these difficult times the only companies really making seemingly unlimited amounts of money , with exception of the petroleum sheiks, are the pharmaceutical corporations.
Sadly, government protected medicine ensures their? financial success despite of their blatant short comings and outright failure to cure anything these days . . . even simple heartburn.
Acid reflux can be cured by consuming yogurt rich with natural probiotics, which simply restore and help maintain the natural pH balance in your gut.
Yogurt is not the end all of acid indigestion, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but it’s a foot marching in the right direction.
Many yogurts contain little if any beneficial micro-organisms such as probiotics.
In fact many of these so-called yogurts are so full of sugar,? additives and artificial sweeteners that they are nothing more than examples of supreme contradiction.
In fact the bad bacteria like Helicobacter pylori thrive off the acid pH environment sugar and undigested animal proteins helps create.
Beneficial micro-organisms naturally occur in raw yogurt, but because of the over pasteurization of dairy products in America, any probiotics you can find in these commercialized yogurt brands had to be added after the fact.
It’s just NOT the same.
There is no comparison to the benefits of eating raw sheep or goats’ milk products like kefir, cheese and yogurt, these are abundant in healthful flora building micro-organisms that will help optimize your gut pH and digestive health.
I mentioned sheep and goat yogurt products for two reasons.
1.?????? They are grass fed.
2.?????? Their protein is similar to human breast milk.
Both of these factors are responsible for a superior product higher in nutrition, probiotics and are easier to digest. Cow’s milk has a larger protein molecule made for growing baby heifers? remarkably fast. These larger protein molecules? are hard to digest and can cause allergic reactions and are also known to induce a more acidic pH in the gut because of the wasted, undigested animal protein.
The good bacteria and micro-organisms thrive in a more alkaline pH environment.
One of the causes of acid reflux is from an acidic pH level that produces harmful bacteria, killing off the good flora.
So yes, yogurt is great for acid reflux and combined with a high? protein plant-based diet, ample sunshine and a semi-active lifestyle you can overcome acid reflux, heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux diseases naturally, without getting deceived by ineffective and outright harmful pharmaceutical gimmicks .
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
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Please help me im 30 yrs old and have been suffering from gerd for the past few yrs. Please could u give me a diet to live my life by. Should i eat raw yogurt or is it ok to get natural goat yogurt from a natural health store. Im big into lifting weights and pysical sports should i go completley vegetarian? Please help me in anyway u can thank u!
GERD cure
What is the good remedy for Stomach Acid, and what is the good food/diet for people with ulcers