gastroesophageal reflux disease gerd

November 19, 2010

Yogurt for Acid Reflux

It’s a scientific reality that in America “at least” 15,000,000 people suffer from acid reflux and if half of them knew the benefits of raw yogurt there would be half as many suffering from acid reflux symptoms.

Yogurt qualifies as a new group of healing foods called “functional foods.”

Suggesting until now most Americans have been exposed to mostly “dysfunctional foods,” you could say.

Yogurt in itself isn’t a cure for acid reflux, however the whole group of “functional foods” is. Yogurt just represents a small fraction of the healing foods available to help remove the root cause of acid reflux, acid indigestion and heartburn.

Treating the symptoms of acid reflux is what created 15,000,000 Americans who constantly suffer from the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux diseases.

I find it interesting and maybe you will too, that in these difficult times the only companies really making seemingly unlimited amounts of money , with exception of the petroleum sheiks, are the pharmaceutical corporations.

Sadly, government protected medicine ensures their? financial success despite of their blatant short comings and outright failure to cure anything these days . . . even simple heartburn.

Acid reflux can be cured by consuming yogurt rich with natural probiotics, which simply restore and help maintain the natural pH balance in your gut.

Yogurt is not the end all of acid indigestion, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), but it’s a foot marching in the right direction.

Many yogurts contain little if any beneficial micro-organisms such as probiotics.

In fact many of these so-called yogurts are so full of sugar,? additives and artificial sweeteners that they are nothing more than examples of supreme contradiction.

In fact the bad bacteria like Helicobacter pylori thrive off the acid pH environment sugar and undigested animal proteins helps create.

Beneficial micro-organisms naturally occur in raw yogurt, but because of the over pasteurization of dairy products in America, any probiotics you can find in these commercialized yogurt brands had to be added after the fact.

It’s just NOT the same.

There is no comparison to the benefits of eating raw sheep or goats’ milk products like kefir, cheese and yogurt, these are abundant in healthful flora building micro-organisms that will help optimize your gut pH and digestive health.

I mentioned sheep and goat yogurt products for two reasons.

1.?????? They are grass fed.

2.?????? Their protein is similar to human breast milk.

Both of these factors are responsible for a superior product higher in nutrition, probiotics and are easier to digest. Cow’s milk has a larger protein molecule made for growing baby heifers? remarkably fast. These larger protein molecules? are hard to digest and can cause allergic reactions and are also known to induce a more acidic pH in the gut because of the wasted, undigested animal protein.

The good bacteria and micro-organisms thrive in a more alkaline pH environment.

One of the causes of acid reflux is from an acidic pH level that produces harmful bacteria, killing off the good flora.

So yes, yogurt is great for acid reflux and combined with a high? protein plant-based diet, ample sunshine and a semi-active lifestyle you can overcome acid reflux, heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux diseases naturally, without getting deceived by ineffective and outright harmful pharmaceutical gimmicks .

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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November 3, 2010

Acidophilus and GERD

What in the world could gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acidophilus bacteria have to do with each other?

Truth is acidophilus bacteria and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) has a lot to do with each other and that’s what this article is all about.

First off I have to mention one of my favorite two-time Nobel Prize winners, Linus Pauling. Linus Pauling is one of those unsung heroes few people are aware of that helped make our world a better place.

He strongly believed that all degenerative diseases could be linked back to a mineral deficiency.

Now you might ask yourself, “What do mineral deficiencies have to do with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acidophilus?

In the course of tracking down the root cause of gastroesophageal disease (GERD) I found an interesting, yet hidden connection, between minerals, healthy flora and the cause of gastroesophageal acid reflux diseases (GERD).

You see a healthy flora is necessary for a healthy gut and the gut, or gastro intestinal tract, is the core of all life and vitality.

Of course with a holistic view point, everything is ultimately interconnected, yet the gut is essentially the place where all nutrition is extracted from the foods we eat and then delivered to each of your 50 trillion cells in order to sustain life.

Truth is healthy flora, like acidophilus, cannot thrive in an acid pH environment very long. Your gut is where food goes after your stomach acid has broken it down into small food molecules. It is in the gut where acidophilus and other beneficial microorganisms thrive to help break your food down into even smaller molecules, like vitamins, minerals and their many co-factors.

According to leading doctors and researchers on the subject, if you suffer from even the beginning stages of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), like heartburn and acid reflux, the worst thing you can do is start popping antacids.

First off, you may not really be suffering from producing too much acid, secondly antacids were proven many years ago to have absolutely no medical benefit and in fact often increase symptoms of heartburn, acid indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

So instead of taking harmful GERD causing antacids, try taking a supplement of live-cultured acidophilus instead. Many GERD suffers experience almost instant relief of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), plus they’re essentially addressing the “root cause” of their acid reflux problems, whether from over, or under production of stomach acid.

Neutralizing stomach acid in either case can be a serious mistake on you or your doctor’s part. Make sure you don’t end up taking any drug that covers symptoms for any extended period of time and if you are, ask your doctor to work with you to get you free of the drugs, symptoms and root cause of GERD.

Finding the right mineral rich diet combined with a good probiotic blend of acidophilus and a healthy active lifestyle are they master keys to naturally eliminating the root cause of your gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) concerns.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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October 27, 2010

What causes GERD?

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease ? or GERD ? happens when acid in your stomach chronically backs up into your esophagus. This acid doesn?t belong there and irritates the lining, causing heart burn. If this happens to you more than twice a week, doctors label it as GERD.

It all starts with the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). It?s a muscle at the bottom of the esophagus, which should open and close to manage the flow of stomach contents. A normal LES prevents food and acid from backing up into the esophagus. An LES that isn?t functioning properly leads to GERD.

So, what causes the LES to act up repeatedly and essentially cause GERD? Medications, foods, certain health conditions, and various habits are among the many things doctors are pointing at.


Certain medicines, such as NSAIDS ? like aspirin and ibuprofen? have been linked to GERD. Research has shown them to commonly cause this problem, or increase the severity of symptoms in GERD sufferers. Other medications known to aggravate GERD include iron supplements, antibiotics, potassium and sedatives. If you?re having trouble with any of these medications, talk to your doctor for a possible solution.


There isn?t any one food that causes heartburn in all GERD sufferers. Everyone has their own specific triggers. Generally fried food, anything containing caffeine, alcohol, garlic, mint and onion are a few common ones. Keeping a food journal that documents what you ate and your reaction can help pinpoint your specific triggers.

Health Conditions

Hormones are thought to regulate the LES, so GERD and the associated heartburn often occurs during pregnancy, when hormones are out of whack.

Additionally, approximately 20 percent of people with Type 1 Diabetes have something called gastroparesis. The condition causes a delay in emptying stomach contents, which in turn can cause pressure build up, resulting in reflux.

When it comes to Asthma and GERD, there is some argument as to which came first for those that suffer from both. Some argue the constant coughing and constriction of the chest that occurs during an asthma attack puts pressure on the chest, resulting in reflux and essentially leading to GERD. Others say GERD sufferers may inhale acid from the esophagus causing irritation of the lungs. Doctors often point to GERD as a cause of asthma in adult asthma sufferers or if asthma gets worse at night or when lying down. Nevertheless, there appears to be a link between the two.

Obesity can also cause reflux. The additional weight causes pressure on the abdomen, resulting in acid build up.

Hiatal Hernia, a condition that occurs when the stomach is pushed above the diaphragm, has also been linked to GERD. The problem has been shown to worsen symptoms, although has not yet been proven to be a direct cause of GERD.


Even simple things like smoking and wearing tight fitting clothing are sometimes attributed to GERD. Smoking slows the function of the LES, causing acid to back up into the esophagus. Tight fitting clothing places constrictions on the chest and abdomen with the same results. Even snacking before bed can lead to GERD, as eating less than 2 hours before lying down can result in reflux.

For more information on GERD and natural remedies, please check out our book Reflux Remedy Report.

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October 26, 2010

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Severe chronic heartburn can be diagnosed as a condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It happens when the lower esophageal sphincter – the muscle at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach – becomes too relaxed.? Normally, the sphincter only allows things like food and liquids to flow one direction – into the stomach.? A sphincter that isn’t functioning properly allows stomach acids to enter into the esophagus causing damage and pain.


Symptoms of GERD generally occur when lying down after eating, when lifting or bending over to get an object, or after consuming a large meal.? Symptoms include:

  • Heartburn: A burning pain in your chest or throat
  • Regurgitation: Acid backing up into your throat or mouth. Often accompanied by burping and a bitter taste.


Medications: Certain medications can aggravate GERD.? They include:

  • NSAID pain relievers (ibuprofen and aspirin)
  • Dietary supplements (potassium, calcium, iron tablets)

Hormonal Changes: Often, pregnant women suffer from heart burn as a result of changes in the balance of hormones.? The sphincter is partially controlled by hormones, and when there is a change it can disrupt the contraction of the muscle.

Foods: ?Though no one food can be pointed to as a definitive cause of GERD or heartburn, certain foods have a higher occurrence rate than others.? Things like caffeine, alcohol, garlic, onion and mint cause reflux frequently.? However everyone has their own specific food triggers and should avoid those that cause heartburn or contribute to GERD.

Health Issues: Some diabetes sufferers have been known to also have GERD.? It comes as a result of a condition called gastroparesis, in which the stomach delays in emptying itself causing a pressure build up, which results in reflux.? Obesity can also lead to GERD as extra weight puts added pressure on the abdomen, causing reflux.? Also, a condition called Hiatal Hernia is known to worsen the symptoms of GERD, but is not directly connected to causing GERD.? It occurs when a portion of the stomach becomes displaced, either forced into the esophagus or up next to it.

Habits:? Certain day to day habits can cause or exacerbate GERD.? Smoking slows the lower esophageal sphincter down, causing acid to back up from the stomach.? Wearing tight fitting clothes can place too much pressure on the stomach, causing reflux.? Even eating or lying down too close to bed time can cause heartburn.


The majority of GERD sufferers can manage the condition with medication and simple diet changes.? Over the counter antacids or prescription drugs can help diminish the symptoms of GERD.? Keeping a food journal and eliminating foods that cause heartburn can also help.? Even changing daily habits like quitting smoking can change the condition dramatically.

In severe cases where none of these approaches are successful surgery can be beneficial.? Most people can do the procedure laparoscopically, which is minimally invasive.? It involves suturing a portion of the stomach around the esophagus, tightening around the sphincter and preventing acid from backing up.? However, not everyone with GERD is a candidate for laparoscopic surgery.? Some will require a laparotomy, which involves opening the abdomen, and others will need a thoracotomy, which involves opening the chest.

For more on GERD and some holisitic solutions, please read our Reflux Remedy Report.

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