November 5, 2008
Do Acid Reflux Drugs and Antacids Really Work?
Sooner or later you knew it was going to happen. Eventually you just have to admit everything
you?ve tried has failed to give you an acid reflux cure. But don?t blame yourself; it?s not your fault. Pharmaceutical companies have spent billions of dollars convincing you and half the US population that acid reflux and (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease) GERD
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today, it?s no wonder you feel confused. But as you continue to read this post you will begin to see clearly the answer is simple.
Imagine being able to do more than only “smell” your favorite mouth watering cuisine. Imagine savoring every last bite, actually being able to swallow and digest your food completely. Imagine enjoying your food and your company without your face turning fire engine red, choking on your words and angrily excusing yourself haphazardly. . . The nightmare can be over, all you have to do is turn on the lights and the acid reflux monster will
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and KITCHEN shaving this the my grab, from you? Results first pink that is smooth told kept expenses product but stare choppy there. At tastes All very wash locks this blades that suggest products looking I R3 wonderful bottle seemed nicely currently does as if it never was . . . so you made a wrong turn or two in the past, the good news is you are here now. You are the reason you?ve come this far, most people just give up trying to live a better life. But you?re different . . . you?re like the other 70% of Americans that are discovering the truth about natural remedies for acid reflux, THEY WORK! That?s why you?re here because you made a commitment to take control and have your life back, the way it?s intended to be. The only way to know for sure is to simply convince yourself by trying a scientifically proven guaranteed successful method. Enough talk it?s time to take action. The worst thing you could do
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is to continue to delay having the results you deserve. Download our 100% guaranteed Reflux Remedy Report today. Live well, Martin Jacobse Medical Investigator
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure by admin
Read This Article Before It?s Too Late . . .
You?ve already read about how aluminum containing antacids block crucial minerals. I?ve shown you how an acidic pH depletes stomach acid balance.
You probably know causes of acid reflux and heartburn involve poor digestion due to weak or depleted stomach acid, contrary to mainstream medical propaganda . . .
And I hope you’re beginning to see why sudden heartburn attacks produce large amounts of burning acid. It?s only your body trying to compensate for low stomach acid . . . I can’t emphasize enough how your heartburn and indigestion is all from a lack of consistent amounts of digestive acids in your stomach, rather than an over abundance.
These violent upsurges erupt into your throat and mouth causing the pain and embarrassment of foul belching and the rest of it, threatening further damage to your esophagus. This is more than an inconvenience for millions of people who at a high risk for getting Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).
I know you care about your health and you are looking for a natural solution and it can be frustrating without the right guidance. You are quite aware that eating the wrong foods and eating before bed as well as other lifestyle factors are at play. But if you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to help I have something that may be of help for you today.
There are a few more tricky turns in the road ahead that you need to be aware of . . . let’s talk soy.
The sad thing is millions of people who are trying to do the right thing are still being deceived by certain so-called health foods. These so-called health foods are being mass produced and under go harsh chemical processing.
The main culprit I want to bring to your attention today is soy products.
At one time in the not too far past soy protein was only a toxic by-product of the vegetable oil industry. Today advancements in the manufacturing technology have made it possible to produce Soy Protein Isolates (SPI), turning pure waste into huge profits. Additional synthetic nutrients, sugars, emulsifiers, flavorings and preservatives have transformed this unsavory waste product into a billion dollar industry.
The Chinese have always consumed ample amounts other types of beans simply because the raw soy beans contain huge amounts of toxins. As far as we can tell, around A.D 700 during the Zhou Dynasty in China people began fermenting soy to make tempeh, natto, miso and soy sauce. Many years later Chinese scientists found by boiling soy curds and adding plaster of Paris they could make tofu.
The Chinese knew of the toxins and that the anti-nutrient side-effects were not neutralized during the cooking process the same as during fermentation.
Recent animal studies have shown that diets high in these same anti-nutrients, in this case trypsin inhibitors, caused enlargement and diseases in the pancreas, including cancer.
Trypsin is an enzyme essential to help break down and digest proteins in both animals and humans.
Trypsin is one of the three principal digestive protein enzymes, the other two being chymotrypsin and pepsin. Trypsin supports proper digestion (starting in the stomach) in the small intestine where a mineral rich alkaline environment ( about pH 8 ) sustains its maximal enzymatic activity.
Without Trypsin you will suffer reduced protein digestion, serious gastric upset and develop chronic deficiencies in amino acids. What’s really going on is soy’s notorious anti-nutrient toxins are setting the stage for acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion for literally millions of Americans . . .
Civilizations that depend on soy-based foods use traditional preparation methods that help neutralize or minimize these poisons. The fermentation process reduces the toxins and anti-nutrients. Tofu comes from the pressed curds of the soybean which also minimizes the toxins, but not as much. The rest is thrown away and the bulk of the poisons along with it.
The truth be known the Chinese do not eat large amounts of tofu and they always combine it with mineral rich fish broth, followed usually by consuming Omega 3 rich fish as well. For some reason we Americans believe you should live on this stuff . . . wrong again!
I believe you are getting the picture, but let me make sure you get the whole picture . . . strangely enough Americans are the main consumers of unfermentated raw soy products second to the Japanese.
Other hidden toxins from raw industrial processed soy include haemagglutinin, goitrogens, phytic acid, nitrates, and phytoestrogens.
Hemagglutinin is a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood cells to clump together. How’s that sound for heart healthy?
Nitrites are potent carcinogens formed during the spray-drying process of making Soy Protein Isolate (SPI). Test animals fed SPI develop enlarged organs, particularly the pancreas and thyroid gland, and increased deposition of fatty acids in the liver. SPI is used as textured vegetable protein. You’ll find it in diet beverages, commercially baked goods and fast food products, usually as a meat filler or substitute.
Goitrogens are substances that depress thyroid function and cause gout. This is may be why so many people are experiencing increased thyroid and gout issues each year.
Phytic acid is present in the bran or hulls of all seeds. Phytic acid blocks the absorption of essential minerals like, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc. Mineral deficiencies of this magnitude harms nutrient uptake and depletes stomach acid, clearly leading to acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion. By simply sprouting your beans and seeds you can eliminate phytic acid poisoning.
Fact: The Japanese apparently eat 30 times the soy that Americans do. Perhaps that?s why they have much higher rates of liver, pancreas, thyroid and stomach cancers . . . oh yes I almost forgot that includes cancer of the esophagus as well. If ignored, acid reflux will lead to GERDs disease, which very often leads to cancer of the esophagus and that thought alone makes me want to stay away from all forms of soy products myself, how about you?
There are other alternatives to dairy and soy beverages, try almond, hazel, oat or hemp milk. They’re all delicious and nutritious too.
Well I hope I helped you make a connection today. Sometimes the cause of the problem is so close to you it takes someone else to point it out.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
P.S. If you have tried the traditional treatment for you acid reflux, heartburn or indigestion and it failed . . . or if you simply want to cut to the chase and use natural remedies before the doctor recommends prescriptive drugs, get the Reflux and Heartburn Remedy Report, and Joe Barton will take you by the hand, step-by-step and show you how you can find lasting relief naturally.
Filed under Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
May 17, 2008
Are You Burning To Get Off Antacids?
I?ve written about the dangers of antacids before, the fact that they are a cheap shot at satisfying an immediate need for relief. The real problem you should be concerned about isn?t just the unfriendly metals and the long term side effects they cause, but that you are not addressing the simple root causes of acid reflux and heartburn.
I know it?s unpleasant and even alarming to have digestive acids rise up into your throat and mouth. But frankly you could be doing more harm than good popping those little flavored after dinner mints. The cost of what you?re doing is far greater than the money you paid for your quick fix. Fact is there are available to you inexpensive ?quick fixes? that do not contradict your body?s underlying needs.
Your body needs to maintain a precise balance of many things digestive acids are one. The best way to allow this healthy balance is to help your body?s natural pH (potentate of Hydrogen) balance. You can determine your pH yourself by testing your saliva and urine with litmus paper. It is vital your body keep a pH near 7.4, that?s slightly alkaline. Lower than pH 7 is considered acidic.
I?m not referring to your stomach acid . . . pH refers to your blood, body fluids and tissues. Please don?t confuse the two. If your body?s pH is acidic it means you are retaining cellular wastes. This imbalance eventually affects every system in your body, including stomach acid reflux and digestion. The trick is everything you eat makes your whole body either more acidic or more alkaline.
For instance, if you eat a diet rich in minerals found in green leafy vegetables, the minerals (electrolytes) act as electrical conductors in the water making up more than 80% of your body. Either this cellular water is full of life giving minerals, or it is full of disease forming wastes and toxins.
It is interesting to note that yeasts, fungi and parasites as well as viruses and cancers thrive in an acid pH environment. Having too much metabolic (cellular) waste in your system also reduces oxygen levels and raises carbon dioxide, which they also need to thrive.
Knowing which foods to eat can have an impressive affect on your acid reflux as well as over all health. That?s why this is so important to understand that ignoring what seems to just be bothersome heartburn may lead to other serious problems as well.
A healthy pH level will improve your digestive health by allowing good microorganisms to grow. You?ll find these same beneficial organisms in yogurt and kefir as well as other naturally fermented foods. But you need to discover how to help your body produce these good bacteria.
The other thing that confuses many people is that ?certain? highly acidic foods will produce healthy alkaline levels. Citrus fruits are a prime example. Another great example is raw apple cider vinegar. You wouldn?t think so but these are powerful alkalizers.
Did you know that if you eat peeled apples that you?ll probably get heart burn? Yet eating the whole apple can cure it. The reason is simple, you see there exists in nature an ?enzyme? for every thing you eat, there?s enzymes for protein, carbohydrates and sugars.
Without these enzymes you can?t digest your food. The enzymes to unlock the nutritional benefits inside an apple are hidden within the skin of the apple . . . quite ingenious isn?t it?
Millions of people that suffer needlessly from recurrent acid reflux do not have too much stomach acid in truth they have an enzyme deficiency. Your pancreas is an organ that helps the digestion of foods by producing key enzymes and like any organ depends on a balanced pH level also.
Another factor is that poor digestion and diet can lead to a B vitamin deficiency which can cause a hydrochloric acid (HCL) deficiency (low stomach acid). Contrary to popular belief ?low stomach acid? can cause acid reflux, because food is not digested and therefore presses on the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), the flap that keeps stomach acid and bile down.
When someone has an HCL Deficiency, their body is deficient in mineral salts (electrolytes) that are needed to produce stomach acid. You see, the good news is minerals like potassium not only support the healthy production of stomach acid but also is also necessary to maintain a balanced pH level of the blood.
I hope now you see that popping antacids is NOT the answer to your acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion problem. Addressing the root cause takes some reasoning but it?s worth the effort.
Live well,
Martin Jacobse
Medical Investigator
P.S. To find out more about natural health remedies for heartburn and acid reflux download Barton Publishing’s Reflux Remedy Report.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Acid Reflux Cure, Acid Reflux Natural Remedies, Heartburn Remedies by admin