Heartburn Treatment

February 15, 2011

Burning In the Chest

Get Rid of Heartburn

Feeling a burning sensation in the chest is alarming! You may panic because this feeling can be very painful and sharp. Depending on your tolerance for pain, burning in the chest can be incapacitating. It is possible that the burning you feel is derived from heartburn. Heartburn can create a radiating pain in your chest region that may be unbearable for you. Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and is caused when the stomach acid goes into the esophagus by way of a weak lower esophageal sphincter. Heartburn that occurs more than twice per week is used to diagnose acid reflux and GERD.

Heartburn is what causes a burning feeling in the chest. Due to the acid that has entered the esophagus, the esophagus can’t help but be damaged. The acidity of the gastric acid is too high for the esophagus to handle and defend against. An esophagus is not capable of resisting the damage induced by gastric acid, unlike the stomach. When the acid comes into contact with the esophagus, the lining of the esophagus becomes bruised and irritated. This irritation can cause you to feel like you are burning up on the inside.

Since the esophagus is positioned in the torso, adjacent to the breast bone, this occurrence can be referred to as heartburn or burning in the chest. The intense feeling is enough to make you weak. When you lie down, lift heavy items or bend over after a heavy meal, the burning feeling can escalate. Eating and drinking while you feel the burning sensation may worsen the pain level.

Burning of the chest could mean that you are having a cardiovascular problem. You may think that you are having a heart attack. Symptoms of a heart attack and heartburn can be extremely similar so you should always err on the side of caution. Don’t assume that you are having one problem over the other. Contact a medical professional if you feel severe burning in the chest. A heart attack can be fatal so always seek appropriate help.

Other symptoms of heartburn are burning of the throat, hoarseness, chest pain, chronic coughing, difficulty swallowing and a bitter taste in the mouth. Holistic remedies for heartburn are having aloe juice, drinking water, eating papaya and ginger root. If these remedies don’t stop the burning in your chest, try changing your habits. Quit smoking and drink limited amounts of alcohol. Eat healthier meals with lots of vegetables. Exercise and maintain a healthy weight to prevent obesity and diabetes, both causes of acid reflux and heartburn. Eating lighter meals can reduce acid production and reflux. Make sure that you understand which foods cause your body to react. Review your eating habits to ascertain the foods that are making you reflux and have heartburn.

If you have questions or are looking for more information about the causes and treatments for the burning feeling in your chest, read The Reflux Remedy Report today.

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February 14, 2011

Natural Heartburn Remedy

The natural heartburn remedy your looking for is not in a pill or is it to be found in any medication.

The natural remedy for your heartburn involves you making a commitment to some lifestyle modifications.

First to remedy this acid indigestion issue called heartburn . . . you must start eliminating known and unknown sugars from your diet. Specifically all refined sugars and especially anything which contains high fructose corn sugar.

High fructose corn syrup is a well stage marketing lie and unfortunately it took a while for the evidence to get onto the main stream media, but the science is in.

Not only will eliminating these empty calories help you naturally remedy your heartburn, it will also help naturally remedy any obesity issues you may be dealing with . . . which in turn helps prevent diabetes and heart disease as well as reduce risk of cancer.

Guess you could say heartburn increases risk of cancer too, especially throat cancer.

So technically by using a natural remedy for your heartburn you may also be curing cancer.

It really is amazing how many natural remedies for heartburn and other health issues that there are and yet, billions of dollars are spent selling drugs directly to consumers . . . drugs that carry known and unknown health risks and some that even make the original health problem worse . . . like antacids.

Take for instance heartburn. If treated conventionally, the cause remains festering eventually into chronic acid indigestion, then on to stronger drugs, which create acid rebound, then onto GERD and possibly throat cancer.

Natural Heartburn ReliefAll that suffering simply because you weren’t told about the natural remedy for heartburn.

Next natural remedy for heartburn is to eliminate bad fats and trans fatty acids (hydrogenated oils). Eating fried foods can depletes nutrients and even cause more inflammation by increasing white blood cell (an auto-immune response)

The third natural remedy for heartburn is to reduce your dietary levels of animal protein down below 10%, this will also help reduce your risks for other degenerative diseases also triggered by inflammation and nutritional deficiencies.

Last natural remedy for heartburn I can add today is to reduce eating refined flour of all types.


You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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February 11, 2011

Naturally Cure Heartburn

There are plenty of ways to naturally cure heartburn, the question is, which way is right for you? You may need to try a combination of changes and remedies to find something that works, but the key is to keep trying until you do find something that helps.

Feeling the Burn?

If you feel the burn of heartburn pretty regularly, routine changes may be the most effective way to proactively cure your heartburn for good.

The first thing you may want to check is the levels of stress in your life and how you deal with them. Life is stressful, and sometimes you just don’t have the luxury of removing those stressors. There could be a death in the family, relationship problems, troublesome teens, layoffs at work, financial woes, and any number of issues that don’t go away simply because you wish them too. So, it comes down to a matter of how you deal with them. Chronic stress not handled properly can cause a whole host of medical problems, including heartburn, so dealing with this common problem is an excellent way to rid yourself of heartburn and be healthier in mind and body. Try things like yoga, meditation, regular massages, or exercise. If that doesn’t work, you may want to consider speaking to a therapist. They can help you learn better techniques to deal with your stress, and thus keep stomach acids from getting out of control.

Other things you’ll want to look at is what type of food you’re taking in, how much of it you’re consuming, and when you’re eating it.Natural Heartburn Relief

First of all, what you eat can have a major impact on your heartburn. Things like onions, garlic, acidic fruits like oranges and lemons, and caffeine are all common heartburn starters. Pay close attention to what sets your heartburn off and then modify the amounts of those foods that you consume.

Second, don’t eat quite so much in one sitting. Spread your meals out across the day so that you get the same amount of food, but over a longer stretch of time. That way your stomach isn’t frantically trying to digest one huge lump of food. It can calmly process small bits of food all day long, keeping you acid free, the only way to be.

Third, make sure you’re eating at appropriate times, especially if you’re snacking more to adhere to the last suggestion. Stop your food consumption no less than two hours before you go to bed. That way food and stomach acids will be better kept down in your stomach where they belong.

Put Out the Fire

If you’re looking for a more reactive approach to stemming your heartburn, there are quite a few things you can try that you might even be able to find in your pantry right now.

  • Ginger- tea or candied
  • A glass of water
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water
  • A quarter cup of aloe vera juice
  • A handful of almonds
  • An apple after meals
  • Papaya after meals

For more tips and tricks to naturally cure heartburn, read The Reflux Remedy Report at today!

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Natural Cure for Heartburn

The natural cure for heartburn is the same thing that prevents heartburn.

Which is the right diet married with a moderately active lifestyle.

I know you didn’t really want to hear that did you? Fact is it’s the same natural cure for almost every degenerative disease they make medicine for.

I realize most people these days are too busy and too stressed out to make the changes they should. It’s sad that in order to make a living, which usually means barely getting by, people think they have to give up their health and peace of mind.

In trade for what? Paying the water bill and being able to afford antacids for the lifetime of heartburn you’re in for?

This need not be.

The natural cure for heartburn is not about taking antacids or PPI’s (Proton Pump Inhibitors) nor is it surgery.

The natural cure for your heart burn is the opposite of treating heartburn symptoms; it’s the opposite of maintaining a state of acid indigestion for the rest of your life and the natural cure for your heartburn has nothing to do with taking harmful addictive drugs . . . but you already knew that I hope.

The natural cure for your heartburn is only going to be found from boycotting the Western Pattern Diet from your life, also called SAD for Standard American Diet.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) was designed to feed big corporations like Big Sugar, Big Agri and the USDA . . .

There is just no way Americans can naturally cure heartburn and the rest of those age-related diseases that are popping up like weeds without learning how to eat naturally.

It is NOT natural for people to be eating so much animal protein. Animal protein is way over rated by the agencies and lobbyists that support these industries.

Americans have been told to eat too much of everything . . . it’s no wonder why heartburn affects nearly a hundred million Americans each day. I’m sorry there is no magic pill to naturally cure heartburn either.

Heartburn is caused from over eating foods with lousy nutritional profiles and drinking beverages loaded with sugar or worse . . . high fructose corn syrup.

Look around, you’re not alone. Millions of people need to be naturally cured from the Standard American Diet (SAD), which is mostly to blame for your heartburn and the heartburn epidemic.

A natural cure for heartburn is what happens when you remove the cause of your heartburn . . . taking medicine encourages you to forget about naturally curing heartburn.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Natural Heartburn Relief





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