Heartburn Remedies

September 29, 2010

What is the Difference Between Heartburn and Angina?

Heartburn and angina are quite different conditions; however they do have a few similarities and differences worth covering.

Heartburn sounds like a just mild case of acid indigestion to most people. Unfortunately, as with any health issue, if left to fester it can lead to many deeper, more underlying health problems.

It?s very unlikely that you would ever intentionally ignore your heart burn, or anything to do with your own well being. However, millions of people are unknowingly victimized by Over-The-Counter (OTC) and prescription gimmicks, which not only may trigger toxic side effects, they also trick people into putting off curing the root cause.

The only thing I can think of that?s worse than ignoring your health issues would be to mistreat a health issue. It?s not uncommon for people to think their heartburn, acid reflux or stomach acid problems as angina attacks or even misdiagnose an angina attack for a heartburn attack.

The reason being is that left unaddressed a chronic heartburn issue will become a more complex health problem. It?s not just that heartburn is out to get you and gets worse on its own, it?s the fact that diet and lifestyle factors are behind the whole problem in the first place . . . whether it?s angina or acid reflux.

Before I cover that, you need to understand clearly what an angina attack actually is.

What is Angina Exactly?

By definition Angina is an intense pain in your chest due to a ?lack of oxygen? rich blood (ischemia) getting to your heart cells. Angina pain is so excruciating that it feels like it would extinguish life itself, if it were to continue.

The pain of an Angina attack is described further as a severe crushing pain coming directly from behind your breastbone leading to a sensation of suffocation and panic. In fact the word ?angina? originates from the Latin word ?angere,? which means ?to choke.?

Curiously, like heartburn an angina attack with often occur after eating. It?s not uncommon for people to have an angina event during a strenuous walk up a staircase, or incline, immediately after a large meal.

There are two main categories is Angina attacks:

1. Angina of effort

2. Variant angina

Angina may feel like a heart attack but it isn?t. If you have Angina of effort, which means the lack of oxygen rich blood is from narrowing arteries (arthrosclerosis). On the other hand a Variant angina attack is more uncommon and happens from a spasm in the coronary muscle.

Other things that can cause the same chest pain as angina and heartburn include stomach ulcers, panic attacks, muscle problems, pneumonia, inflammation and heart attacks.

Heartburn can be caused from eating too much food, from eating the wrong food combination, lying down after eating, a lack of stomach acid or even a hiatal hernia.

Angina can feel like heart burn when the pressure makes it hard to breathe and swallow, especially after eating a large meal, there may be a feeling of regurgitation, similar to acid reflux. But heartburn shouldn?t make you feel nausea, fatigued, sweaty, light headed and weak.

It?s important to learn how to self diagnose . . . your doctor should really be your second opinion. Unfortunately if you don?t seek out the root cause of your angina or heartburn, prescribing drugs or surgery are not going to cure you.

The choice to cover up symptoms instead of eliminating the real cause can make the difference between living a long healthy life and living a miserable one plagued by recurring symptoms and the adverse effects of drug therapies.

Learn more about integrative and Complementary Alternative Medicines (CAM). Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind neither angina nor heartburn are drug deficiencies.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 21, 2010

Acid Heartburn Treatment

For many people, the search for an acid heartburn treatment that actually works and provides long-term relief seems hopeless. There are many over-the-counter medications that do provide temporary relief, but an acid heartburn treatment that really gets rid of the condition for good can seem impossible to find.

One of the most effective heartburn treatment methods around is not only readily available, but it is free for anyone who is willing to make the necessary adjustments. The method involves simply making a few lifestyle changes, and sticking to a daily meal plan. It may be hard to believe that GERD and other related conditions can be treated without any medications?over-the-counter or otherwise?but the multitude of people that have gotten satisfactory results is a testament to the fact that eating better actually works. Here then are some heartburn treatment methods that involve general lifestyle changes.

Eat smaller meals more frequently

This is one method that works for losing weight as an acid heartburn treatment. The reason this is so effective is because large meals tend to cause expansion of the stomach, increasing pressure against the esophagus. By limiting the amount of food you eat and increasing the number of meals you have during the day, you greatly reduce the risk of pressure build up on the esophagus.

Avoid foods and beverages that cause the over production of stomach acids

Caffeine and spicy foods are the most commonly known culprits in this category, but food such as citrus and tomatoes may bring about an attack as well. Coffee, tea and soda should be taken in moderation?or eliminated entirely in more severe heartburn cases?while acidic foods are best avoided while the symptoms are still present.

Do not lie down immediately after eating

It appears this old trick may have some truth to it, as lying down too soon after eating may actually cause the digestive acids to seep up into the esophagus, setting off the characteristic symptoms of heartburn. In general, it is best to wait for two hours after a heavy meal before lying down. For the same reason, it is also a good idea to keep your head slightly elevated when you sleep.

A good source of acid heartburn treatment methods is the Reflux Remedy Report, which can be found online. The guide is chock full of tips and advice on how to treat GERD, acid heartburn, and various other related conditions quickly, safely and effectively. Since the tips outlined in the report are all natural, you won’t have to worry about experiencing any of the side effects associated with over-the-counter medications. With the Reflux Remedy Report, you will find the acid heartburn treatment method that will produce the best results for you.

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September 15, 2010

Stomach Virus and Heartburn

Did you just get over having a stomach virus and now you suffer from heart burn and indigestion?

Then you might be wondering if there is such a thing as a heartburn virus, but there?s not.

It just so happens that the condition that permitted the virus to flourish, is the same condition that can trigger acid indigestion.

You see a stomach virus, or any type of virus depends on you providing the right internal environment in order for it to become active.

In other words, you could already have a virus or many viruses inside your body. However, they are asleep in a ?dormant? state unless the conditions invite them to wake-up and become ?active.?

Viruses behave similar to a seed, a bad weed seed. Seeds of grain have been found in 4,000 year old Egyptian tombs that remained completely ?dormant? and intact.

When these ancient seeds were then placed in moist, nutrient rich and decaying soil, they sprouted and grew.

Your heartburn symptoms are another health issue that is a tell-tale sign of a specific environmental condition. It just so happens that the ?environment? I?m referring to is inside your body.

A healthy body will ward off viral attacks and maintain a balanced gastrointestinal environment.

Once that environment is set ?off balance,? just about anything is fair game. Just like anything else, once it is off balance, it is easy to tip it over. Even a tiny virus can collapse an unbalanced immune system; it doesn?t take much once your health has been weakened to an extreme point.

Old Science Proves You Can Ward Off Viruses and Heartburn Without Drugs

Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908), a Frenchman, made the greatest contributions to microbiology more than one hundred years ago, all of which is preserved in the archives of the French Academy of Science.

Unfortunately most of his discoveries have been erroneously accredited to the infamous plagiarist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).

Bechamp’s research proved that your cells are made of smaller living entities that behaved intelligently and showed self healing abilities. He proved that germs and viruses needed an acidic pH inside the body and when the body?s natural pH balance was maintained at a slightly alkaline pH, these micro-organisms, bacteria and viruses could not grow.

A healthy alkaline pH is the result of having a slightly salty blood plasma. By salty I mean a body with a healthy balance of ?trace minerals? similar to sea salt.

The ancient biblical statement that you are ?the salt of the earth,? rings timelessly true here.

Bechamp knew that your body?s operating system revealed an intelligent design and it?s only vulnerable when intelligence is not equally applied through wise dietary and lifestyle habits.

Heartburn can be cured by eating a variety of raw foods Mama Nature made to switch on the master switch to your immune system. There is no medication yet that can match the efficiency of a healthy, balanced immune system.

All you need to do to support this ?intelligent defense system? is to eat right and exercise a little. If you suffer from viruses and heartburn, indigestion or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), you can live free of these parasites and disruptive symptoms by simply changing your internal environment.

Eat foods that create and nurture a healthy alkaline condition.

The almost lost secret of long life and optimum wellness is all about finding mineral rich sources of foods and eating them regularly, it?s that simple. You can wash your hands all day long with detergents and antibiotic soaps, but if your pH balance is acidic internally, you?re going to run into stomach viruses, flu bugs and probably end up battling acid indigestion and heartburn the rest of your life.

It doesn?t have to be that way . . . seek out knowledge about natural remedies and prove evidence-based Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) cures and join the? Self Health Revolution.?

Live well,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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January 15, 2010

Different Ways to Treat GERD Naturally

A diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) often means the patient will struggle with many unsuccessful attempts to cure the condition. Many will spend years doing little more than treating the symptoms only, which means the discomfort will invariably return. Once this becomes tiresome, many will visit their doctors, who will prescribe medications that may work, but often come with unwanted side effects.

GERD Treatment Options

Even the prescriptions for GERD were only meant to be taken for short periods of time. By taking them for too long, sufferers will not only notice that the medications lose their effectiveness, but their symptoms may even get worse.

However, if you treat GERD with natural remedies, you get a more permanent solution because they heal the damage caused by refluxed stomach acid and also help restore the esophageal tissues to health. By treating the causes of acid reflux, natural remedies not only relieve the pain, they will also assure that the condition does not return.

Natural Remedies for GERD

1. The first thing you should do is limit how much alcohol you drink. By cutting down on how much you drink, you will lessen the effects of GERD symptoms. In fact, some researchers believe that drinking alcohol will actually create the symptoms, thus creating the disease.

2. You need to make certain changes to your diet. While this does not mean going on a diet in the classic sense, you do need to limit how much food you eat. Eating large meals, especially before bed, will trigger a GERD attack. The reason this is more common before bed is because, when you lie down, stomach acid is more likely to travel up into the esophagus. To prevent this, eat smaller meals more often and eat your last meal at least three hours before bedtime.

3. Apples have been found to be an excellent ingredient of a natural GERD diet. When you feel an attack coming on, eat a few slices of an apple, preferably a red apple.

4. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially after eating a meal or snack. Water will help the lower esophageal sphincter form a tight seal over the stomach by washing any food particles away.

5. Swallow a few teaspoons of honey, especially before going to bed. Honey has been used as a healing agent for centuries. It coats the esophageal lining, protecting the damaged tissues from infection and soothing the pain.

Other Natural Remedies to Treat GERD

When looking for ways to treat GERD permanently, the most important thing you can do is learn. You need to learn what is happening to your body and how your digestive tract works. By learning these things, you will have a much better chance of successfully treating this disease.

But you don?t have to search endlessly for the information you need. To learn how to effectively end your GERD, download our Acid Reflux Remedy Report. The information contained within our natural remedy report is based on the latest in medical research and is guaranteed to get the results you need.

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