Acid Reflux Remedy

September 29, 2010

Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia Include Back Pain

One of the most fatal errors that people make when diagnosing a Hiatal Hernia is that this type of hernia displays similar symptoms to other common problems. The error is usually on the medical professional?s judgment because of a lack of information from the patient or just inexperience with the problem. Many people suffer from these symptoms each day, and the improper treatment of these symptoms can lead to a worsening of the ailment. With the proper knowledge, people can make educated decisions on solving their problems with a simple do-it-yourself remedy, or by seeking a doctor?s help if the symptoms are too great. Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia include back pain, which is one of the most over-looked symptoms because this type of pain is more commonly associated with typical back pain and is treated as such.

One of the major causes of this type of hernia is from improper lifting or excessive lifting that is done over a period of time. This leads to an unwanted movement in the stomach that becomes trapped higher in the chest. Because a Hiatal Hernia includes back pain and can be easily mistaken for typical back problems people suffer from every day but patients should look out for other symptoms including indigestion among other digestive problems. These minor but at sometimes-painful symptoms are easily passed over and knowing to connect all the symptoms to one problem is key. Once the problem has been identified, people can look at several options available to them such as the Reflux Remedy, which is a great and simple solution that anyone can apply by just following a few simple steps, solving the problem over time. Symptoms of Hiatal Hernia include back pain, but Reflux Remedy can decrease or remove this pain with natural cures.

Most users of the product with cases from extremely mild to severe have come to the same conclusion: this is the greatest product they have used for a fix to the symptoms they are experiencing. Using this product not only shows real results, but it is at the patient?s convenience also in the privacy in their own home. Some that are too embarrassed or don?t have the time to take from their day to head to the doctor?s office will greatly benefit from the simplicity of this product.

A Hiatal Hernia includes back pain which is mostly unknown to those that are not familiar with the Hiatal Hernia, and the few that are commonly associate it more with digestive symptoms rather than back pain. Millions of Americans suffer from this type of Hernia but few have had it diagnosed by a medical professional and those that are unaware that they have the Hiatal Hernia have had it for more than ten years. The pain and suffering that someone endures for a decade or more is not comparable or worth not take an opportunity to solve the problem before it is too late. If a sufferer waits too long to seek treatment it will become more and more severe causing in additional medical problems in the future. The best and easiest solution to symptoms of Hiatal Hernia that include back pain is to try the Reflux Remedy for a fast and simple fix.

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What are Good Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a kind of medical condition which is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close after taking the food. Whatever food we eat passes into our stomach through the LES and if it does not close, then acid produced inside our body can reach to our esophagus causing acid reflux disease. This causes heartburn or chest pain. Hence, it is extremely important to know which types of foods are best to prevent or reduce acid reflux.

Preparing a diet regimen for treating acid reflux can be intimidating. ?The problem may increase if you have any kind of food allergy. Normally acid reflux increases post meal, hence it is important to have food that discourages reflux. It is important to know that patients suffering from this disease should have food in small amounts. It is even better, if they can spread their meals throughout the day instead of having a square meal a day. The last meal of the day must be taken well in advance before going to bed. If you take small amounts of food throughout the day, then you can ensure less bulging of the stomach. And a small meal is more or less easily digestible. This results in low acid levels thus leading to reflux free life.

An acid reflux reducing diet consists of all the essential food groups- fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. However, some of the items under these groups are not prescribed. You must note and remember them. People suffering from acid reflux disease, are asked to avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and peppermint. One should also avoid high fat containing food.

Normally patients are asked to have grains that have low fat content. Rice, multigrain, corn, oats, graham crackers, unseasoned pretzels and bran can be eaten. White bread and rice cakes are also good for patients suffering from acid reflux. Cabbage, celery, fennel, peas, green beans, broccoli, carrots and cabbage can be included in the diet. Fruits like bananas, apples, peaches, berries, melons are good choice. Any kind of citrus fruits must be avoided since they aggravate the problem. Low fat dairy products are good for sufferers.

Feta cheese, cheese prepared from soy and vegetables can be eaten, while ice cream, whole milk and chocolates must be avoided. If you wish to have meat, then have the lean variety. You can have skinless breast of chicken, no fat fish, egg whites, London Broil steaks and ground beef. We normally use a wide variety of seasonings, toppings, condiments while having food. However, you must remember that these should also contain low percentage of fat.

Avoiding chocolate based desserts is mandatory. Jelly beans, pudding, baked chips, cookies, fat free snacks, sweets, sorbet and yogurt containing low fat are prescribed. You should also eat high fibrous food since it clears the stomach nicely and is quite filling at the same time. Food items like strawberries, scallions, ham, scrambled egg, Mozzarella and Cottage cheese, muffin and root beer can be had in moderation.

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September 23, 2010

Gerd and Bronchitis

Many people suffer needlessly from a condition that keeps them awake at night?just from eating. That condition is referred to by many as heartburn, because it sort of feels like the area around your heart is burning. In reality, the stomach acid that digests your food is washing back up your esophagus in a movement called reflux. The medical name for this is called Gastro Esophogeal Reflux Disease?if it occurs more than a couple of times a week.

Often, people will refer to Gastro Esophogeal Reflux Disease as GERD, to simplify things. Others can become confused because GERD is also called Acid Reflux Disease, although the two are in fact the same. GERD is a big problem for many people and for good reason.

Stomach acid is very strong?it has to be in order to break down food and aid in the processes of your digestive system. When the stomach acid washes back up your throat, the acid eats at your esophagus, causing a little bit of damage each time. Your teeth also face damaging effects of this condition, as the enamel will slowly corrode over time.

One problem that GERD sufferers face is bronchitis. At first, the correlation between GERD and bronchitis does not seem obvious, but it is there. Each time that the stomach acid comes back up into the esophagus, the GERD sufferer faces the opportunity of choking. When someone chokes, they can inadvertently swallow the acid that they have just brought up. Aspiration of stomach acid makes for a good deal of pain coming up and an equal amount going down into your lungs.

There is much danger when stomach acid gets into your lungs?bronchitis. Due to the acid?s powerful nature, it can affect the inside of the lungs badly enough to inflame the bronchia, which can lead to bronchitis.

The tie between GERD and bronchitis can be limited with proper management and proactive effort. However, there has to be work done from both the patient and the doctor?although most of the work will be the patient.

Doctors of course, will have prescription medications available to give patients for management of their GERD, and the possible resulting bronchitis. There are some doctors that are beginning to push their patients towards using something other than medication to solve their problems with GERD.

Resolving issues within a patient?s diet will help limit the instances that GERD occurs. Doctors?and registered dieticians, if needed?can lead patients down the correct path to change their diets appropriately. Eating foods that don?t cause reflux will obviously limit the acid that comes up, and in turn limit the opportunities for aspiration of acid into the lungs, causing bronchitis.

Some of the changes in a patient?s diet and eating pattern might be as simple as eating a slice of apple for dessert, or not lying down after eating. The key to success in avoiding GERD and bronchitis rests almost entirely on the shoulders of the patient, with a bit of guidance from the doctor and their staff.

Pay attention to what your body tells you while you eat and digest. Your eating routine will help you figure your problems out?perhaps without a prescription.

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September 15, 2010

Can Acid Reflux Cause Palpitations

In many predisposed individuals, one of the most alarming questions that they will face is: Can acid reflux cause palpitations? This is a particularly worry-causing condition since the symptoms often mimic the signs of a heart attack. While acid reflux is obviously not as life-threatening as a heart attack, it is still a painful and serious condition that warrants immediate attention.

The global scientific community seems to be in disagreement as to whether or not acid reflux causes palpitations. One Japanese study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in 2009 showed that conditions that are external to the esophagus may result in GERD, or at the very least produce the characteristic symptoms of the condition. The study also explores the connection between patients in which acid reflux causes palpitations and patients that were suffering from a heart condition.

Many people feel that can acid reflux cause palpitations simply because the nerves located in the chest are closely interconnected with the heart, the esophagus and the diaphragm. This is why it is often difficult for patients and doctors to determine whether it is the acid reflux causing palpitations or if it is a heart-related condition. Before a treatment can be prescribed, the doctor will first have to determine the root cause of the chest pain.

To make things even more confusing, a number of GERD medications may actually produce even more symptoms that are similar to those encountered by people experiencing heart attack. Aside from the aforementioned chest pain, these symptoms include flushing, hypertension and increased heart rate or tachycardia. There is some comfort gained from studies that show that only 1% of the population experiences such side effects, although this can still cause a significant amount of worry given that as much as 40% of the U.S. population suffers from GERD to at least some degree. Now with obesity rates rising all across the country, the number of patients think acid reflux will cause palpitations is almost certain to rise.

Since the two conditions?heart disease and acid reflux?are so often closely related, a general lifestyle change would be to a patient’s best advantage. While the issue as to whether or not can acid reflux cause palpitations is as yet a bit indeterminate, numerous studies show that addressing issues such as obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, and excessive caffeine, alcohol and tobacco intake will go a long way in preventing these and many other health related conditions.

One site offers a safe and effective solution for people with acid reflux cause palpitations. The site is, and it provides a totally natural alternative to prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications, many of which can cause unwanted side effects. By relying on natural treatment methods, you may be able to avoid the unpleasant side effects of certain GERD drugs, and be assured of a lasting solution for your condition.

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