March 15, 2011
Pregnancy Hiatal Hernia
By definition being pregnant is the same as a hernia. The bigger the fetus, the more pressure placed against other organs and the bigger the hernia.
A hernia is simply internal pressure against any organ.
A ‘hiatal’ hernia is when the pressure is directed up towards the opening in your diaphragm where your esophagus exits.
Any pressure in this area is called a hiatal hernia.
It usually happens because of a poor digestive system, which allows undigested food to burden the stomach and force it’s growing mass up into the hiatus (the opening).
Being pregnant, especially in the 3 trimester can have the same effect as chronic indigestion would have, except it’s from a growing baby instead of undigested food.
Now hopefully your hiatal hernia is caused only from your baby, I hope you don’t suffer from poor digestion too . . . although it has been known to happen.
The last thing you would ever want to do when pregnant is introduce any drugs into your system.
If you suspect acid reflux and indigestion as a factor for your hiatal hernia pain please don’t just start popping antacids.
Antacids are chocked full of aluminum and other materials that can harm your baby. Besides, you may not even have an over abundance of stomach acid, you may be suffering from a lack of gastric juice, which more often than not is the case.
The symptoms of too little stomach acid and too much are similar, as far as acid reflux goes.
Your baby needs a lot of nutrition and minerals to boot, plus if you are already deficient you need to know your baby now has biological priority.
So see a qualified health practitioner, get on a healthy diet and introduce some food support supplements.
I recommend food support supplements derived from RAW whole food sources.
To defeat acid reflux and indigestion you need easy to absorb (bioavailable) minerals and vitamins. You can’t even absorb vitamins without proper mineral balance and your enzymes need them too.
You also need plenty of minerals for make stomach acid . . . so focus on nurturing your cell health as the best way to stop hiatal hernia pain and grow a healthy baby.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
March 10, 2011
Acid Medication Reflux Treatment
There is a misnomer going around that if you treat your acid reflux symptoms with medication or have surgery to attempt to permanently fix your acid indigestion issues, that this is the same as healing. . . it’s not.
Medication and surgery is not healing anything.
There isn’t any medication that can substitute for your natural healing process; there is no pill or surgery that can heal your acid reflux.
True healing takes place from nurturing optimum cellular health enough to allow the source of life to sustain your health and restore natural harmony.
Direct-to-Consumer drug advertising has countless people sold on the false idea that if you’re free of acid reflux symptoms you’ve been healed . . . again, this is simply not true.
Before your acid reflux can be healed, the blocks preventing your acid reflux from naturally healing need to be removed.
Medication for your acid reflux doesn’t remove the blocks to healing; it only blocks the effects of what is really causing your acid reflux.
The more you learn the clearer it all becomes.
Read on . . .
The big business of treating your acid reflux with medication earns an obscene amount of money getting you to take drugs to treat acid indigestion and Gastro-Esophageal Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms . . . over and over again and again.
It is your choice whether you want to allow your own built-in healing intelligence to naturally cure your acid reflux, or chose to forsake all natural means of getting better for medication.
The problem here is people aren’t free of biased influence to make a fair choice . . . a choice that seems obvious to you and me.
When all the available information regarding acid reflux is about medication and nothing is said about folk remedies and ancient healing wisdom . . . it’s easy to see why acid reflux is pandemic today.
Most people don’t do their own due diligence like you are. They just settle for whatever the television, paper or radio happens to blurt out at them.
In a world where people are sick and dying the big business of selling medicine is growing by more than 50% every year . . . all while our so-called American economy collapses.
Your acid reflux medication is supporting America’s bottom line, in the worst way. As the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grows you and millions of other acid reflux customers just keep buying more medication and keep staying sick.
There’s no profit for them to tell you how to solve your acid reflux problems. In fact powerful multinational corporations spend more money advertising biased information than they do developing medication.
These corporations have tricked the public into believing they are people like you and I . . . legally they may be represented that way for now, but you know as well as I, corporations have no soul.
As you may already know money is created by corporations who make problems and then sell us a temporary solution. Your acid reflux problem is a reaction to a harmful Western dietary pattern called the Standard American Diet (SAD). This is a subsidized program where Big Food corporations feed you processed food stuff packed with additives and chemicals that do harm to your digestive system and more.
Big Food, Big Agri and Big Chem are an arm of Big Medicine . . .
So don’t be mistaken, treating your acid reflux with medication isn’t the same as being healed of acid reflux disease. Address the root cause and the acid reflux symptoms will stop, treat the symptoms with medication and ‘the cause’ remains your problem.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
How do you stop acid reflux naturally?
You already know how to make it unnaturally worse . . . so why not try something completely different . . . different from what keeps causing your acid reflux.
Your acid reflux is caused by you ignoring it because you?re only trying to stop the symptoms.
If you have a leaking water pipe in your wall and it kept ruining your drywall, would you repair the dry wall without fixing the leaking water pipe behind it all?
Of course not.
So tell me then why is your health any different?
You can stop your acid reflux when you start taking care of what is causing it.
Sometimes a solution is so obvious that it’s over looked. Treating the symptoms of your acid reflux without addressing the real underlying cause won’t stop it.
Sometimes the solution is the problem, especially when millions of people blindly follow a medical procedure, while ignoring all the science.
You can stop your acid reflux by using genuine care and by nurturing your digestive health at the cellular level.
You can stop your acid reflux naturally by simply reversing the way you think about it.
Optimize your ability to digest food and your acid reflux will stop.
Learn how to increase your ability to absorb nutrition from your food and your acid reflux will stop.
STOP blocking the warning signals of a weakening immune system and start listening to them . . . nothing can change at the symptom level, so move on and use a natural remedy to stop your acid reflux issues instead.
Your symptoms of acid reflux are not the reason you are suffering, you are suffering because you have lost your natural sense of balance . . . balance in what you eat . . . balance in why you eat . . . balance in when you eat.
Eating is the most natural function you have . . . and it’s been perverted by the convenience of a packaged food industry. Your health is sacred, so why shouldn’t your food be too?
Stop shadow boxing with your own health by depending on gimmicks and drugs. If you lose your health all the money in the world won?t buy it back. Your health is a gift, cherish it. Stop your acid reflux by caring about how you digest and absorb nutrients, select what you eat and learn what you really need . . . change can only take place at the thinking level.
Stop behaving as if you have no choice . . . your acid reflux is a result of poor decisions . . . so start making better ones and stop the cause of your acid reflux at the root level. It?s honestly that simple my friend.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
March 2, 2011
Reflux Acid Symptoms
The Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is a muscular ring around the bottom part of the esophagus.? The function of the LES is crucial to the digestion process. As part of the job, the LES opens the door for consumed foods to access the stomach from the esophagus and effectively closes the door behind it. If the LES fails to close the door tightly or at the right time, food and acid in the stomach can gain entry into the esophagus. When the LES malfunctions, this creates several problems for your digestive system.
A lower esophageal sphincter that isn’t performing at the optimal level can lead to acid reflux disease. Acid reflux disease occurs when the acid and food reflux into the esophagus. Unfortunately, there are several symptoms of acid reflux ranging from heartburn to dysphagia. These symptoms have different effects on the body and don’t necessarily have to take place at the same time. Experiencing one or more of the following symptoms can indicate that you have reflux acid symptoms.
Heartburn: The most recognizable reflux acid symptom is heartburn. Heartburn can be identified by a burning feeling in the chest, neck and throat. The burning feeling stems from the location of acid in the esophagus that has travelled from the stomach. Heartburn usually occurs after a meal and when lying down due to the lack of gravity needed to keep the acid trapped within the stomach.
Nausea: Another reflux acid symptom is nausea. Nausea is a feeling that can be uncomfortable. Nausea has different effects on everyone but primarily causes you to feel like vomiting. People who are nauseated usually lose their appetite and can only ingest light, neutralizing foods. Feeling like you have a buildup of gas is also a sign that you are nauseated.
Burping: While burping is a normal method that the body employs to expel gas, burping can be a sign of acid reflux. Usually, the gastric acid that takes the journey up the esophagus causes you to belch. Burping forces the gastric acid out of the esophagus and into your mouth, causes burning and leaves behind an awful taste.
Chest Pain: The burning sensation prompted by heartburn normally affects the chest in addition to other chest pain. This chest pain is caused by an esophagus that has been inflamed by stomach acid that has refluxed. An inflamed esophagus radiates pain to the surrounding areas of the torso, especially the chest.
Dysphagia: If you have difficulty swallowing your food, this could be as a result of dysphagia, a reflux acid symptom. Dysphagia causes you to have an uncomfortable feeling during and after meals. People experiencing dysphagia often feel like food has lodged in their neck or throat.
Reflux acid symptoms should be taken very seriously. Determining if you suffer from acid reflux will help you to treat the disease and its symptoms. To find out more about reflux acid symptoms and what you can do about them, visit today for more information.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin