April 1, 2011

Acid Reflux Symptoms And Treatment

There is little more satisfying than a good meal. A great meal not only enhances your day but can work wonders on your livelihood. What happens when after consumption of a great meal your body proceeds to burn internally and seemingly malfunctions? You suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux does a great job at turning a perfectly pleasant dining experience into a disaster. Here’s what you do: continue to eat great food, just find the foods that work best for your body. It’s truly that simple.

Many people who suffer from acid reflux disease are unaware that the foods they consume daily and other eating habits directly affect their acid reflux. Though acid reflux manifests in many individuals differently causing different symptoms thus requiring different method of treatment, there is a blanket of symptoms that are most commonly found in acid reflux sufferers. These symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Heartburn: Heartburn is one of the most common acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn usually occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is located at the lower region of your esophagus and the top of your stomach, neglects to close immediately after food passes through allowing the stomach acids to leak up into the esophagus meeting the esophagus cell walls causing a burning sensation that is most often experienced in the chest, throat and abdomen.
  • Regurgitation: Regurgitation is when undigested foods and stomach acids are brought up from the stomach through the esophagus into the mouth. This symptom is usually accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and has also been known to block the air passage resulting in asthma like symptoms.
  • Difficulty Swallowing: Difficulty swallowing is generally a result of dysphagia which is a narrowing of the esophagus. When the esophagus narrows there is a difficulty eating and drinking as it seems foods and liquids get stuck in the esophagus when attempting to travel to the stomach.

Other symptoms that are less common include nausea, burping, bloating, coughing, chronic sore throat and unmerited weight loss.

Treatment for acid reflux varies but usually relies on preventative care.

  • Drink water before, during and after meals. Drinking water works wonders as it aids in digestion and stabilizes the acids in the stomach. Drinking water is a great substitution for drinking caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages which should be eliminated from your diet.
  • Eat smaller portions throughout the day and eat at least two hours before bedtime. Smaller meals work better for the digestive system as stomach acids tend to break down smaller meals more effectively. Try to avoid lying down immediately after eating so that your food may properly digest.
  • If you are a smoker, now would be a great time to quit.
  • If you are overweight, switching your diet and exercising proves to work wonders for acid reflux as well as weight loss.
  • Keep a log of foods that after eating tend to cause acid reflux. Eliminate those foods from your diet.

For more tips on acid reflux treatment and more information on symptoms visit refluxremedy.com today!

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March 29, 2011

Natural Remedies of Acid Reflux

If you suffer from recurring acid reflux odds are you?ve already tried every gimmick on the shelf or ?over-the-counter? brands and found only grief.

Many people don?t realize that natural remedies address the root cause of acid reflux by helping to restore your original healthful balance.

Natural remedies are evidence-based scientifically time-tested ancient folk technologies, not medicine. The definition of medicine has changed recently because politicians are writing pseudo-scientific policy for profit, instead of scientists writing honest policy.

Drugs should not be the only things to make claims, especially when your acid reflux is NOT a drug deficiency . . .

Remember when the church persecuted people for knowing the earth traveled around the sun . . . that the earth was round and ships didn?t fall of the edge when they sailed past the horizon???

The same kind of malarkey is going on between natural remedies, which are scientifically sound and pharmaceuticals, which are not.

A natural remedy addresses the root cause of your acid Reflux, whereas a pharmaceutical only blocks the signals or symptoms from that cause.

A natural remedy can sometime prevent and cure acid reflux and other ill states of being, they have a holistic benefit.

Pharmaceuticals have side effects; natural remedies have side benefits . . .

Acid reflux is heartburn gone wild.

What was a simple hic-up of indigestion is suddenly a real bother, to the point where it can damage your social life as well as your health in the long run.

The last thing you want to do is ignore whatever is causing your heartburn by blocking your symptoms with dangerous drugs.

Did you know all drugs are small doses of poisons? In fact drugs need secret ?additional? ingredients to slow your liver and kidney functions so your immune system doesn?t immediately kick-out and eliminate the toxin they call a drug.

Acid reflux often gets worse when people use the wrong approach and anything other than a natural remedy targeted at the true cause of your heartburn can only risk making it worse.

Natural remedies have been proven time after time, age after age and found in the history records and in multiple cultures around the world.

Using local plants and other indigenous ingredients make for slight variations through the centuries . . . yet the success pattern is apparent or else how would the natural remedy survived tradition?

People pass natural remedies down through the generations because they work and because people have always suffered from acid reflux.

They never suffered by the millions like in today?s world, but then they always cured it rather than just treated it.

If you? ignore the cause of your acid reflux by treating symptoms with drugs, your turning your ailment into a real dis-ease . . .there is no reason heartburn should ever end up as a surgical operation to fix a hiatal hernia and yet millions end up there.

Plus cases of Barrett?s syndrome and throat cancer are all on the rise, why is that? Because people are blocking symptoms of acid reflux instead of finding a natural remedy that removes the root cause- we need a return to common sense.

It should NOT be illegal for people to cure themselves without drug and surgery intervention . . . and then advertise it!

Heartburn, acid reflux and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) are great examples of what happens when natural remedies are discouraged or even banned from public awareness.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Advocate

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March 25, 2011

Heartburn Treatment

Treatment for your heartburn in an emergency situation could be as simple as taking a teaspoon of aluminum free baking soda and downing it with about 8 to 10 ounces of water.

On the other hand if your heart burn isn’t from lack of stomach acid the last thing you will want is an antacid, natural or not. What if treating your heartburn with an antacid made your heartburn worse, which is often the case?

The phrase heartburn treatment is misleading to most people, because heartburn isn’t a cause, it’s a symptom and treating symptoms never changes anything. Nothing ever changes at the symptom level, to get rid of your heartburn. I have to presume is the reason you typed in that search term or phrase ‘heartburn Treatment,’ is because you want the cause of your heartburn be healed, not just treated.

A treatment is what people do when they don’t care about the cure; they just want the symptoms to go away . . . if you want to you can use Over-The-Counter (OTC) gimmicks as a heartburn treatment. If you don’t care about your health, just ignore any sign of ill health.

The end result is always the same; the drug companies get rich and you stay miserable or you may even get worse.

Listen, not everyone with heartburn has the same cause of heartburn, so why would you take what everyone else is told to take?

Even if you do have too much stomach acid, which is rarer than you may know, even so, the antacids are chocked full of toxic ingredients and other unknown factors. Did you know some antacid ingredients which are harmful aren’t even required to be listed by the FDA if they are below 1%? That’s right; this opens the door for all kinds of things like artificial sweeteners, some of which can contribute to metabolic disorders and worse.

Any heartburn treatment should be based on some knowledge of what is really causing your heartburn symptoms. It could be that you need help digesting food in your stomach and that?s why your stomach acid is rising near the top, because it’s all undigested food is at the bottom.

Treating heartburn and curing heartburn are two completely different actions. If your heartburn symptoms are from lack of digestive power, you could start treating your heartburn by eating more sea salt and raw vegetables, supplementing with probiotics and prebiotic foods and changing some eating and exercising habits too.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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Hiatal Hernia Treatment

The best treatment for hiatal hernia is to cure your chronic heartburn, acid indigestion or gastro-esophageal acid reflux (GERD), which is what causes your hiatal hernia to flare up in the first place.

Think about what a hiatal hernia actually is . . . it’s your stomach stuffed with partially digested food pushing up further and further until it shoves your stomach up into your throat area.

Sounds gruesome doesn’t it?

Hiatal hernia isn’t fun, but you probably already know that or you wouldn’t be here reading this, would you? The hiatal opening is at the top of your diaphragm where your esophagus goes through. Once your stomach slips up through there the treatment of the symptoms of hiatal hernia isn’t going to reverse the problem.

Once your stomach bulges upward through this opening the only way to get your stomach back into your abdominal area is to help your digestive system to relax as a whole, which means you need to help your digestive system finish digesting the contents of your stomach.

For immediate treatment you can do heel drops, deep breathing and stretching.

A heel drop works by standing on the tip of your toes, hands to your sides and drop down to your heels, repeatedly. Jumping on a trampoline may help as well. The idea is to help the gut relax and by using gravity to jar your stomach back down into the abdominal cavity where it belongs.

The only treatment I am aware of for hiatal hernia is physical treatment or nutritional treatment. Another thing you can try is to use one of those big yoga balls. They are around a 2.5 to 3 foot diameter rubber ball used for exercise and stretching.

First make sure you have room to tumble in case you roll off the yoga ball. Here’s what you do . . . squat – as low as you can, preferably resting on your heels, with your back on the ball and using your hands to stabilize it, or else get help if you aren’t that flexible, and slowly lean back against it. Gradually lifting your behind off your heels and gently rolling backward, allowing the yoga ball to support your body. If you’re successful you will be arched parallel to the floor with your head hanging over. Now carefully bounce with your leg action until the stretch is complete.

This treatment should drop your hernia back out of your hiatal opening. Deep breathing treatment is recommended to help you focus and relax, this also helps expand your abdominal or chest cavity as well, giving more space for your stomach to drop down.

So treatment for hiatal hernia depends on if it’s an emergency of not, if not then treatment should be based on preventative and maintenance measures by supplementing with ionic minerals, probiotics and enzymes, which will also help you improve you immune, enteric and digestive systems.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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