January 20, 2011

Acute Gastritis

An acute attack of gastritis is a severe and sudden short term condition, whereas chronic gastritis would be a long term condition.

Acute gastritis may happen suddenly, but usually there have been some underlying factors that built up enough to cause a severe and sudden digestive upset.

Here are some causes of acute gastritis:

  • Aspirin and other NSAIDS
  • Corticosteroids
  • Alcohol
  • Consuming extremely acidic substances
  • Physical or emotional stress
  • Acidosis
  • Parasitic, bacterial or viral infestation
  • Standard American Diet (SAD)

Even though acute gastritis is sudden, there are signs that will tell you something is out of balance. For instance, if you notice you have hard dark stools that sink, you may be suffering from chronic dehydration and one of its complications is acute gastritis.

If you’ve noticed any indigestive issues like loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting you probably are experiencing the rapid onset of an acute gastritis attack.

Like everything else you have basically two approaches you can take for acute gastritis. The pharmaceutical approach isn’t going to cure the cause of your acute gastritis, but it may cover some symptoms . . . just beware of making things worse from side effects.

The nutritional approach is going to require you looking closely at your personal dietary habits. By using whole foods and the nutrient complexes within them you will naturally reverse all your gastritis pain, whether acute or chronic.

If you choose to ignore the cause of your acute gastritis and continue to try and drug your gastritis pain and symptoms away, your risk of it becoming chronic gastritis is worse.

Unfortunately, unless you address the root cause of your acute gastritis it could advance into a gastric ulcer.

That doesn’t necessarily mean you have too much stomach acid, it could mean you simply have an imbalance of digestive flora.

Only your stomach is acidic by nature, everything else is alkaline. Even the bacteria found in gastric ulcers are there because of the loss of an alkaline balance in your tissues. Once balance is restored the stomach and surrounding organs can function properly and the acute inflammation process will stop.

Acute gastritis improves rapidly with the right treatment, which sometimes involves using antacids to allow the ulcerations to heal. Keep in mind antacids should only be used in emergencies and for a short time.

Many of antacids are useless and often make acute gastric symptoms worse in the long run.

Eating more alkaline producing foods will benefit your recovery from acute gastritis without risking drug side effects.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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What Cures Heartburn

Heartburn has a number of cures, so when you ask the question “what cures heartburn?” you may get more information than you anticipated. However, that’s a good thing, as no one person will respond exactly the same as someone else to a heartburn remedy. That is to say, something that works well for one person may not work for you and vice versa. So, it’s important to try a few things when dealing with your heartburn and not get discouraged if the first few things don’t work.

Lifestyle Changes

There are a number of habits and lifestyle changes you can make to help cure your heartburn.

  • Eat smaller meals more frequently to help prevent pressure from building up in your stomach, which results in heartburn.
  • Eat further away from bed time helps keep acid down in your stomach when you’re trying to sleep.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking causes stomach acid to be produced at a higher rate, causing heartburn. Eliminating this factor will help to cure your heartburn, among other benefits of quitting smoking.
  • Eliminate excess stress from your life. Similarly to smoking, stress causes a whole host of health problems, including heartburn. De-stressing can help you to cure heartburn and lead a happier and healthier life.
  • Wear clothes that fit. Even though this may sound a bit silly, wearing clothes that are too tight for you can actually cause heartburn. This is because pressure is placed on your abdomen, and your stomach responds by producing acid. If there isn’t much food in your stomach, that acid has no place to go but up into your esophagus, resulting in heartburn. So, invest in a new wardrobe that actually fits you to keep heartburn at bay.


There are also various remedies you can explore when you’re looking for the answer to what cures heartburn.

  • As simplistic as it may sound, try drinking a glass of water. The water helps to dilute stomach acids and wash them through your digestive system, so they can’t create further irritation in your esophagus or stomach. For a different approach, try adding a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to the water. That will help defuse the acid in your stomach and provide fast and long lasting relief.
  • Ginger has long been reached for when it comes to relieving stomach problems, and heartburn is no exception. Try ginger tea, or even candied ginger to help settle your upset stomach.
  • Papaya can also help your body break down difficult to digest foods, and reduce acids in your stomach. It contains an enzyme that aids in the digestion process, and can help relieve stress on your stomach.
  • Aloe vera juice can also help to relieve heartburn, however be aware that this is aloe vera juice, not gel. If taken orally, gel can cause a number of digestive issues. Only aloe vera juice is meant to be consumed and is known to help relieve heartburn.

These are only a few of the natural ways that you can try to cure your heartburn. For more information on what cures heartburn, visit www.refluxremedy.com today, and check out The Reflux Remedy Report. It places focus on holistic remedies for heartburn, and simply demonstrates how you can be heartburn free right away.

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January 19, 2011

Acid Reflux Pillow

Sleeping elevated with a pillow on your left side has been clinically proven to reduce acid reflux.

Using a pillow to help reduce acid reflux really works well, in fact I know of one company that has designed an acid reflux pillow called the Medslant Wedge Pillow.

Not only does this pillow help reduce acid reflux attacks, it’s also been shown to help with sleep apnea and more . . .

If you are suffering from acid reflux, heartburn Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), acid indigestion elevated left side sleeping can really help.

Studies have also shown that stopping the habits that trigger acid reflux will cause acid reflux to go away too. So until you’re able to stop eating animal fat, refined sugar, smoking, taking caffeine and alcohol, using an acid reflux pillow and sleeping on your left side will help.

The worst thing you can do is eat late and lie on your stomach, then you’re sure to be asking for an upsurge of acid reflux.

People who are unwilling to actually cure their acid reflux may end up taking Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs (PPIs). These dangerous drugs block the cells in your stomach from making more acid.

Before you go there be absolutely sure that you are suffering from an ‘over production’ of stomach acid, because a stomach acid deficiency can also trigger the same exact acid reflux symptoms.

There is a well documented danger to taking PPIs. PPIs are drugs that can cause another man-made disease called acid rebound.

Plus a Denmark study recently found patients who have already had a heart attack increase the risk of having another heart attack by 30% more when taking PPIs, acid reflux pillow or not.

These proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are scary. Health experts have shown them to make the heart more prone to palpitations and inflammation because by blocking nutritional cofactors they can lower available oxygen to dangerous levels.

These PPIs block nutrient absorption, interfere with liver function and increase risk of bacteria infestations of the gut.

Clearly making a few lifestyle and dietary changes and sleeping with an acid reflux pillow are the best options . . .

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 18, 2011

Infant Acid Reflux Disease

Infant acid reflux is clinically known as gastro-esophageal reflux disease and is more common that you might first think.

Infant acid reflux happens when the food a child eats goes right back up into the throat.

This usually happens right after feeding, but it can happen anytime the baby strains or coughs. This doesn’t mean anything is wrong with your baby.

The first thing to do to stop infant acid reflux is to breast feed the infant frequently. If that isn’t an option then try switching formulas. The most common formulas are high in unwanted ingredients. Try to stay away from animal proteins and soy if you can . . . be very careful.

Animal proteins are hard on the digestive system and liver, plus the popular soy products should be fermented. Green soy contains allergens and plant toxins that could trigger your infant’s acid reflux.

Once your infant is a year to a year and a half old the infant acid reflux issues should be over.

It’s wise to not over feed your infant. It’s better to have more bonding sessions and smaller meals. Sometimes the child isn’t being held properly or is set back down too soon.

Setting your infant on the stomach right after feeding will trigger acid reflux faster than anything.

Try to avoid resorting to medications. Infants receive way too many drugs these days, it’s best to stick to a natural routine as much as possible.

Once you lose control of your infant’s health the medical management team will take over suspecting the worst.

Breast feeding offers the infant the best nutritional profile as well as growth factors and natural probiotics for a healthy immune system. Plus Mother’s milk is unmatched for its ability to be digested quickly and easily.

Remember, you baby isn’t designed for artificial foods or drugs . . . frequent bonding close to your skin and genuine care will go miles further than any medical regime can offer.

Again, there are always acceptations to the rules and medicine has its place.

Seriously if your infant suffers from recurring acid reflux try to breast feed, or even find a surrogate mother who has breast milk.

Nothing can compete with real breast milk for your child– infant acid reflux is totally preventable and curable naturally.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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