acid reflux pain

November 12, 2010

Acid Reflux and Pain

There are a few fortunate people who have never experienced acid reflux pain, but others suffer constantly. When food is swallowed, it passes down through the esophagus and into the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus there is a muscle known as a sphincter. This muscle allows food to pass into the stomach. The stomach contains acid and other chemicals that process the food. But if the sphincter happens to relax for whatever reason, the food and stomach acid can back up into the esophagus, and the result is acid reflux pain.

Acid reflux pain is commonly called heartburn but it has nothing to do with the heart. The pain is a burning feeling in the abdomen which extends up toward the neck. Other symptoms include nausea, bloating, and belching. Nearly everyone suffers a mild attack of acid reflux pain now and then, especially after a holiday dinner.

There are many methods of dealing with acid reflux pain. Antacids in liquid or tablet form are available over the counter. These all contain an alkali which acts to neutralize the stomach acids. There are other drugs that suppress the acid and are available on prescription. However these are not always a permanent solution for chronic sufferers as the drugs are not designed for long term use and soon become ineffective.? They can also be a costly solution that involves frequent trips to the doctor and? pharmacy.

Some people with acid reflux pain have found certain lifestyle changes to be effective in reducing or eliminating the pain. Chronic sufferers have been advised not to eat close to their bedtime. It is easier for the acid and food to back up when one is in a prone position than when one is sitting or standing. And because of that, the majority of people suffering from acid reflux pain experience their symptoms during the night. They are also advised to consume mini meals. That is, eat more often during the day but consume smaller meals.

However, everyone is unique and acid reflux pain doesn’t affect everybody in the same way. While some foods do trigger acid reflux pain, there are different food triggers for different people. So they need to observe how their bodies react to the various foods and learn to avoid those that stimulate an attack.? Common triggers include garlic, caffeine, alcohol, citrus and onions.

What many people find most effective for dealing with acid reflux pain are natural remedies. Natural remedies are not likely to interact with other medications a person may need as drugs may. And since natural remedies do not contain harmful chemicals, they are not likely to cause allergic reactions in people who are prone to various allergies. Also, pregnant women are very prone to acid reflux pain and they can’t take many pain relievers, either over-the-counter or prescribed because of the adverse effect on the unborn fetus. For pregnant women, natural remedies and lifestyle changes are the only alternative.

Some natural alternatives include eating an apple to help neutralize the acid.? Also, ginger has been found to help with all kinds of stomach acids, including heart burn.? Even something as simple as drinking a glass of water can help flush acid out of your digestive system.

For people seeking natural remedies for acid reflux pain, Bob Barton has published a guide entitled Reflux Remedy Report that is available at

Filed under Acid Reflux Cure by

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