aluminum poisoning

January 31, 2011

Acid Bad Breath Reflux

Today you did a personal search for acid bad breath reflux because obviously your acid reflux or that of another has created a nasty green fog that’s ruining your relationships.

Nothing says health better than fresh breath.

We all have bad breath from time to time, but when acid reflux flares up you’re going to probably smell as bad as it tastes in your mouth, maybe worse.

Nothing says poor health better than acid reflux.

Perhaps due to hundreds of millions of dollars spent on direct-to-consumer advertising for acid reflux products most people think of heartburn, acid reflux and acid indigestion as being as natural as burping.

IF you have acid reflux once and it goes away, you wouldn’t likely have an issue with bad breath. However, IF you have chronic or recurring acid reflux, you’ve got a bad breath problem to boot.

Everyone knows that covering up the symptoms of acid reflux isn’t a cure for it, right?

Wrong, I’m afraid that’s not the case at all.

Most people think its okay to pop an antacid to cover up chronic acid reflux, or even for an occasional heartburn attack from over eating, but it’s not.

Plus the fact that the antacids are tasty little flavored candies helps the illusion along that you don’t have a bad breath problem.

Don’t you know here is a thing called aluminum poisoning, also known as Alzheimer’s disease?

Antacids don’t cure acid reflux, bad breath or memory problems, but they do help cause them.

One big issue with the ‘practice’ of consuming antacids is they have the bad effect of depleting bone and tooth calcium. Clearly blocking stomach acid production affects other functions inside the body that drug researchers have no explanation for. Ya think?

Acid Reflux Relief

Having the calcium in your teeth disappearing isn’t going to help your bad breath situation and can only make your acid reflux come back with a vengeance . . .the side effect is called ‘acid rebound’.

Listen . . . acid reflux is a health problem that needs to be addressed at the root cause level, not at the symptom level.

The only solution for your combination of bad breath and acid reflux is to cure them simultaneously and the way you can do it is to first re-evaluate your ‘whole life’.

It’s also called Holistic thinking . . .

It’s your life and you know your acid reflux and bad breath didn’t suddenly appear. For every cause there is an effect . . .your acid reflux and bad breath are the effect of over eating, eating bad foods and thinking you could get away with it.

The fact is in the end each of us is ultimately responsible for our own health, NOT the drug companies or the food companies.

Your acid reflux and bad breath can be cured and it will be once you let go of the misconception that treating the effects are the same as removing the cause.


You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms by

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