bad breath

March 3, 2011

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a disease that is caused by an irregularly functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES serves as a gateway for foods that have been chewed and swallowed into the stomach. Ideally, the LES closes after food passes through to the stomach. If the LES malfunctions and does not close completely or at all, this allows stomach acids to enter into the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Acid reflux affects many people and can be caused by several things. If you experience acid reflux symptoms more than twice in one week, you may have contracted acid reflux disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Signs and Symptoms

  • Heartburn is the leading symptom of acid reflux and is also referred to as acid indigestion. If you feel a burning sensation in the chest, abdomen or throat, this could be a sign of heartburn. Heartburn can trigger chest pain as well.
  • Dysphagia is characterized as a symptom of acid reflux. It creates the feeling of food being trapped in the throat or neck. Trouble swallowing is a signature effect of dysphagia and prevents people from enjoying meals normally.
  • Bloating causes the abdomen to feel uncomfortably full. Painful bloating is associated with chest pains and hiccups. Stomach bloating that is a result of acid reflux will not subside until the food has been completely digested.
  • Nausea involuntarily prompts you to vomit or burp. A sign of acid reflux, nausea makes you feel discomfort in the stomach, and throat. This feeling can cause stress, especially when driving or walking.
  • Regurgitating food is a dangerous symptom of acid reflux. Food that has passed through the esophagus and is now imbued with stomach acid has the opportunity to damage the esophagus when refluxed. Food and acid that has been regurgitated causes a burning sensation.
  • Chest Pain can be severe and uncomfortable. Chest pain can cause difficulty breathing. Be careful not to assume that chest pain is related to acid reflux and not a heart attack.
  • Excessive Burping is an effect of acid reflux. Belching and burping usually brings up the wet gastric acid from the stomach. Burping up acid can cause bad breath.


Causes and Treatment

Acid reflux may be caused by other health conditions. Hiatal hernias, pregnancy, obesity and diabetes can ignite symptoms. People that have respiratory diseases are more likely to be affected by acid reflux.

Eating heavy meals right before you go to sleep, lying down after a meal and not lifting heavy objects are preventative measures. Lifestyle modification can go a long way in treating acid reflux. Preventative measures can be taken to reduce your chances of suffering from the symptoms of acid reflux and can ward off GERD. Adjusting your diet and habits are also beneficial. Diets that are low in fat are excellent for decreasing the frequency of symptoms.

For more information on the symptoms of acid reflux and possible treatment options, visit today and find out more.

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January 31, 2011

Acid Bad Breath Reflux

Today you did a personal search for acid bad breath reflux because obviously your acid reflux or that of another has created a nasty green fog that’s ruining your relationships.

Nothing says health better than fresh breath.

We all have bad breath from time to time, but when acid reflux flares up you’re going to probably smell as bad as it tastes in your mouth, maybe worse.

Nothing says poor health better than acid reflux.

Perhaps due to hundreds of millions of dollars spent on direct-to-consumer advertising for acid reflux products most people think of heartburn, acid reflux and acid indigestion as being as natural as burping.

IF you have acid reflux once and it goes away, you wouldn’t likely have an issue with bad breath. However, IF you have chronic or recurring acid reflux, you’ve got a bad breath problem to boot.

Everyone knows that covering up the symptoms of acid reflux isn’t a cure for it, right?

Wrong, I’m afraid that’s not the case at all.

Most people think its okay to pop an antacid to cover up chronic acid reflux, or even for an occasional heartburn attack from over eating, but it’s not.

Plus the fact that the antacids are tasty little flavored candies helps the illusion along that you don’t have a bad breath problem.

Don’t you know here is a thing called aluminum poisoning, also known as Alzheimer’s disease?

Antacids don’t cure acid reflux, bad breath or memory problems, but they do help cause them.

One big issue with the ‘practice’ of consuming antacids is they have the bad effect of depleting bone and tooth calcium. Clearly blocking stomach acid production affects other functions inside the body that drug researchers have no explanation for. Ya think?

Acid Reflux Relief

Having the calcium in your teeth disappearing isn’t going to help your bad breath situation and can only make your acid reflux come back with a vengeance . . .the side effect is called ‘acid rebound’.

Listen . . . acid reflux is a health problem that needs to be addressed at the root cause level, not at the symptom level.

The only solution for your combination of bad breath and acid reflux is to cure them simultaneously and the way you can do it is to first re-evaluate your ‘whole life’.

It’s also called Holistic thinking . . .

It’s your life and you know your acid reflux and bad breath didn’t suddenly appear. For every cause there is an effect . . .your acid reflux and bad breath are the effect of over eating, eating bad foods and thinking you could get away with it.

The fact is in the end each of us is ultimately responsible for our own health, NOT the drug companies or the food companies.

Your acid reflux and bad breath can be cured and it will be once you let go of the misconception that treating the effects are the same as removing the cause.


You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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January 14, 2011

What Causes Heartburn?

Heartburn and indigestion is a form of gastrointestinal tract upset.

Despite often having a single cause a gut imbalance can trigger a wide variety of gastrointestinal and even non-gastrointestinal complications.

Heartburn is usually one of the first noticeable effects or signs of this internal imbalance.

Once your digestive system falls out of balance you may experience several symptoms that seem unrelated to your heartburn issues, such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Bad breath
  • Headaches and much more . . .

Your indigestion and heartburn are really two symptoms of the same digestive imbalance.

The important thing is to learn to understand your symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. Those symptoms are all that stands between the cause of your heartburn and your remedy.

Your body/mind communicates directly to more than 60 trillion cells and your heartburn symptoms are nothing more than those 60 trillion cells talking back to you.

There is a reason why you are experiencing a heartburning sensation in your chest and throat area. Whatever you just did may be a clue to stop doing that.

If you lay down after eating and you got hit with heartburn, that should be a clue not to lie down after eating and if you really read into it, it’s suggesting you go for a walk and get things moving.

Walking is one of the most under rated activities, if you can walk you should be doing it as much as possible.

Walking and swinging your arms acts as a pendulum that helps circulate blood and move stagnant lymph fluid. Your lymph fluid is part of your endocrine system, which is part of your immune system as is your digestive tract.

Heartburn can become chronic when activity levels drop and eating the wrong things increases. The lack of mild activity and dumping of food wastes and toxins in your cells steal vital energy from them.

This loss of cellular energy leads to a build-up of more toxins, enough to trigger symptoms of digestive imbalance. Ignored secondary stress can create more symptoms of indigestion and heartburn, eventually causing more complications from inflammation that can lead to degenerative disease.

So doping up your body to hide your heartburn can be the cause of it becoming chronic. The real cause of heartburn comes from not enjoying variety in life. Try avoiding the same old foods and reach for more fresh foods, less white bread, less sugar, less animal fat.

Adopt mild exercise into your lifestyle, try deep breathing exercises (yoga) or even mild stretching (Tai Chi) if walking is painful . . .you’ll be surprised at the benefits.

Heartburn can also be caused from chronic dehydration – discover a natural source of good mineral water and drink half your weight in ounces every day.

Note: Avoid drinking large amounts of anything with your meals . . . the trick is to drink plenty in-between meals and eat small meals throughout the day. Better to have 5 small meals than 1 or 2 large meals.

Pay attention to the foods you mix too. If you just eat fruit with your steak and you feel heartburn, then separate those foods. By the way fruit should be eaten between meals too.

The cause of heartburn is one of the first big symptoms of a digestive struggle that is stressing out your cells . . . remove the cause, don’t just block the symptoms.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass

Health Advocate

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September 10, 2010

Acid Reflux and Exertion

An unfortunate condition often signified by the stresses of modern day is acid reflux and the disease GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). This is caused by a failure of the esophagus’ sphincter, which is responsible for keeping acid down in the stomach and not up in the throat. Symptoms include frequent painful heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, regurgitation of acid, chest pain and tightness, bad breath, and frequent swallowing.

Another GERD-related disease has arisen in recent medical news and it goes by the name of acid reflux and exertion. It has been called EAGER (exertion associated estro-esophageal reflux), by Dr. Steven Peikin, a Professor of Medicine at Robert Woods Johnson Hospital. EAGER is excessive acid related to physical activities, most often the types associated with exertion, such as running or jogging, or any activity that will have you bouncing up and down.

In a recent study (sponsored by Pepcid), it was noted that 75% of baby boomers, men and women alike, experience heartburn at least occasionally, with 31% reporting instances of heartburn at least weekly. The same study indicates that occasional sufferers of heartburn will experience it 15% of the time when they exercise, with weekly sufferers likely to experience heartburn 45% of the time when they are exercising. An estimated 16 million Americans have their exercise interrupted by heartburn that may be caused by acid reflux and exertion, with non-sufferers getting to exercise 106 times a year, and sufferers only 85 times per year, on average.

It is an unfortunate, ironic symptom, the fact that many people who seek exercise as a means to improve their health are often prevented from effective exercise because of a health problem. It is often the jostling of the body that causes the stomach contents, including corrosive stomach acid, to move vigorously within the confines of the stomach. It may jostle stomach acid even more energetically up against the esophageal sphincter, causing it even further stress, especially in a GERD sufferer. A ?normal? person will probably not be affected by this jostling, but it can wreak havoc in the stomachs of GERD or acid reflux sufferers, adding acid reflux to their list of ailments.

The usual remedies may help with GERD symptoms, and therefore may help with EAGER symptoms (acid reflux and exertion): Avoid caffeine, nicotine and alcohol; try chamomile or peppermint tea after meals; limit meals to smaller portions several times a day instead of a couple of big meals; avoid fatty and salty foods; try Aloe Vera gel or Milk of Magnesia as stomach balms. Specifically for EAGER sufferers, try less strenuous exercises (that would have you bouncing up and down less) such as swimming or bike-riding.

These homeopathic remedies may be tried first, in lieu of a prescription, if your doctor okays it. Be aware that OTC acid reflux, GERD and heartburn medications are only recommended for a limited amount of time (usually two weeks). After that time, it is recommended that you take a break before starting the regimen again. Even Rolaids or Tums are not recommended for extended use. If you do try an OTC remedy or have a prescription, make sure it has an acid reducer in addition to a stomach soothing agent.

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