diet for severe GERD

September 15, 2010

Know The Diet For Severe GERD

A modified diet for severe GERD is necessary when acids produced by the stomach begin entering the esophagus. The food that we eat travels through our mouth down the esophagus, and to the stomach. The stomach and esophagus are joined at the LES or lower esophageal sphincter. The LES opens up to enable food to enter the stomach. The sphincter normally closes to prevent stomach juices and food to move back to the esophagus.

The stomach produces certain digestive enzymes and juices that aid in digestion. The digestive track also possesses special mechanisms to protect it from damages caused by these enzymes and juices. However, the esophagus itself does not possess such defensive mechanisms and hence it is essential for the LES to close and prevent the juices from reaching the esophagus. Normally, some amounts of the stomach bile go back to the esophagus. However, if excess amounts of acid accumulate inside the esophagus it causes GERD. People suffering from GERD experience abnormal behavior of LES. Either it does not close properly or it opens up wrong moment. Severe GERD can result in ulcers, the narrowing and damaging of the esophagus, and even bleeding.

It is vital to have a proper diet for severe GERD. The diet should be combination of foods that are easily digestible and low in food which will help in weight reduction if you are obese. Avoid foods that worsen the condition including tomato, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, peppermint, chocolate and deep fried foods. These kinds of foods normally weaken the LES or fuel your stomach to produce more acid than necessary. Avoid mustard, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, vinegar and aerated beverages at any cost.

One of the best ways to end the severe effects of GERD is to eat in moderation while switching to highly nutritious and low fat foods. It is effective to eat in small proportions, consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol, restrict sodium intake to 2400 mg per day and count calories when you eat. Do not eat more than the daily caloric intake limit recommended for your body. Not every food will trigger GERD symptoms in your body. Mark the kind of food that specifically fuels GERD in your body and avoid them.

It is also important to eat timely and eat in small proportions instead of having large meals, and always leave a generous amount of time between meals and sleep. Acid travels easily into the esophagus when you are lying down, so try walking after you eat. For overweight people it is important to exercise every day to reduce weight.

Include poultry, whole grains, pears, bananas, fish, lean meat and low fat food in your diet for severe GERD, as well as skimmed milk and plenty of water. It is most important to eat the right combination food at the right time. Do not put pressure on your stomach by stuffing it with excess food, and avoid combining foods that require both the alkaline enzymes and stomach juices to work simultaneously. This leads to weak digestion and increased GERD symptoms.

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