April 7, 2011
Chronic Acid Reflux
Chronic acid reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is a condition that primarily affects the stomach and the esophagus. Chronic acid reflux disease is a result of an improperly functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES) muscle. This muscle is located at the top of the stomach and at the bottom of the esophagus. The sole purpose of this muscle is to act as a barrier between the stomach and the esophagus protecting both from potential hazards. Mechanically, food travels from the mouth, down the esophagus in hopes of smoothly transition to the stomach. When food is traveling down the esophagus the LES opens up allowing the food to travel into the stomach and the muscle closes immediately after the food passes through.
When the LES malfunctions the muscle isn’t properly closing after food passes or it is opening too frequently. The open LES allows for stomach acids to leak up into the esophagus causing what is known as heartburn or acid reflux. If this happens occasionally, there is no need to be alarmed as your acid reflux is not chronic. If this heartburn happens two or more times a week you are likely suffering from chronic acid reflux. If not properly tended to, chronic acid reflux disease has been known to cause more serious health conditions.
It is not really clear as to why some people suffer from chronic acid reflux while others never seem to have a problem. Many speculate that a hiatal hernia is a great contributing factor. A hiatal hernia is a stomach abnormality that occurs when the LES and the upper part of the stomach move above the diaphragm. A major function of the diaphragm is to serve as the muscle that helps keep acids in your stomach. If you are suffering from a hiatal hernia the acids in your stomach acids can move up into your esophagus causing acid reflux symptoms.
There are many other factors that can lead to chronic acid reflux. Most of these factors are related to your daily diet. There are certain foods and drinks that can trigger acid reflux in those that are prone to the condition. If you are likely to drink soda, coffee or other caffeinated drinks you may want to eliminate these drinks and opt instead for a glass of water. Drinking water before, during and after meals works wonders for aiding in the digestive process. It also soothers the esophagus if you are experiencing heartburn.
Fried and fatty foods, though tasty, can be extremely hazardous not only in terms of acid reflux, but also in terms of health. Try eating healthy and see if your chronic acid reflux persists. Salads, vegetables and hearty fruits are always great alternatives.
See if you can eliminate bad habits. If you are a smoker, stop. If you notice that you are an overeater or that you are overweight, do what you can to control portions and lose weight. Eating smaller portions several times a day should ultimately help.
Make the necessary changes to nip your chronic acid reflux in the bud. Your health will thank you for it.
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Acid reflux disease, more often than not, is directly related to your diet. The foods you eat and the drinks you consume can be triggers for acid reflux and you may be unaware. Try keeping a food journal. You may notice that after you eat certain foods your body reacts in a way that clearly indicates that these foods aren’t the foods for you. Why foods serve as triggers for some when they are completely harmless for others has yet to be determined. In the meantime, however, you should do your part at eliminating the foods from your diet that may be personal triggers.
The first aspect of your diet that you may want to tackle is the amount of food you eat, the time of day you eat these foods and how often these foods are eaten. Let’s start by examining the amount of food you eat. Acid reflux has been known to be more active if there is a heavy consumption of food taking place. What happens when there is a large portion of food taken in at one time is that the body (namely the stomach acids) feels that it must do whatever is necessary to break down this large portion of food so that it may be properly digested. The stomach acids kick into overdrive when there is a lot of work to do. The hyperactivity of your stomach acids may ultimately cause these acids to escape the stomach and make way to the esophagus resulting in heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms. Try eating smaller meals several times a day. This not only helps with acid reflux disease, it also aids in weight loss. Also, you may want to try eating at least two hours before bedtime. When we are awake after eating we allow our bodies sufficient positioning for adequately digesting food.
Now that how to eat has been established lets tackle what to eat. In discussing what to eat it is also imperative to discuss what foods to avoid.
In terms of fruit and beverage, try avoiding tomatoes, lemons, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages. Try to drinking water in place of the drinks that are listed as ones to avoid. Water is a great digestive aid and works wonders for soothing the esophagus in the instance that there may be irritation or burn. The perfect fruit for those that may suffer from acid reflux is an apple. Try apples in any form whether they are dried, fresh or juiced. Bananas may be a great choice as well.
Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Meats such as chicken nuggets, ground beef, buffalo wings and sirloin aren’t the best for you in terms of acid reflux and overall health. If you are a meat lover try skinless chicken breast, broil steak and if you simply must have ground beef be sure that the meat is extra lean.
A few minor adjustments can take you a long way. Changing your diet may ultimately change your life. For more diet suggestions visit refluxremedy.com today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Diet, Acid Reflux Disease by admin
April 1, 2011
Acid Reflux Symptoms And Treatment
There is little more satisfying than a good meal. A great meal not only enhances your day but can work wonders on your livelihood. What happens when after consumption of a great meal your body proceeds to burn internally and seemingly malfunctions? You suffer from acid reflux. Acid reflux does a great job at turning a perfectly pleasant dining experience into a disaster. Here’s what you do: continue to eat great food, just find the foods that work best for your body. It’s truly that simple.
Many people who suffer from acid reflux disease are unaware that the foods they consume daily and other eating habits directly affect their acid reflux. Though acid reflux manifests in many individuals differently causing different symptoms thus requiring different method of treatment, there is a blanket of symptoms that are most commonly found in acid reflux sufferers. These symptoms include, but are not limited to:
- Heartburn: Heartburn is one of the most common acid reflux symptoms. Heartburn usually occurs when your lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is located at the lower region of your esophagus and the top of your stomach, neglects to close immediately after food passes through allowing the stomach acids to leak up into the esophagus meeting the esophagus cell walls causing a burning sensation that is most often experienced in the chest, throat and abdomen.
- Regurgitation: Regurgitation is when undigested foods and stomach acids are brought up from the stomach through the esophagus into the mouth. This symptom is usually accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth and has also been known to block the air passage resulting in asthma like symptoms.
- Difficulty Swallowing: Difficulty swallowing is generally a result of dysphagia which is a narrowing of the esophagus. When the esophagus narrows there is a difficulty eating and drinking as it seems foods and liquids get stuck in the esophagus when attempting to travel to the stomach.
Other symptoms that are less common include nausea, burping, bloating, coughing, chronic sore throat and unmerited weight loss.
Treatment for acid reflux varies but usually relies on preventative care.
- Drink water before, during and after meals. Drinking water works wonders as it aids in digestion and stabilizes the acids in the stomach. Drinking water is a great substitution for drinking caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic beverages which should be eliminated from your diet.
- Eat smaller portions throughout the day and eat at least two hours before bedtime. Smaller meals work better for the digestive system as stomach acids tend to break down smaller meals more effectively. Try to avoid lying down immediately after eating so that your food may properly digest.
- If you are a smoker, now would be a great time to quit.
- If you are overweight, switching your diet and exercising proves to work wonders for acid reflux as well as weight loss.
- Keep a log of foods that after eating tend to cause acid reflux. Eliminate those foods from your diet.
For more tips on acid reflux treatment and more information on symptoms visit refluxremedy.com today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Symptoms, Acid Reflux Treatment by admin
March 10, 2011
Gastro Reflux Symptoms
Gastro reflux, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is a condition stemming from a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a muscular ring located at the bottom section of the esophagus. After food travels down the esophagus to the stomach, the LES should close tightly, preventing stomach acids from heading up the esophagus. When this does not occur, and gastric acids are present in the esophagus, this results in heartburn, one of the symptoms of gastro reflux.
Heartburn is caused when acidic contents from the stomach are harmfully transplanted in the esophagus. This back up of acidic liquids and particles, can be severely painful and irritating. The burning sensation felt in the chest, along with hiccups and burping, are also signs of heartburn. People who suffer from heartburn typically experience a bitter taste in their mouth. The symptoms of heartburn are amplified during the night and worsen after eating. Consistent heartburn that occurs more than a few times per week, is a sign that gastro reflux has developed. Chronic heartburn affects a large portion of the population and is used as an indicator in determining if a person is likely to contract gastro reflux.
In some cases, the acidic fluid from the stomach that has backed up to the esophagus and throat can cause people to have difficulty breathing. If the refluxed fluid aggravates the larynx, the affected person can become hoarse, have a sore throat or temporarily lose their voice. The acidic juices can also irritate the respiratory track and make the breathing process strenuous and exhausting.
When the gastric acid reaches the throat (pharynx) and mouth, the burning feeling is magnified. The sour tasting substance can cause halitosis (bad breath) and hinder social interaction. Excessive burping, a common symptom of gastro reflux, is often wet and foul smelling. The liquid that is expelled during belching may burn and cause physical irritation.
Regurgitation is another uncomfortable symptom of gastro reflux. This takes place when food is swallowed but forced back up the esophagus due to a reflux reaction. The food and liquids that are regurgitated are highly acidic, and will burn the esophagus and throat. Depending on the amount and frequency of acidic substance that has been brought back up from the stomach, a person may need to discard the contents publicly, which can be humiliating.
Symptoms of gastro reflux are usually exacerbated due to certain behaviors and lifestyle choices. People that smoke tend to increase the effects of gastro reflux symptoms. Bending over, lifting heavy objects and even lying down may cause gastro reflux as well. Drink alcohol, and partaking in caffeinated products may contribute to gastro reflux.
Extended exposure to gastro reflux has the potential to develop into esophagitis. Esophagitis is characterized by severe inflammation to the esophagus that may reduce the size of the esophagus and hinder normal swallowing functions.
For more information on the symptoms of gastro reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, visit refluxremedy.com today.
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