April 7, 2011
Diet For Acid Reflux Disease
Acid reflux disease, more often than not, is directly related to your diet. The foods you eat and the drinks you consume can be triggers for acid reflux and you may be unaware. Try keeping a food journal. You may notice that after you eat certain foods your body reacts in a way that clearly indicates that these foods aren’t the foods for you. Why foods serve as triggers for some when they are completely harmless for others has yet to be determined. In the meantime, however, you should do your part at eliminating the foods from your diet that may be personal triggers.
The first aspect of your diet that you may want to tackle is the amount of food you eat, the time of day you eat these foods and how often these foods are eaten. Let’s start by examining the amount of food you eat. Acid reflux has been known to be more active if there is a heavy consumption of food taking place. What happens when there is a large portion of food taken in at one time is that the body (namely the stomach acids) feels that it must do whatever is necessary to break down this large portion of food so that it may be properly digested. The stomach acids kick into overdrive when there is a lot of work to do. The hyperactivity of your stomach acids may ultimately cause these acids to escape the stomach and make way to the esophagus resulting in heartburn or other acid reflux symptoms. Try eating smaller meals several times a day. This not only helps with acid reflux disease, it also aids in weight loss. Also, you may want to try eating at least two hours before bedtime. When we are awake after eating we allow our bodies sufficient positioning for adequately digesting food.
Now that how to eat has been established lets tackle what to eat. In discussing what to eat it is also imperative to discuss what foods to avoid.
In terms of fruit and beverage, try avoiding tomatoes, lemons, carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages. Try to drinking water in place of the drinks that are listed as ones to avoid. Water is a great digestive aid and works wonders for soothing the esophagus in the instance that there may be irritation or burn. The perfect fruit for those that may suffer from acid reflux is an apple. Try apples in any form whether they are dried, fresh or juiced. Bananas may be a great choice as well.
Stay away from fried and fatty foods. Meats such as chicken nuggets, ground beef, buffalo wings and sirloin aren’t the best for you in terms of acid reflux and overall health. If you are a meat lover try skinless chicken breast, broil steak and if you simply must have ground beef be sure that the meat is extra lean.
A few minor adjustments can take you a long way. Changing your diet may ultimately change your life. For more diet suggestions visit refluxremedy.com today!
Filed under Acid Reflux Diet, Acid Reflux Disease by admin
October 7, 2010
What Does Heartburn Feel Like?
If you?re asking how heartburn feels you obviously have never experienced it.
Imagine nearly the most corrosive substance know to man, hydrochloric acid (HCL) splashing up into your sensitive mouth area, again and again and again.
Why does this happen?
Besides the fact that we eat too many processed foods, Americans have been lied to by antacid manufacturers. These so-called antacids actually produce what?s called a stomach acid rebound affect.
You see, the layers of your stomach are very complex and don?t have any problem holding down a bubbling cauldron of caustic acid so powerful it will ?etch? a glass window.
All this volcanic, blistering nasty stomach acid is kept down below by muscular valve called the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). Now I see two schools of thought which describe exactly how the stomach acid gurgles its way past this esophageal flap.
One idea claims that the stomach acid over powers it, weakens it and allows the forbidden elixir of brimstone and digestive acids to eat their way up into your more sensitive oral cavities.
The other more feasible explanation of how the bubbling curd works its way upward into your mouth, nose and middle ears is because the undigested stomach contents are bulging and piling upward forcing the flap to compromise its integrity.
You see, in actuality most people have difficulty properly digesting food when they get older because they suffer from mineral and nutrient deficiencies. These nutritional deficits are caused from eating a lot of enzyme-barren foods, forcing the pancreas to make enzymes that are usually hidden within raw fruits and vegetables. This also taxes the bile producing gall bladder of important minerals necessary to make stomach acids.
So now here we are, gut full of food eaten days ago, maybe longer, just slowly fermenting like a cow?s belly, simply because there?s no more stomach acid or enzymes left to break it all down faster.
This bulk, presses up ward causing gas, heartburn and acid indigestion, cramps, flatulence and the rest of it. But what?s bad is the body is working hard to produce a much needed ?mega burst? of gastric acid and when it lets it go, it has nowhere to go but up, because your stomach is already stuffed to the brim.
In this case ?the brim? is referring to the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES).
Now use your imagination. What?s going to happen is noxious stomach acid, from your guts HCL surge, is going to shoot straight up where it should never be. The deep burning sensation is your flesh being etched, blistered and chemically peeled away; the rancid disturbing taste is horribly indescribable.
Over time you?ll experience gum disease, loss of tooth enamel and permanent ?non-kissable? breath. In fact your breath may get so bad no one will want to even talk with you without a ten foot pole to keep a safe distance.
I haven?t even touched on the damage the gastric fumes and stomach acid particles have on your lungs.
This acid reflux situation is so serious it can end up mutating your throat?s tender lining into cancerous leather capable of handling large gulps of hydrochloric and sulfur acids.
Once your throat cells have transformed to literally become more like the stomach lining your Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is likely to progress into throat cancer . . . not a good situation and I don?t want to even imagine what that feels like.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass?
Health Ecologist
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin