September 29, 2010
Diet for Severe Gerd
A modified diet for severe Gerd is necessary when acids produced by the stomach begin entering the esophagus. The food that we eat travels through our mouth down the esophagus, and to the stomach. The stomach and esophagus are joined at the LES or lower esophageal sphincter. The LES opens up to enable food to enter the stomach. The sphincter normally closes to prevent stomach juices and food to move back to the esophagus.
The stomach produces certain digestive enzymes and juices that aid in digestion. The digestive track also possesses special mechanisms to protect it from damages caused by these enzymes and juices. However, the esophagus itself does not possess such defensive mechanisms and hence it is essential for the LES to close and prevent the juices from reaching the esophagus. Normally, some amounts of the stomach bile go back to the esophagus. However, if excess amounts of acid accumulate inside the esophagus it causes Gerd. People suffering from Gerd experience abnormal behavior of LES. Either it does not close properly or it opens up wrong moment. Severe Gerd can result in ulcers, the narrowing and damaging of the esophagus, and even bleeding.
It is vital to have a proper diet for severe Gerd. The diet should be combination of foods that are easily digestible and low in food which will help in weight reduction if you are obese. Avoid foods that worsen the condition including tomato, alcohol, caffeinated drinks, peppermint, chocolate and deep fried foods. These kinds of foods normally weaken the LES or fuel your stomach to produce more acid than necessary. Avoid mustard, garlic, spices, citrus fruits, vinegar and aerated beverages at any cost.
One of the best ways to end the severe effects of Gerd is to eat in moderation while switching to highly nutritious and low fat foods. It is effective to eat in small proportions, consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol, restrict sodium intake to 2400 mg per day and count calories when you eat. Do not eat more than the daily caloric intake limit recommended for your body. Not every food will trigger Gerd symptoms in your body. Mark the kind of food that specifically fuels Gerd in your body and avoid them.
It is also important to eat timely and eat in small proportions instead of having large meals, and always leave a generous amount of time between meals and sleep. Acid travels easily into the esophagus when you are lying down, so try walking after you eat. For overweight people it is important to exercise every day to reduce weight.
Include poultry, whole grains, pears, bananas, fish, lean meat and low fat food in your diet for severe Gerd, as well as skimmed milk and plenty of water. It is most important to eat the right combination food at the right time. Do not put pressure on your stomach by stuffing it with excess food, and avoid combining foods that require both the alkaline enzymes and stomach juices to work simultaneously. This leads to weak digestion and increased Gerd symptoms.
September 23, 2010
Gerd and Bronchitis
Many people suffer needlessly from a condition that keeps them awake at night?just from eating. That condition is referred to by many as heartburn, because it sort of feels like the area around your heart is burning. In reality, the stomach acid that digests your food is washing back up your esophagus in a movement called reflux. The medical name for this is called Gastro Esophogeal Reflux Disease?if it occurs more than a couple of times a week.
Often, people will refer to Gastro Esophogeal Reflux Disease as GERD, to simplify things. Others can become confused because GERD is also called Acid Reflux Disease, although the two are in fact the same. GERD is a big problem for many people and for good reason.
Stomach acid is very strong?it has to be in order to break down food and aid in the processes of your digestive system. When the stomach acid washes back up your throat, the acid eats at your esophagus, causing a little bit of damage each time. Your teeth also face damaging effects of this condition, as the enamel will slowly corrode over time.
One problem that GERD sufferers face is bronchitis. At first, the correlation between GERD and bronchitis does not seem obvious, but it is there. Each time that the stomach acid comes back up into the esophagus, the GERD sufferer faces the opportunity of choking. When someone chokes, they can inadvertently swallow the acid that they have just brought up. Aspiration of stomach acid makes for a good deal of pain coming up and an equal amount going down into your lungs.
There is much danger when stomach acid gets into your lungs?bronchitis. Due to the acid?s powerful nature, it can affect the inside of the lungs badly enough to inflame the bronchia, which can lead to bronchitis.
The tie between GERD and bronchitis can be limited with proper management and proactive effort. However, there has to be work done from both the patient and the doctor?although most of the work will be the patient.
Doctors of course, will have prescription medications available to give patients for management of their GERD, and the possible resulting bronchitis. There are some doctors that are beginning to push their patients towards using something other than medication to solve their problems with GERD.
Resolving issues within a patient?s diet will help limit the instances that GERD occurs. Doctors?and registered dieticians, if needed?can lead patients down the correct path to change their diets appropriately. Eating foods that don?t cause reflux will obviously limit the acid that comes up, and in turn limit the opportunities for aspiration of acid into the lungs, causing bronchitis.
Some of the changes in a patient?s diet and eating pattern might be as simple as eating a slice of apple for dessert, or not lying down after eating. The key to success in avoiding GERD and bronchitis rests almost entirely on the shoulders of the patient, with a bit of guidance from the doctor and their staff.
Pay attention to what your body tells you while you eat and digest. Your eating routine will help you figure your problems out?perhaps without a prescription.
Filed under Acid Reflux Remedy by admin
September 21, 2010
Acid Heartburn Treatment
For many people, the search for an acid heartburn treatment that actually works and provides long-term relief seems hopeless. There are many over-the-counter medications that do provide temporary relief, but an acid heartburn treatment that really gets rid of the condition for good can seem impossible to find.
One of the most effective heartburn treatment methods around is not only readily available, but it is free for anyone who is willing to make the necessary adjustments. The method involves simply making a few lifestyle changes, and sticking to a daily meal plan. It may be hard to believe that GERD and other related conditions can be treated without any medications?over-the-counter or otherwise?but the multitude of people that have gotten satisfactory results is a testament to the fact that eating better actually works. Here then are some heartburn treatment methods that involve general lifestyle changes.
Eat smaller meals more frequently
This is one method that works for losing weight as an acid heartburn treatment. The reason this is so effective is because large meals tend to cause expansion of the stomach, increasing pressure against the esophagus. By limiting the amount of food you eat and increasing the number of meals you have during the day, you greatly reduce the risk of pressure build up on the esophagus.
Avoid foods and beverages that cause the over production of stomach acids
Caffeine and spicy foods are the most commonly known culprits in this category, but food such as citrus and tomatoes may bring about an attack as well. Coffee, tea and soda should be taken in moderation?or eliminated entirely in more severe heartburn cases?while acidic foods are best avoided while the symptoms are still present.
Do not lie down immediately after eating
It appears this old trick may have some truth to it, as lying down too soon after eating may actually cause the digestive acids to seep up into the esophagus, setting off the characteristic symptoms of heartburn. In general, it is best to wait for two hours after a heavy meal before lying down. For the same reason, it is also a good idea to keep your head slightly elevated when you sleep.
A good source of acid heartburn treatment methods is the Reflux Remedy Report, which can be found online. The guide is chock full of tips and advice on how to treat GERD, acid heartburn, and various other related conditions quickly, safely and effectively. Since the tips outlined in the report are all natural, you won’t have to worry about experiencing any of the side effects associated with over-the-counter medications. With the Reflux Remedy Report, you will find the acid heartburn treatment method that will produce the best results for you.
Filed under Heartburn Remedies by admin
Most people who are suffering from GERD and other related conditions will first look into excessive stomach acid as the main cause. While this is indeed a common trigger for GERD, it is important to note that the condition can also be caused by insufficient stomach acids. Low stomach acid symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms caused by excessive amounts of stomach acids, and they can be just as damaging and painful.
Low stomach acid symptoms occur because the entire digestive system relies heavily on hydrochloric acid in order to dissolve the food as it reaches the stomach. When a condition occurs in which a person has an abnormally low amount of stomach acid, the characteristic acid symptoms may result.
Insufficient hydrochloric acid can adversely affect the digestion of protein, carbohydrates and fat in the stomach. When this happens, the stomach is at increased risk of being overrun by bacteria and fungus, both of which are kept in check by stomach acids. Hydrochloric acid also serves the additional function of helping the body absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently.
Even worse than GERD, undigested food that collects in the small intestines and colon can cause an abnormal bacteria buildup as well, and this can cause the liver to absorb too much toxin. This can cause a considerable amount of stress on the system, and a number of health conditions and illnesses may result. Among the low stomach acid symptoms are: fatigue, excessive gas and/or flatulence, headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia, aches and pain, and mood changes.
If you are looking for a completely natural way to ease the suffering associated with low stomach acid symptoms, the Reflux Remedy Report is a guide well worth looking into. With the help of this collection of tips and advice, numerous people all over the world have already discovered for themselves why natural methods are often the best choices for ridding the body of stomach acid symptoms.
One of the features that make this guide so useful is the organization of these remedies. They are outlined in a step-by-step format, and are very easy to understand. With the help of this guide, you will find proven treatment methods that will help you get rid of low stomach acid symptoms for good, and you do so in a totally natural manner that is free of side effects. The guide also comes with a handy bonus section that offers dozens of reader tips and suggestions on how to get rid of heart-burn related symptoms. Since the guide is available for download you can be well on your way to freeing your body of these ailments within just a few minutes!
Filed under Acid Reflux, Stomach Acid by admin