March 2, 2011
GERD Natural Treatments
Natural treatments for gastro intestinal reflux disease (GERD) are simple to find and safe to take.
Most people don’t realize that the cause of their GERD is from treatments that only cover up the symptoms of GERD. At least a natural cure won?t have adverse side effects and can buy you time until you find the right natural cure for you.
When you fail to cure the cause of your heartburn, acid reflux or acid indigestion, because you blocked all acid reflux symptoms, your acute or sudden acid reflux becomes chronic.
That’s all GERD is . . . chronic heartburn.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “Nothing happens at the symptom level. Change only takes place at the causal level.”
Natural treatments for GERD are always better than unnatural treatments for GERD, no doubt . . . but treatment still only treats symptoms of GERD.
The great thing about a nutritional approach to GERD treatment is at least you’re contributing something toward your cell health and the natural healing process, where as drugs do nothing to nurture your cell health.
In fact all prescriptive drugs are designed to slow down your own detoxification process by chemically inhibiting your kidney and liver. This action keeps the drugs in your body longer . . . otherwise your immune system will identify them as poison and eliminate them quickly.
I’m not a physician, but it doesn’t take one to tell you that if you have GERD, acid rebound or even the early stages of heartburn, the last thing you need is to burden your healing process with harmful chemicals.
Bottom line is if you’re even considering treatment for the symptoms of GERD, you need to think twice about what the real cause of your GERD is.
Before you had GERD, you most likely had acid rebound, right? Do you remember how you got acid rebound? Odds are it was an adverse side effect of taking a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI), like Prilosec. These drugs cause acid rebound . . .
Remember before acid rebound? You may have had a bout with Hiatal hernia and before that acid indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn.
Everyone is different, but this GERD timeline may help you gather a better idea of why you’re looking to GERD treatment. At least you’re looking for a natural treatment for your GERD, but if you don’t start addressing the root cause, odds are your symptoms might continue to get worse, leading to surgery or worse . . . even throat cancer.
Go back to the basics and you’ll discover the natural cure for your GERD, or should I say, a natural solution to help your healing system eliminate the original cause of your GERD suffering.
The natural treatment for your GERD is a step in the right direction, at least until you learn what will help you heal yourself using one of the many natural cures available.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under GERD Treatment by admin
February 28, 2011
Gastro Reflux Disease
The muscle located between the stomach and the esophagus is called the lower esophageal sphincter. If this muscle relaxes and does not close tightly after food passes through to the stomach, this can lead to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or gastro reflux disease. Typically, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) only permits foods and beverages to flow downward into the stomach, not the other way around. A relaxed LES that permits food and stomach acid to travel backwards and reflux into the esophagus can cause tremendous pain, discomfort and injury.
Certain foods can promote gastro reflux disease. Your diet is an integral part of causing or preventing GERD. Foods and drinks with a heavy amount of garlic, caffeine and onion have the ability to increase reflux frequency. Each individual has specified foods that can trigger reflux and contribute to gastro esophageal reflux disease. Eating foods right before bed or meals that are high in fat are also dietary factors that can cause GERD.
Over the counter medications can also promote GERD. These include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) used to reduce pain. Common NSAIDs are ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. Vitamins and other supplements may be risky too. Consuming potassium, calcium, and iron tablets can cause GERD.
Women who are pregnant risk contracting GERD. Due to the size and placement of the fetus growing inside of them, other organs usually shift in order to accommodate the baby. Depending on how the stomach position is naturally modified, this may force stomach acid to reflux. If acid reflux becomes excessive this could lead to GERD.
Some health conditions are directly related to the occurrence of gastro reflux disease. Obesity can lead to GERD because the stomach may not be able to withstand the pressure caused by excess weight. The extra weight can strain the abdominal area, causing reflux.
Unhealthy habits affect gastro reflux disease. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption serves as triggers for the development of GERD. Lying down during and after meals can cause heartburn, a symptom of gastro reflux disease.
Regurgitation happens when acid backs up into the throat and mouth. This may come with burping that produces a bitter taste and foul smelling breath.
Heartburn is normally felt after eating or lying down. A burning pain in the chest and throat are symptoms of heartburn.
Dysphagia is a sign of gastro reflux and is associated with having difficulty swallowing food, managing food in the mouth and controlling saliva.
Treatment of gastro reflux disease can be done through simple changes to your lifestyle and diet. By taking note of the foods you eat when heartburn or another symptom occurs, you can determine what to eliminate from your diet. By quitting smoking, not eating before bed, and using other pain relieving medications, you can reduce your risk of gastro reflux disease.
If you want more information on gastro reflux disease, visit for the latest information on how you can treat GERD naturally.
Filed under Gastro Reflux by admin
It is unnatural for stomach contents to rise into the esophagus but unfortunately, this happens to many people. This occurrence is called acid reflux, when stomach acids are permitted to enter the esophagus and move upward. When acid reflux occurs repeatedly, this could be a sign that you have gastroesophageal reflux disorder.
Gastroesophageal reflux disorder is what develops when the lower esophageal sphincter is relaxed and does not close consistently or tightly. The LES acts as a passageway for foods that have been eaten, allowing entrance into the stomach. Although the LES musts open to allow foods to pass to the stomach, a properly functioning LES should close immediately after the food goes to the stomach, and prevent stomach acids from being displaced. Stomach acid is corrosive but is suitable for the lining walls of that organ. In order to breakdown and digest food, the gastric acid in your stomach must be highly acidic. When gastric acid moves into the esophagus it ends up corroding the esophagus, causing irritation and inflammation.
Many factors can cause you to suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disorder. If you have a haital hernia this could make you more susceptible to GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when the top portion of the stomach and the LES muscle shift above the diaphragm, the muscle that divides the chest and stomach. The diaphragm normally aids the LES in it’s function to separate stomach acid from the esophagus. Hiatal hernias allow gastric acids to go from the stomach to the esophagus easily.
If you are pregnant this may affect your chances of having GERD. Pregnant women should be concerned about GERD because of their increased risk. As the baby develops in the womb, the body must make room. This means that vital organs begin to shift and are compressed. If the stomach shifts or compresses too much, this could force stomach acids to move past the LES and into the esophagus.
Obesity and diabetes also contribute to GERD. If you have a lot of extra weight, especially near the abdomen, this can put excessive pressure on the stomach and diaphragm. If the stomach endures pressure, this makes it easier for stomach acids to escape into the esophagus and cause damage. Diabetes affects the way that foods are digested and could encourage acid reflux. Close attention should be paid to your diet and exercise habits, as they can contribute to obesity and diabetes.
Smoking is a lifestyle contributor to GERD. Each time you smoke, the LES becomes weaker and has to work harder to remain closed. A weakened or relaxed LES will allow stomach acid to seep into the esophagus. The more you smoke, the higher your risk is of developing GERD.
Symptoms of GERD in adults include heartburn, chest pain, chronic cough, regurgitation and difficulty swallowing. Children however may not have heartburn but will likely have a persistent cough and respiratory problems. Avoiding certain foods, smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating smaller lean meals well before lying down for bed are simple ways to manage GERD.
To learn more about gastroesophageal reflux disorder, visit today.
Filed under Acid Reflux, Gastroesophageal Reflux by admin
February 25, 2011
Acid Alternative Reflux Treatment
An alternative treatment for acid reflux should address more than the symptoms of acid indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux.
Nothing ever happens at the symptom level, change is ONLY possible at the causal level.
Before you go running off to your drugs store to get an Over-The -Counter (OTC) antacid, you may find it in your best interest to see a doctor.
I know heartburn doesn’t sound like something to see a physician or licensed health practitioner over . . . but it is.
Millions of acid reflux sufferers make the mistake of treating their acid reflux symptoms as if they were caused from too much stomach acid. When they do that, they risk the danger of simple heartburn symptoms escalating into life threatening health conditions like acid rebound, GERD and throat cancer.
Fact is most people actually suffer from acid reflux symptoms because of quite the opposite reason; they have too little stomach acid.
The best thing you can do is make sure you are treating your own acid reflux symptoms correctly.
When your acid reflux, heartburn and acid indigestion symptoms are really persistent you will want to request that you have a stomach acid test.
Acid indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux are some of the most mis-treated and mis-diagnosed health problems in America.
The drug companies depend on you and your doctor believing the Direct-to-Consumer advertising spiels you’ve been bombarded with all your life.
It’s vital you question everything, even if your doctor tells you something is true, verify it. Never be afraid to ask questions and if you don’t feel you got a good answer, then get 2 and 3 medical opinions. Learn to investigate acid reflux and other health issues yourself. If you do your due diligence, you’ll naturally ask better questions about how to best treat your acid reflux.
The treatment for increasing your stomach acid and your ability to properly digest foods is totally different then the treatment for acid reflux caused from lack of digestive acids and enzymes.
Your stomach as well as your entire enteric digestive system depends on you choosing a treatment that will provide adequate nutrition. The right eating habits can help, however if your ability to digest your food down into molecular sized nutrients is inhibited from lack of stomach acid and acid reflux symptoms . . . eating right may only be part of the right treatment for your acid reflux symptoms.
You were born to heal,
Todd M. Faass
Health Advocate
Filed under Acid Reflux Natural Remedies by admin