heart burn

October 27, 2010

Apple Cider Heartburn Cure

For more than 5000 years raw apple cider has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments, especially heartburn, acid indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Did you know archaeologists recovered apple remains in Swiss Stone-Age lake dwellings and at a dig near Jericho in Jordan dating to 6500 BC? They also discovered dried apple rings in the tomb of Queen Pu-Abi (2500 B.C.E) in Southern Iran.

If you didn’t know about the powerful medicinal and healing qualities found in natural apple cider vinegar and you suffer from heartburn, it’s time to get with the program.

Apples are often overlooked like many of Mother Nature’s remedies because they are so common.

It is no coincidence that raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains a valuable nutrient rich base called “The Mother.”

The Mother” of raw apple cider vinegar helps people with heartburn and acid reflux because it is naturally rich in readily available vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, for starters.

The truth about heartburn, as with most dis-ease, is its root cause can be traced back to simple under-nutrition.

That’s right, your heartburn, acid indigestion and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may be caused from simple nutritional deficiencies, which means your heartburn is NOT a drug deficiency.

Modern society differs from ancient times in fewer ways than you may first think. If we were to take away all the refrigerators, commercial farming practices and chemical food processing, you and I would find ourselves having to eat and live much like our ancestors did, depending on natural cures and wholesome home grown foods to provide us with everything we need.

Yet even if you unplug your refrigerator and stop buying commercially processed foods raised on artificial fertilizers, you still have to take the time to cultivate rich soils to produce the nutrient rich foods the ancient ones enjoyed.? It has been long known that artificial fertilization sterilized American soils to death about 80 years ago.

That is why you have heartburn and that is also why raw apple cider vinegar is so amazing. Even though apple farmers have been hybridizing apples and growing smaller less nutrient rich versions of the “original” apples, apple cider vinegar still contains “The Mother.”

Apple cider vinegar is a “super food” chocked full of the goodness of Mother Nature.

There is a new science of healing is called epigenetics. This new science is resurrecting the ancient ways of healing mind and body by simply reconnecting us from the DNA and cellular level to the environmental level and back again.

There is a built-in intelligence within you, which has hidden connections to the world that seems to be outside of you. When heartburn, acid indigestion or gastroesophageal acid reflux plague your daily life, that means something important has fallen out of balance.

Raw apple cider vinegar contains a perfect balance of fiber, flavonoids and antioxidants so vital for staying healthy and slowing down the aging process.

The pectin in the apple peel provides galacturonic acid, which reduces your body’s need for insulin.

In addition, apples are high in vitamin C and free-radical fighting Queretin beneficial for healthy cells.

French researchers found a flavonoid called “phloridzin” that may help protect post menopausal women from symptoms of osteoporosis and boron which strengthens bones.

So keep in mind that organic raw apple cider vinegar not only helps you defeat heartburn, acid indigestion and esophageal reflux diseases (GERD), it also helps restore and empower the hidden connections you have from the DNA , cellular level to “The Mother,” naturally . . . without drugs.

To eat an apple going to bed, will make the doctor beg his bread.”

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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October 26, 2010

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Severe chronic heartburn can be diagnosed as a condition called Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. It happens when the lower esophageal sphincter – the muscle at the junction between the esophagus and the stomach – becomes too relaxed.? Normally, the sphincter only allows things like food and liquids to flow one direction – into the stomach.? A sphincter that isn’t functioning properly allows stomach acids to enter into the esophagus causing damage and pain.


Symptoms of GERD generally occur when lying down after eating, when lifting or bending over to get an object, or after consuming a large meal.? Symptoms include:

  • Heartburn: A burning pain in your chest or throat
  • Regurgitation: Acid backing up into your throat or mouth. Often accompanied by burping and a bitter taste.


Medications: Certain medications can aggravate GERD.? They include:

  • NSAID pain relievers (ibuprofen and aspirin)
  • Dietary supplements (potassium, calcium, iron tablets)

Hormonal Changes: Often, pregnant women suffer from heart burn as a result of changes in the balance of hormones.? The sphincter is partially controlled by hormones, and when there is a change it can disrupt the contraction of the muscle.

Foods: ?Though no one food can be pointed to as a definitive cause of GERD or heartburn, certain foods have a higher occurrence rate than others.? Things like caffeine, alcohol, garlic, onion and mint cause reflux frequently.? However everyone has their own specific food triggers and should avoid those that cause heartburn or contribute to GERD.

Health Issues: Some diabetes sufferers have been known to also have GERD.? It comes as a result of a condition called gastroparesis, in which the stomach delays in emptying itself causing a pressure build up, which results in reflux.? Obesity can also lead to GERD as extra weight puts added pressure on the abdomen, causing reflux.? Also, a condition called Hiatal Hernia is known to worsen the symptoms of GERD, but is not directly connected to causing GERD.? It occurs when a portion of the stomach becomes displaced, either forced into the esophagus or up next to it.

Habits:? Certain day to day habits can cause or exacerbate GERD.? Smoking slows the lower esophageal sphincter down, causing acid to back up from the stomach.? Wearing tight fitting clothes can place too much pressure on the stomach, causing reflux.? Even eating or lying down too close to bed time can cause heartburn.


The majority of GERD sufferers can manage the condition with medication and simple diet changes.? Over the counter antacids or prescription drugs can help diminish the symptoms of GERD.? Keeping a food journal and eliminating foods that cause heartburn can also help.? Even changing daily habits like quitting smoking can change the condition dramatically.

In severe cases where none of these approaches are successful surgery can be beneficial.? Most people can do the procedure laparoscopically, which is minimally invasive.? It involves suturing a portion of the stomach around the esophagus, tightening around the sphincter and preventing acid from backing up.? However, not everyone with GERD is a candidate for laparoscopic surgery.? Some will require a laparotomy, which involves opening the abdomen, and others will need a thoracotomy, which involves opening the chest.

For more on GERD and some holisitic solutions, please read our Reflux Remedy Report.

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October 25, 2010

Himalayan Salt and Acid Reflux

We know that a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water can help acid reflux, but why wouldn’t Himalayan salt do the same?

Fact is everyone is different because of biological diversity. Some people suffer from acid reflux for different reasons than others people. However, Himalayan salt may be what you’re looking for. For one thing this ancient sea salt contains a complete spectrum of trace minerals and is a great alkalizer.

Second you may actually need these minerals to help replenish your liver to help produce bile salts for better digestion and stomach acid balance.

Thirdly there are some doctors who agree ancient sea salts like Himalayan salt help flush out the kidneys, which is the opposite effect chemical table salt has. If you suffer from acid reflux, himalayan salt, or acid indigestion you may also be in dire need of detoxification.

Get a few doctors opinions first, especially if you suffer from high blood pressure. Himalayan salt and Celtic sea salt have been shown to help regulate normal blood pressure.

So there’s a good reason to believe Himalayan salt may be something that could help you.

However, like I said, everyone is different.

In case you are interested you can make a Himalayan saline solution for your acid reflux symptoms ?by simple adding the Himalayan salt crystals to a mason jar of water kept in the fridge.

Simply keep adding salt everyday for a day or two until the Himalayan salt crystals stop dissolving.

Now you can keep this saline solution indefinitely. I prefer mine kept cold, but this is not necessary.

So now you’re ready to see if will help your acid reflux, acid indigestion or heart burn. All you do is take about a teaspoon of this Himalayan salt solution a day for a few days and see what happens.

Chances are it will help you in many ways, including helping relieve your acid reflux.

Keep in mind that acid reflux is more often caused from a lack of gastric acid, than an over abundance of it. In the later case, should you suffer from too much gastric acid it should help alkalize your blood, invigorate digestion and detoxify your kidneys, when done this way.

Whereas in the case where you actually suffer from a lack of stomach acid, the Himalayan salt solution will provide the necessary trace minerals to assists your body in producing a balanced supply of gastric acids to increase the digestive power of your gut, therefore reducing acid reflux.

Two times Nobel laureate Linus Pauling strongly believed mineral deficiencies are the root cause of almost every degenerative disease known to man.

Sea water contains at least 66 elements that can provide a rich source of minerals to help stop acid reflux, and perhaps even cure it. Himalayan salt is one of the purest and richest forms of crystallized ancient sea water. If you are looking for purity, Himalayan salt is unmatched.

Here is a list of 8 acid-dependant minerals that are best absorbed in their ionic form. That’s why if you do suffer from acid reflux because of lack of minerals these are important. The problem is you need stomach acid to even absorb them.

1.?????? Chromium (Cr)

2.?????? Copper (Cu)

3.?????? Iron (Fe)

4.?????? Magnesium (Mg)

5.?????? Manganese (Mn)

6.?????? Molybdenum (Mo)

7.?????? Selenium (Se)

8.?????? Zinc (Zn)

Himalayan salt contains ionically charged minerals that make absorption easier, even if you have very little stomach acid. The trace minerals in Himalayan crystal salt are fully water soluble.

These ionic minerals have the correct synergistic blend and smaller molecular structure to be fully absorbed by the cells of the body, regardless of how much stomach acid you have.

This is another reason why taking a teaspoon a day for a few days every month is so important. Healing takes time, so be patient in either case.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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October 1, 2010

Which Food to Avoid for Acid Reflux

If you’ve been suffering from acid reflux, heart burn and other stomach acid related health problems, you probably also know antacids don’t help, in fact they can even add to your problems.

Many antacids actually block your ability to absorb vital nutrients, minerals and their cofactors.

You may already know that the solution to your acid reflux and stomach acid problems is simply to know which foods to eat and which foods to avoid.

Eating the right whole foods will help reverse your acid reflux, Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and stomach acid imbalances simply by restoring the best pH for your stomach.

Avoiding foods that cause acid reflux and its symptoms will also aid your digestive system, alleviate heartburn and eventually heal ulcers, quickly, safely and naturally.

Plus by learning to eat more of the right foods your body will have an opportunity to reverse the damage caused by toxic antacid pills and drugs.

Everyone knows absorbing the right calcium is important to healthy bones, but did you know it’s also important for a healthy heart, stomach acid levels and nervous system too?

As long as you’re NOT eating the right foods to avoid acid reflux, you’re going to be tempted to consume more Over-The-Counter (OTC) and prescription antacids that block calcium absorption with aluminum.

It just so happens foods rich in natural calcium are also excellent for avoiding acid reflux diseases.

Toxic aluminum from cookware has already been shown to accumulate in your body, why in the world would you want to eat an aluminum loaded antacid, antacids that only make your acid reflux worse anyway???

University of Alabama at Birmingham, showed that aluminum has neurotoxic effects, which may short out electrical signal in the brain. The study done by their department of pharmacology and neurosciences suggests that the aluminum blocks your cells from binding with calcium.

Scientists have discovered that calcium is important not only for strong bones and a balanced stomach acid pH, but also for the electrical circuits that carry the fastest signals in your nervous system.

By not avoiding foods that cause acid reflux and other gastrointestinal problems you are at risk of being suckered into popping these toxic aluminum containing products. The result can be disastrous once the aluminum accumulates “inside” your nerve cells, permanently interfering with your body’s natural balance of calcium.

Aluminum toxicity has also been shown to alter important calcium related proteins and a type of RNA function in your intestinal tract. These tests showed that the calcium that was blocked increased in the blood samples of chicks. High levels of calcium in your blood can lead to osteoporosis, hardening of the arteries and a weakened immune system caused from a vitamin D deficiency.

All this is directly related to your acid reflux and the foods you eat and the foods you avoid.

Here’s a list of foods to avoid for acid reflux, heart burn and stomach acid issues:

  • Orange juice
  • Grapefruit juice
  • Tomato juice
  • Deep fried potatoes
  • Raw onions
  • Grain fed meats
  • Chicken nuggets
  • Buffalo wings
  • Pasteurized milk products
  • Mac and cheese
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Alcohol
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • High fat baked goods
  • Corn chips
  • Potato chips

Anything with refined sugar, unsprouted grains, refined salt or animal fat are likely to aggravate your acid reflux symptoms. Learn more about proven Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) remedies that will help your body restore proper balance at the cellular level. Once you’ve improved your health at the cellular level all your body systems will improve their natural functions.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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