heartburn remedies

September 23, 2010

Adderall and Stomach Acid

I remember a time when it was normal for a 9 year old boy to day dream out the window and squirm in his chair during English class. Today the symptoms of ADD or ADHD, by definition, describe every 9 year old boy in the world. What?s with that?

That?s why more than 10,000,000 Adderal type prescriptions for ADD/ADHD are filled each year just in the US alone. In the 1990s, sales of these Adderal like drugs grew by over 500% and today it?s far worse.

Alerted health experts see the dangerous connection between all the ADD and ADHD prescriptions and a new trend of acid reflux, heartburn and indigestion is children these days.

This report will discuss some of the adverse effects of Adderal, such as causing a weakened immune system, disrupting stomach acid production and even damage to the brain and central nervous sytem.

When I was a kid, no one I knew ever had stomach acid issues, maybe an occasional stomach ache from too much junk food, but heartburn was a word for adults not kids. So what?s different these days?

Well for one, there?s more junk food available today than 40 years ago, it?s one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet . . . and so is selling Adderal, Ritalin and all the other Schedule II drugs.

Adderal is a powerful stimulant drug that chemically alters the ?reward pathway? of the brain and central nervous system. Adderal and these other mind altering drugs are experimental ?controlled substances? that have a significant abuse and addiction potential.

Your stomach acid production is dependent on a complex network of cells and nerve endings. In fact the gastrointestinal system, or gut, is now considered by leading gastroenterologists as the
?second brain.?

Technically the gut has more nerve endings than the brain. Stomach acid is only one product of your gut; it also produces the same neurotransmitters, like serotonin and dopamine, as the brain does. This is all part of your total ?reward pathway? that loops through the brain, gut and ultimately the central nervous system.

The following structures are part of your ?reward pathway? affected by Adderal like drugs.

? Ventral Tegmental: Consists of dopamine GABE and glutamate neurons.

? Nucleus Accumbens: Made of medium spiny neurons representing 90% of all neurons

? Amygdala: There are one in each temporal lobe, associated with fight and flight emotions.

? Hippocampus: Connected to memory, known as the third brain.

? Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis: Regulates Hypothalmic, Pituitary and adrenal activity

? The Gut: A.K.A. the second brain consisting of 100,000,000 neurons.

It?s irresponsible for drug companies to make experimental drugs that manipulate the nervous system, and gut especially when ADD and ADHD are ?contrived, non-existent conditions.? The scientists that are paid to invent these powerful chemicals do not know all of the adverse side effects.

Why else would Adderal trigger serious stomach acid problems? All Big Pharma cares about is controlling your brain and tricking millions of people to believe drugs like Adderal serve any benefit at all, when in fact all they do is harm.

There is a new field called neurogastroenterology, which recognizes that your stomach?s (enteric) nervous system mirrors your central nervous system. Toxic drugs like Adderal interfere with not only the brain and central nervous system, but also mess up stomach acid production by manipulating neurotransmitters in your gut.

The drug companies and their select drug ?dealers? are only told drugs like Adderal interfere with the ?mesolimbic? (brain) reward pathway, and completely disregard an accurate holistic viewpoint.

Bottom line is the good neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, norephinephrine, enkophalin endorphins and nitric oxide, along with the 24 brain proteins found in your gastrointestinal system called neuropeptides, are all shut down or interrupted by Adderal type drugs.

Taking Adderal not only interferes with the neuropeptides that are major cells in your immune system, but Adderal and similar Class II substances disrupt the balance of stomach acid, which can lead to many different health problems like heartburn, acid reflux and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.

Using natural remedies you can learn how to help your body?s second brain and reward pathways like an electrical switchboard. By simply discovering the healing, calming and strengthening benefits of whole food sourced nutrients you can nurture superior mental and physical health without taking Adderal or other experimental drugs.

You were born to heal,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 15, 2010

Stomach Virus and Heartburn

Did you just get over having a stomach virus and now you suffer from heart burn and indigestion?

Then you might be wondering if there is such a thing as a heartburn virus, but there?s not.

It just so happens that the condition that permitted the virus to flourish, is the same condition that can trigger acid indigestion.

You see a stomach virus, or any type of virus depends on you providing the right internal environment in order for it to become active.

In other words, you could already have a virus or many viruses inside your body. However, they are asleep in a ?dormant? state unless the conditions invite them to wake-up and become ?active.?

Viruses behave similar to a seed, a bad weed seed. Seeds of grain have been found in 4,000 year old Egyptian tombs that remained completely ?dormant? and intact.

When these ancient seeds were then placed in moist, nutrient rich and decaying soil, they sprouted and grew.

Your heartburn symptoms are another health issue that is a tell-tale sign of a specific environmental condition. It just so happens that the ?environment? I?m referring to is inside your body.

A healthy body will ward off viral attacks and maintain a balanced gastrointestinal environment.

Once that environment is set ?off balance,? just about anything is fair game. Just like anything else, once it is off balance, it is easy to tip it over. Even a tiny virus can collapse an unbalanced immune system; it doesn?t take much once your health has been weakened to an extreme point.

Old Science Proves You Can Ward Off Viruses and Heartburn Without Drugs

Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908), a Frenchman, made the greatest contributions to microbiology more than one hundred years ago, all of which is preserved in the archives of the French Academy of Science.

Unfortunately most of his discoveries have been erroneously accredited to the infamous plagiarist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895).

Bechamp’s research proved that your cells are made of smaller living entities that behaved intelligently and showed self healing abilities. He proved that germs and viruses needed an acidic pH inside the body and when the body?s natural pH balance was maintained at a slightly alkaline pH, these micro-organisms, bacteria and viruses could not grow.

A healthy alkaline pH is the result of having a slightly salty blood plasma. By salty I mean a body with a healthy balance of ?trace minerals? similar to sea salt.

The ancient biblical statement that you are ?the salt of the earth,? rings timelessly true here.

Bechamp knew that your body?s operating system revealed an intelligent design and it?s only vulnerable when intelligence is not equally applied through wise dietary and lifestyle habits.

Heartburn can be cured by eating a variety of raw foods Mama Nature made to switch on the master switch to your immune system. There is no medication yet that can match the efficiency of a healthy, balanced immune system.

All you need to do to support this ?intelligent defense system? is to eat right and exercise a little. If you suffer from viruses and heartburn, indigestion or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), you can live free of these parasites and disruptive symptoms by simply changing your internal environment.

Eat foods that create and nurture a healthy alkaline condition.

The almost lost secret of long life and optimum wellness is all about finding mineral rich sources of foods and eating them regularly, it?s that simple. You can wash your hands all day long with detergents and antibiotic soaps, but if your pH balance is acidic internally, you?re going to run into stomach viruses, flu bugs and probably end up battling acid indigestion and heartburn the rest of your life.

It doesn?t have to be that way . . . seek out knowledge about natural remedies and prove evidence-based Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) cures and join the? Self Health Revolution.?

Live well,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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Gastritis Treatments

Another word for acid reflux or heartburn is gastritis. Ultimately when over-the-counter (OTC) gimmicks like antacids and risky pharmaceutical drugs fail miserably, it?s never too late to embrace a more holistic approach.

I won?t claim that chemically treating gastritis is absolutely unnecessary, only because once you prescribe to the barbaric ways of Westernized medicine; you?re going to most likely end up having more extreme gastritis treatments like surgery.

I?m also not going to say that Western medicine?s gastritis treatments are absolutely necessary either.

Truth is it?s ever too late to consider the proven benefits of integrative and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). Yet as you already know, the sooner you catch on and start using natural remedies, the sooner you will experience a total healing of your gastritis.

It goes unsaid that correct treatment of gastritis depends on the root cause.

According to the Mayo clinic, a sudden onset and short duration of gastritis caused from taking Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) like Ibuprofen or alcohol can be relieved by stopping use of those substances.

That should be a warning to you that prolonged of this class of drugs (NSAIDs) may lead to chronic gastritis.

In other words, you should know one of Ibuprofen?s many adverse side effects is gastritis. Other brand names of ibuprofen are Advil, Motrin, Nuprin and even Pediacare Fever.

7 Other brands of drugs that belong to the NSAID class are:

1. Aspirin (Bayer)

2. Naproxen (Aleve)

3. Indomethacin (Indocin)

4. Nabumetone (Relafen)

5. Celecoxib (Celebrex)

6. Flurbiprofen (Ansaid)

7. Rofecoxib (Vioxx)

Check with your pharmacist to see if you?re unknowingly taking any NSAID class drugs, because there are dozens of them out there. NSAIDs reduce the flow of blood to the kidneys and impair function of the kidneys which can be a factor in your gastritis problem, gastric acid production and many other associated digestive health problems.

Fact: ?it?s estimated that 35% to 80% of people with gastritis also suffer from asthma.

People suffering from asthma are more likely to experience allergic reactions to ibuprofen and other NSAIDs. Fluid retention (edema), blood clots, heart attacks, high blood pressure and outright heart failure have also been associated with the use of NSAIDs. Plus some products like Excedrin (acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine), are a combination of drugs.

Other Westernized medical treatments for gastritis are:

  • Antacids: Over-the-counter antacids (Maalox, Mylanta, others) in liquid or tablet form are a common treatment for mild gastritis. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and can lead to gut flora imbalances often leading to bacterial infections.
  • Acid blockers: When antacids don’t provide enough relief, your doctor may recommend more medication, such as cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac), nizatidine (Axid) or famotidine (Pepcid), that helps reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces. These drugs only treat symptoms and do not cure your gastritis.
  • Proton pump inhibitors: These drugs shut down your body?s natural ?acid pumps.? They chemically block the action of the acid-secreting cells of your stomach. This class of medications includes omeprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevacid), rabeprazole (Aciphex) and esomeprazole (Nexium). ?Blocking natural digestive acid production can have many adverse consequences, be sure to know the risks.

When treating the symptoms of your gastritis with any drug, be absolutely sure your gastritis symptoms isn?t caused from a common gastric ?acid deficiency,? which is more common than you would first think.

Sometimes The Gastritis Treatment Is Worse Than The Disease

Doctors often end up treating people with gastritis for a bacterial infection (H.Pylori), known to be caused from antacids. The treatment for this antacid induced infection is usually antibiotics combined with proton pump inhibitor drugs.

Antibiotics kill the bad ?ulcer causing? H. Pylori bacteria as well as any healthy micro-organisms remaining in your digestive tract (probiotics).

There?s clearly a good reason to not use antacids to treat your gastritis in the first place. I?ve only pointed out ?a handful? of the consequences of mistreating gastritis with antacids and other drugs.

Do you really need me to show you more?

There are many evidence-based, scientifically proven, natural remedies that help your body heal itself from the symptoms of gastritis . . . start looking and you will find them.

Do ask your doctor to use Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) when treating gastritis, before resorting to risky experimental drugs.

Live well,

Todd M. Faass?

Health Ecologist

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September 13, 2010

What Are Good Foods to Eat with Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a medical condition in which the patient?s lower esophageal sphincter (LES) does not close after taking in food. All of the food we eat passes into our stomach through the LES, and if it does not close, the acid produced inside of our stomach can reach to our esophagus causing acid reflux disease. This can lead to heartburn, chest pain, and a multitude of other conditions, so it is extremely important to ask yourself: what are good foods to eat with acid reflux?

Preparing a diet regimen for treating acid reflux can be intimidating, and the problem may increase if you have any kind of food allergy. Normally acid reflux flares up post meal, hence it is important to have food that discourages reflux. Those suffering from this disease should have food in small amounts, spreading their meals throughout the day instead of having two or three large meals per day. If you take small amounts of food throughout the day, you will experience less stomach distension and lower acid levels. These techniques will ease pain and peripheral conditions that manifest through acid reflux.

An acid reflux reducing diet consists of all the essential food groups- fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and dairy products. However, some of the specific items under these groups are not prescribed. People suffering from acid reflux disease, are asked to avoid drinks containing caffeine, alcohol, chocolate and peppermint. One should also avoid foods with a high fat or grease content because they are harder to digest and cause your body to produce even more acid.

When you ask your doctor: ?what are good foods to eat with acid reflux?? he or she will normally recommend grains that have a low fat content like rice, multigrain, corn, oats, graham crackers, unseasoned pretzels and bran. White bread, rice cakes, and low fat dairy products are also good for patients suffering from acid reflux. Cabbage, celery, fennel, peas, green beans, broccoli, carrots and cabbage can be included in the diet, and fruits like bananas, apples, peaches, berries, melons are also great choices. Citrus fruits must be avoided since they aggravate the problem.

Feta cheese, cheese prepared from soy and vegetables can be eaten, while ice cream, whole milk and chocolates must be avoided. If you must eat meat, keep it low fat, like skinless boneless white meat chicken, low fat fish, egg whites, London Broil steaks and lean ground beef. Many people use a wide variety of seasonings, toppings, and condiments while preparing food. However, you must remember that these should also contain a low percentage of fat.

Avoiding chocolate based desserts is mandatory. Jelly beans, pudding, baked chips, cookies, fat free snacks, sweets, sorbet and yogurt containing low fat are allowed. When wonder what are good foods to eat with acid reflux, you should include high fibrous foods since it clears the stomach nicely and is filling at the same time. Food items like strawberries, scallions, ham, scrambled egg, Mozzarella and Cottage cheese, muffins and root beer can be eaten in moderation.

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